h1964 An Liang took the initiative to ask for benefits? 3/5]

Summer country, late at night.

Huang Guoxiang was looking at the intelligence information Shi Feng had investigated from Kerea. In addition to the information provided by Shi Feng, Huang Guoxiang also sent field agents into Kerea to investigate more.

When Huang Guoxiang read these intelligence materials, he couldn’t help rubbing his temples, as if talking to himself, “An Liang, what exactly do you want to do?”

“Why did you choose Corea again? Huang Guoxiang” couldn’t understand An Liang’s intention.

According to the intelligence obtained by Shi Feng and the field agents, Huang Guoxiang was 100% sure that An Liang was deeply involved in the affairs of the Koriya court behind the scenes.

From the existing intelligence analysis, Huang Guoxiang suspects that An Liang seems to be involved in the election of the chief prime minister of the Koriya court. Although An Liang cannot manipulate such things, it does not mean that he cannot interfere.

There is a saying in the court field: making sugar is not sweet, making it sour!

Meaning: The promises given may not necessarily be fulfilled, but there must be no problem in interfering with them.

“This guy, could it be Huang Guoxiang who thought of 447 possibilities.

Coria’s situation is quite special!

He vaguely thought of An Liang’s possible thoughts.

When Huang Guoxiang just had the corresponding idea, his mobile phone rang, and the caller ID was An Liang.

Huang Guoxiang’s expression changed slightly, and then he shook his head in relief. He swiped the screen to answer An Liang’s call, and took the initiative to ask, “What’s the matter?”

“Still asleep yet?” An Liang asked nonsense.

Huang Guoxiang complained, “Even if you fell asleep, didn’t you wake up now?”

An Liang said casually, “I have good news for you.”

“You tell me what the news is first. As for whether it is good news or not, I remain skeptical.” Huang Guoxiang responded.

“Haha, Lao Huang, you are just too suspicious, how can I have bad thoughts?” An Liang said casually.

An Liang has no bad thoughts?

(daai) Huang Guoxiang is too lazy to complain!

“Let’s talk about your good news first!” Huang Guoxiang pulled back to the topic.

An Liang said affirmatively, “It’s still a matter of Great Australia, we have already started a plan for Great Australia, and the suspension of wine cooperation is the first step.”

“What’s your next plan?” Huang Guoxiang asked according to the routine.

“The West and the North Bear Country are discussing the possibility of cooperating to develop the North Bear Country’s iron ore. If the two sides cooperate, the West and the South will invest in jointly developing the North Bear Country’s iron ore, which will eventually be sold to us in the Xia Country.” An Liang explained.

Huang Guoxiang understood An Liang’s meaning in a second, “Suppressing the iron ore price of Great Australia through the iron ore of the North Bear country?”

“Yes.” An Liang said affirmatively.

“If the iron ore production in the North Bear country increases, we can completely get rid of the control of the Great Australia.” An Liang added.

Huang Guoxiang further added, “Actually, the information released by the Western Hemisphere and the North Bear Country will create pressure on the Great Australia Country. After all, we have another choice, and they have an additional competitor.”

“Are you sure to promote the cooperation between the Western Hemisphere and the North Bear Country?” Huang Guoxiang asked rhetorically.

An Liang responded, “I can push them to cooperate, but will the steel companies in our Xia Kingdom buy it?”

“What do you mean? Huang Guoxiang” asked rhetorically.

“You understand.” An Liang said calmly.

Xia Guo has repeatedly failed in the international trade of iron ore, not only because its own iron ore is of low grade and it is more difficult to mine, but also because the internal iron and steel enterprises are scattered.

There are always some iron and steel companies that are prone to self-disruption, thus cheapening overseas iron ore companies.

Huang Guoxiang understands this truth.

But what does An Liang mean?

“What exactly do you want to do?” Huang Guoxiang asked again.

“Old Huang, I always think something is wrong with you, are you misunderstanding me?” An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang denied, “I’m just curious, what exactly are you going to do.

“I need a fair chance to compete.” An Liang responded, “If, I mean if, when the cooperation between the Western Hemisphere and the North Bear Country starts, our steel enterprises are still scattered, and under such circumstances, they will be Okay, I would like to get a chance to enter the steel market.

Huang Guoxiang responded casually, “If you want to enter the iron and steel enterprise, then enter the iron and steel enterprise, and we will not stop you.”

An Liang sneered, “It’s too slow to start from scratch, I want Imperial Steel Company.”

In the iron and steel industry of Xia Kingdom, Emperor Steel Company ranked fifth in overall strength. It has a history of nearly a hundred years, and it is quite powerful in terms of technical strength and production capacity.

Huang Guoxiang hummed lightly, “This is your purpose!”

“No no no, my purpose is just to help you fight against the Great Australia, but I can’t help you with all your might, you are holding back?” An Liang said jokingly.

“To be honest, if I cooperate with the Great Australia, the Great Australia should welcome me, right?” An Liang said confidently.

Huang Guoxiang was powerless to refute.

According to An Liang’s situation, if An Liang is willing to cooperate with the Great Australia, the Great Australia will definitely give An Liang the best conditions, and it is even possible to give whatever he wants.

After all, An Liang not only holds great wealth, but also holds advanced technology!,

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