h1981 We can cut prices, but then what? [5/5]

Moral kidnapping is a very disgusting routine!

Faced with the moral kidnapping of Neon Wenguan Bo, An Liang did not respond positively at all, and directly kidnapped the other four companies with morality, and pulled others into the water, so as to find a fish in troubled waters.

Reply to moral kidnapping?


Others have been kidnapped by morality, can they still speak rationally?

If it is reasonable, others will continue to morally kidnap!

For example, the moral kidnapping of neon on the lighthouse of hardware aids for visually impaired people. If An Liang is serious and reasonable, he lists the data, indicating the hardware cost of the lighthouse, the cost of research and development, and so on.

None of this makes sense.

Because Neon Jianjian will continue to morally kidnap!

Since they have already started moral kidnapping, do they still expect the other party to have any morality?

Neon News originally thought that the dream of the future graphene official expo was kidnapped by morality “Eight Seven”, so as to make sense, but who knew that the other party would do the opposite, not only did not explain the matter of moral kidnapping, but became moral kidnapper.

Apple Xiaguo is the most unlucky!

It is clear that Apple Xia Guo is a partner of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, but now he is also involved in the Dream Future Graphene official blog.

Apple’s official blog account of Xia Guo released a new Weibo account, saying that the research and development of Apple’s mobile phones requires a lot of money, plus various taxes and human resource costs, the net profit of Apple’s mobile phones is not too high.

Benz also bluntly stated that material costs are only visible costs, and there are many invisible costs. In the automotive industry, both R&D costs and safety testing costs are very high costs.

Benz also smartly brought a lighthouse, indicating that the lighthouse has a very high technological content, especially the technological content of image processing technology has reached the world’s advanced level, and the corresponding hardware and software research and development costs are probably very high.

Therefore, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is willing to sell the lighthouse at the material cost price, which is definitely a good deed!

Nova’s official account on Weibo was originally just a little transparent.

After all, Nova’s Zolgensma special medicine is very niche, and it only entered Xiaguo last year. More importantly, the price is close to 15 million yuan, and 99.9% of Xiaguo people cannot afford such a price.

Therefore, Nova is a little brother who has no sense of existence on Weibo.

This time, the official blog of Dream Future Graphene was involved, and Nova’s official blog responded.

Nova Corporation:

@Dream Future Graphene: @Neon News:

Thank you for caring about our Zolgensma special medicine.

First, let’s announce the research and development cost of Zolgensma’s special drug: $10.3 billion.

The research and development took 6 years in total, from 2009 to 2015, it was thoroughly verified, and in December 2016, it was certified by the Bald Eagle Country FDA and entered the Bald Eagle Country market.

In 2017, it obtained the Europa Union drug certification and entered the Europa market.

In 2018, it obtained the Xiaguo drug certification, and officially entered the Xiaguo market in 2019.

Our company plans to enter the global mainstream market this year.

At present, our company’s Zolgensma special drug for the treatment of hereditary neuromuscular diseases is priced at US$2.125 million in Bald Eagle Country, and our company adopts a global unified settlement and settlement plan.

To put it simply, according to the current exchange rate between Xia Guoyuan and the US dollar, the price of our Zolgensma special medicine is only less than 14 million.

Although the price of this one is indeed very expensive, our company wants to clarify one thing.

Even though the Zolgensma special drug is expensive, it is still caring for the disadvantaged.

This is not our sophistry.

Before the Zolgensma special drug developed by our company, if you suffer from a hereditary neuromuscular disease, you have no choice but to wait for death.

The incidence of hereditary neuromuscular disease is 1 in 6,000 to 1 in 10,000. This probability is a true random probability. It is not that every 6,000 to 10,000 newborn babies must have a hereditary neuromuscular disease. Every newborn baby has this probability of getting sick.

Once you are unlucky and suffer from hereditary neuromuscular disease, before our company develops the Zolgensma special medicine, there is no second choice but to die.

Because our company has developed the Zolgensma specific drug, patients have a second chance to choose.

Let us now make an assumption, if our company reduces the price of Zolgensma special medicine to 1400 Xia Guoyuan, what will be the consequences?

The first consequence should be a good thing, because some patients who would otherwise not be able to pay the high medical bills will be able to use Zolgensma’s special drug to get a new life…

We cannot deny this!

But what about the aftermath?

The next consequence is that we spent six years of research and development, and the medical results with a total investment of 10.3 billion US dollars were destroyed.

Zolgensma’s specific drug was only approved for listing by the Bald Eagle Country in December 2016. Our total revenue is still less than 5 billion US dollars, and our total profit is even less.

From the current point of view, our development of Zolgensma special medicine is still at a loss.

If we are asked to reduce the Zolgensma special medicine to 1400 Xia Guoyuan at this time, and we do it, what about the next time?


What about next time?

Or is there a next time?

We need to invest a lot of time and money to develop new drugs. These investments are risky. For example, if we spend 6 years and 10.3 billion US dollars to develop Zolgensma special medicine, what if we fail?

Although the Zolgensma special drug was successful, our company can provide a document that records ten new drugs that our company failed to develop, with a total cost of more than 50 billion US dollars.

These research and development costs are intangible consumption, and the outside world cannot even know it, and we will not actively promote it.

The material cost is only a very, very small part of the cost of 0.9, and the R&D cost is the biggest problem.

We are a commercial company, and commercial companies must pursue profits.

On the premise of the pursuit of profit, we will develop life-saving drugs again and again, instead of generating electricity for love.

If it is to generate electricity for love, a large number of special drugs will not be developed at all, and those patients who correspond to the disease have no choice at all. In the face of the disease, are they not a vulnerable group?

Therefore, it is impossible for our Zolgensma special drug to reduce the price at present. We need to make profits, and we need more profits, so that we have enough funds to develop more new drugs for diseases.

Thanks for understanding!

Updated: January 27, 2021 02:00:07, good night.

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