h2043 was cheated! [2/5]

Regarding windsurfing power, An Liang found a problem!

The total valuation of sail power is only 40 million?

Not right!

An Liang estimated that the production base of Sail Power alone is worth more than 200 million yuan. Why is the total value only 40 million yuan?

In addition to the plant, production line, brand and technology, and inventory, etc., the combined value, plus two or three billion is not a big problem?

An Liang sent his doubts to Liu Ling, and sent additional inquiry information.

“An Liang: What collateral did Fengfan Power use to loan 120 million from your branch?!

This question is very important!

Gongshang Bank is not a charitable organization. Fengfan Power wants to obtain a loan of 120 million from Gongshang Bank, and the mortgage will definitely exceed the limit of 120 million.

For a company like Fengfan Power, which is in trouble, An Liang wondered if Fengfan Power had to put up at least 200 million worth of collateral before it was possible to get a 120 million loan from Gongshang Bank?

A look of sadness flashed in Liu Ling’s eyes before replying to the message.

Liu Ling: An export order worth 200 million yuan, a total of 43,000 taels of sail motorcycles, but this export order had an accident and is currently on hold.

“An Liang: Since there is collateral, or collateral worth 200 million, wouldn’t it be better for them to go bankrupt?

To be fair, 40% off motorcycles, An Liang thinks it’s okay to sell them in minutes?

After An Liang sent the message, Li Xiyan put down the menu, “I have chosen,”!”

An Liang greeted the service staff to order, Li Xiyan ordered steamed dongxingban, this little silly cat likes the taste of dongxingban, Li Xiyan added that he chose steamed turbot with pepper, fish and tofu soup, a piece of fried vegetables, and a Plus An Liang’s Garlic Boston Lobster.

“Do you think this is enough?” Li Xi asked An Liang.

An Liang nodded, “It’s almost enough, if it’s not enough, we’ll order more later, we don’t waste it.”

“Hmm!” Li Xiyan responded, then looked at Liu Ling, “Is mom still working on it?”

Liu Ling nodded, “Well, I’m still dealing with work.”

An Liang asked knowingly, “What trouble did Auntie encounter at work?”

Liu Ling also cooperated with the acting’s response, “We have a problem with the collateral for a loan.”

“Is it convenient to talk about it in detail?” An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan also looked at Liu Ling curiously.

Liu Ling was silent for a few seconds before responding, “Fengfan Power has produced a batch of motorcycles for export, but there is a problem with the export order. The specific reason is that the environmental protection of this batch of motorcycles is not up to standard and cannot be exported. The demand for orders also cannot meet the needs of our national environmental protection bill.”

At present, the motorcycle environmental protection law implemented by Xia Guo is the Xia IV standard, which even exceeds the current standard of Europa in terms of the strictness of the standard. The reason why some small and medium-sized motorcycle enterprises are eliminated is also because of the strict environmental protection law.

After listening to Liu Ling’s explanation, An Liang had a sudden realization.

Tech Fake!

It turns out that this is the case, and the Gongshang Bank has been tricked!

Although Fengfan Power provided motorcycles worth 200 million yuan as collateral, the emission standards of this batch of motorcycles could not meet the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act, and naturally they could not be sold in Xiaguo, which was quite troublesome to deal with.

An Liang responded, “Since there is a problem with the collateral, then take legal procedures and force Sail Power to replace other collateral through legal weapons, such as the land use rights of their production base?”

Liu Ling shook her head in denial, “Their production base has been mortgaged to the Beixin branch of Xia Guo Bank next door.”

“An Liang was speechless.

Even the land use right of the production base was mortgaged?

The power of this sail is a bit ruthless!

“At present, the assets of Fengfan Power are only two production lines, as well as the brand of Fengfan Power, as well as related technical property rights. The land use rights of the production base, as well as factory buildings, office buildings, etc., are all mortgaged by Fengfan Power. Go out.” Liu Ling added.

“Although there are 66,000 motorcycles of various types in the Fengfan Power warehouse, the Fengfan Power motorcycles are suspected of falsifying emission standards and cannot be sold in China at present.” Liu Ling continued.

“This time, not only our Common Commercial Bank was swindled by Fengfan Power, but even the neighboring Shengqing Commercial Bank was swindled by 50 million yuan. The collateral is 2. Li Qianzhao) 20,000 Fengfan-powered motorcycles.” Liu Ling added.

Li Xiyan played the naive style again, “Wow! The power of this sail is too ruthless, and it has deceived so many people. They must have made a profit?”


Both An Liang and Liu Ling looked at Li Xiyan speechlessly.

“Cough cough!” An Liang coughed twice, he reminded, “Auntie is the person in charge of approving the Fengfan Power Loan Project, right?

Liu Ling responded affirmatively, “Yes, the project leader of this payment is me, so the current problem is very troublesome.”

Li Xiyan finally realized the problem, she shrank her neck, and didn’t say anything silly.

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