h1982 shouting from the air: cooperation? [1/5]

Nova posted a sincere and reasonable blog post on Weibo.

As Nova’s blog post said, they Nova can reduce the price of Zolgensma’s special drug to 1400 Xia Guoyuan, but then what?

Then there are pharmaceutical companies who have no intention of developing new drugs. Anyway, if they develop new drugs, they will be kidnapped by morality. Why should they develop new drugs?

Simply do some placebos, cheap and without side effects, and there will be no moral kidnapping, right?

Repeating the cycle like this is bound to lead to bad results!

Amgen also came out and issued a document expressing support for Nova and supporting the moral kidnapping of their dream future Graphene Technology Group.

Amgen Corporation:

First condemn @NEONJIAN, and secondly support the dream of future graphene.

The lighthouse is awesome 30!

But we recommend that you calculate the balance between R&D cost and selling price as soon as possible, so as to recover the cost and avoid the beacon becoming a swan song.

Finally, we secretly expressed that Amgen is willing to be your agent in Bald Eagle Country.

When the second-generation lighthouse is released, we hope to release it to the Bald Eagle Country.

Of course, if the first-generation lighthouse can also be sold to the Bald Eagle Country, we are willing to discuss possible cooperation plans.

The people who eat melons look at the information released by Amgen and ridicule that the company is poisonous.

Next door, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group kidnapped Amgen company morally. As a result, Amgen company not only did not refute, but instead expressed its support for Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

A more coquettish operation is that Amgen hopes to be an agent for the lighthouse.

What kind of shit is this?

In fact, in the commercial field, Amgen’s operation is normal.

Although Dream Future Graphene’s official blog account has engaged in a moral kidnapping, Amgen is not a brainless company. How can you not know that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is ironing the official blog of Neon News?

Besides, there is also a well-informed and emotional explanation from Nova in front of it!

Under such circumstances, Amgen will of course make a public announcement to see if it can become an agent of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

What if it succeeds?

Once represented by the beacon of the Graphene Technology Group that dreams of the future, Amgen could make a fortune.

As for the cost?

It’s just a public announcement on Weibo, and you don’t have to spend a penny. Why not do it?

Looking at the operations of Nova and Amgen on Weibo, An Liang sighed to himself that both companies have very good public relations.

Far more than some of the Internet giants in Xia Guo.

The public relations of some big Internet companies in Xia Guo are simply brainless!

Looking at the crisis public relations capabilities of Nova and Amgen, they were clearly kidnapped by morality, and they could easily reverse the situation.

Whether it is Nova’s clearing the clouds or Amgen’s reverse cooperation, all of them can easily resolve the crisis.

In the face of Amgen’s public shout-outs on Weibo, An Liang thought about it for a while and decided to interact in the air.

After all, there is a contrast, and the preciousness of the lighthouse can be more clearly reflected, isn’t it?

Dreaming of Future Graphene:

@AmgenCompany: Does your family really want to be an agent?

Come on, let’s talk about the first generation of lighthouses.

I was scolded by the big boss just now. The future of the lighthouse project is uncertain. We cooperate and cooperate to balance the research and development costs.

Although the number of fans of the Dream Future Graphene official blog account is not tens of millions, the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has not done anything, such as brushing some zombie fans.

Therefore, the official blog of Dream Future Graphene is very active, and the number of likes on any Weibo easily exceeds 100,000.

In the face of the latest Weibo content of Dream Future Graphene, the people who eat melon have ridiculed one after another.

Top quack:

Come, come, the wealth password is coming again!

Buying a lot of Amgen stock early?

This reply became the first popular comment, because many people who eat melon like to take the dream of graphene official blog as a stock compass.

For example, the current situation.

If Amgen and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group reach a partnership, will Amgen’s stock price go up?

Some old Versailles even posted screenshots under the Dream Future Graphene official blog, saying that they have earned millions of funds through the Dream Future Graphene official blog.

Amgen also saw the reply from Dream Future Graphene’s official blog. Eric Walter, Amgen’s representative in Xiaguo, immediately instructed his subordinates to contact Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

Although the two sides just shouted in Weibo to express their cooperation, it seems like a child’s play, but the two sides have never had an intersection.

Eric Walter is very optimistic about the beacon of hardware aids for the visually impaired.

According to Eric Walter’s analysis, if the lighthouse is introduced into the Bald Eagle Country, considerable economic benefits will be obtained.

After all, not all visually impaired people are economically disadvantaged.

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