h2042 Send messages face to face? [1/5]

In the corner of the Starbucks coffee shop in the Starlight Center, Liu Pity looked at the relevant information of Fengfan Power. From the information, it seems that there is no problem with Fengfan Power. It is completely improper operation, suspected of technical fraud, and eventually led to bankruptcy. .

Liu Ling sighed lightly and put away the documents of Fengfan Power again. She has already reached a conclusion in her heart. If there is no accident, she will lose this time!

Not only the issue of losing, but also taking a very big responsibility, and even being investigated, so as to determine whether there is a relationship of interest transmission between her and Fengfan Power.

After Liu Ling put away the information of Fengfan Power, she sat quietly in the corner.

A man in his mid-thirties, wearing a white shirt and trousers, came over and took the initiative to chat up, “Is there anyone here?”

Liu Ling glanced at him and replied in a flat tone, “Someone.

… The man in the white shirt was choked by Liu Ling’s nonsense response, so he could only turn around and leave.

When the other party left, Liu Ling directly took the Porsche Cayenne coupe’s car key out of the Louis Vuitton tote bag and put it on the coffee table, so as to avoid chatting with cats and dogs.

At 6:10 in the evening, Liu Ling received a call from Li Xiyan, she swiped the screen to answer, and said first, “Are you here yet?”

“Um, we’ll be there soon, shall we come to pick you up, or do you drive by yourself?” Li Xiyan asked back.

Liu Ling responded, “I’ll drive by myself, let’s meet at Zhenzhaoyu!”

“Okay.” Li Xiyan agreed.

The Xingguang Center was about ten minutes away from Muling Mountain. Even during the rush hour, it took only a quarter of an hour for Liu Ling to arrive at the parking lot outside the Zhen Steamed Fish Shop.

An Liang and Li Xi also arrived just in time.

The three walked into the real steamed fish shop together. The turmoil caused by An Liang in the real steamed fish had disappeared. Even if the owner of the real steamed fish still remembered, the other party knew how to deal with it in a low-key manner.

In the box in the steamed fish shop, An Liang handed the menu to Li Xiyan and Liu Ling, motioning them to order.

Li Xiyan flipped through the menu with great interest, while Liu Ling was a little absent-minded.

An Liang noticed Liu Ling’s strangeness, but he did not ask.

Li Xiyan selected Dongxingban as usual, and then asked An Liang, “What would you like to eat?”

An Liang responded casually, “Help me order a Boston lobster steamed with garlic.

“Yeah!” Li Xiyan responded, then looked at Liu Ling, “Mom, what do you want to eat?”

As if Liu Ling didn’t hear it, she stared at the menu in a trance.

“Mom!” Li Xiyan raised her voice.

Liu Ling finally came back to her senses, “Huh?”

Li Xiyan looked at Liu Ling suspiciously, “Mom, what’s wrong with you?”

Liu Ling put the menu together, “I’m thinking about work, you watch it, I’ll eat something casually.

An Liang answered casually, “Have you encountered trouble at work?”

Liu Ling hesitated for a while, but shook her head in denial, “I have been working a lot recently, so I’m just a little upset.”

An Liang nodded slightly, and he didn’t ask any more, as if he agreed with Liu Ling’s answer.

But An Liang took out his mobile phone and sent a message on the mobile phone.

After a while, An Liang received the reply message and knew the ins and outs of the matter. An Liang sent a message to Liu Ling directly on WeChat.

“An Liang: The sailing power thing?

When Liu Ling received a message from An Liang, she first glanced at Li Xiyan out of the corner of her eye and found that Li Xiyan was still looking at the menu, and then she replied to the message.

Liu Ling: ?

“An Liang: I asked President Song of your branch about the windsurfing power, and I now know the general situation.

Liu Ling secretly said something different, An Liang actually knew their branch manager Song Yi?

But it’s okay to think about it!

AXA Construction’s treasury business is placed in the Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank. What is strange about An Liang knowing Song Yi, the branch manager?

“An Liang: The sailing power is dead, isn’t it?

Fengfan Power used to be a well-known enterprise in Shengqing, and it can enter the top five categories in the motorcycle industry. It is a pity that the motorcycle industry was sunset, and Fengfan Power failed to transform in time, so it was abandoned by the times.

“Liu Ling: Yes.”

Liu Ling: [Structure of Windsurfing Power Assets

Liu Ling: At present, Fengfan Power is filing for bankruptcy. According to Fengfan Power’s bankruptcy plan, we can only get back a loan of 16 million yuan at most, which is equivalent to a bad debt of 104 million yuan.

For Liu Ling, this bad debt will ruin her career.

” An Liang; Is it illegal for Fengfan Power to use the loan funds?

Liu Ling: From what we know, there is no illegal situation.

“Liu Ling: The problem is still that Fengfan Power is not operating well, and there is a problem of technical fraud, which has caused Fengfan Power to be in trouble.

“Liu Ling: At present, Fengfan Power owes us 120 million yuan, and various suppliers have as much as 136 million yuan in payables.

“Liu Ling: The total valuation of Fengfan Power is about 40 million, but Fengfan Power still owes nearly 6 million in wages.

In bankruptcy cases like this one, if it was ten years ago, employee wages should have been the last to be resolved, but in the era of 2020, employee wages are often the first to be resolved.

Looking at the message sent by Liu Ling, An Liang found a problem!,

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