h2074 Why are you wearing Liu Ling’s clothes? [3/3]

The two parties signed the contract, and the Life Winner system immediately issued a prompt sound.


However, An Liang did not check the system prompt, he was arranging Tao Shizhong to take over the sailing power, and there were a series of things that needed to be dealt with on the sailing power side.

Including the payment of delayed employee wages, the specific amount is 5.98 million, which is almost 6 million.

At the same time, it is also necessary to settle the arrears of the supplier, clear the inventory, and deal with the discount of the remaining spare parts to the supplier.

To deal with the 66,000 motorcycles in stock that do not meet the emission standards of the Xia Guo Environmental Protection Act, An Liang plans to get these motorcycles to Tyrande, along with two motorcycle production lines.

In An Liang’s plan, to deal with the remaining problems of sail power, completely empty the residual assets of sail power, and only give one week at most, and at the same time, change the land nature of the sail power production base in one week.

The next step is to develop a large integrated commercial center!

An Liang plans to complete this project in two years, mainly because AXA Construction is currently delayed by the West City development plan, otherwise the development time should be faster.

“Perhaps I should suggest to Dad 280 to expand the scale of the AXA building? An Liang thought to himself.

If we expand the scale of AXA buildings, we can speed up the development of large-scale integrated commercial centers, right?

“Uncle Tao, you will first deal with the salary issue of Fengfan Power’s delayed employees today. President Song will cooperate with us to deal with it. All the arrears of employees’ wages will be fully settled today, and follow-up issues will be handled according to the labor contract.” An Liang instructed.

Tao Shizhong responded affirmatively, “Okay!

“By the way, bring the contract back to the headquarters and save it.” An Liang ordered.

“No problem.” Tao Shizhong agreed.


After Tao Shizhong left, An Liang also stood up, “President Song, I’ll go first!”

Song Yi quickly and politely responded, “Okay, Mr. An, walk slowly.

An Liang looked at Liu Ling again, “Auntie, I’ll go pick up Xiyan first, and we’ll have dinner together when you get off work.”

“Yeah.” Liu Ling responded.

An Liang walked out of the Beiyu branch of the Gongshang Bank and drove to the source of flowers, ready to find Li Xiyan.

Song Yi watched the bright yellow Lamborghini Urus leave, he sighed inwardly, people like An Liang are the winners in life, right?

After all, he is young and handsome, and he has everything that a winner in life should have!

“Manager Liu, do you have time? Let’s talk about AXA’s development of the Fengfan power production base.” Song Yi explained.

Liu Ling naturally did not refuse.

In Song Yi’s office, he quickly explained the specific situation, and finally added, “Manager Liu, according to your relationship with President An, you can get this loan!”

Song Yi continued, “I just had a conversation with Mr. An, and I think I have a very good chance of winning.”

Speaking of this, Song Yi lowered his voice, “The promotion of Manager Shen to the vice president has now changed. Manager Shen is not suitable for the new position and has not made any contribution in the new position. Two serious mistakes.”

Liu Ling responded casually, Tiangong “is it about the construction?”

“Yeah!” Song Yi sighed, “Tiangong Construction’s new property has problems, and there has been a major construction accident, coupled with unreasonable design, and the pre-sale design drawings are seriously inconsistent with the actual situation, their loan may be overdue, It could even be worse.”

“If there is a worse situation, Manager Shen will definitely take responsibility!” Song Yi said as he stopped.

Shenyang used to be the manager of the credit department, and was later promoted to the vice president. As a result, he was promoted to a big problem.

Liu Ling understood Song Yi’s suggestion. If she can get the payment for the goods from AXA Construction, and Shenyang can’t solve the problem, Shenyang will be unlucky, and Liu Ling may enter the sequence of senior leaders of Beiyu Branch.

Liu Ling is very excited!

Flower source.

An Liang arrived at the door of Li Xiyan’s house. Li Xiyan was practicing hard in the yoga room. She opened the door for An Liang through the smart home system. After An Liang came in, she walked to the yoga room.

In the yoga studio, An Liang found something that made him a little bit overwhelmed.

Li Xiyan, this little silly, actually wears Liu Ling’s yoga clothes!


Why is she wearing Liu Ling’s yoga clothes?

Faced with such a situation, An Liang said that he was a little overwhelmed.

“An Liang, you play by yourself first, and I will continue to practice.” Li Xiyan said casually, while she practiced yoga, she watched the yoga teaching video.

An Liang looked at Li Xiyan, who was wearing Liu Ling’s yoga outfit, and then looked at the time. It was almost half past five, Liu Ling should have left work, and An Liang decided to let Li Xiyan go for the time being.

“Well, I’ll go to the living room to sit for a while.” An Liang came to the living room, and he himself was on the sofa checking the prompt information before the life winner system.


“The host is rich, noble, benevolent, compassionate, and gratefully received by everyone!!

“Congratulations to the host for getting the special reward [Tai Sui Immortal]!

Humble Street Author: If you don’t have dual talents, don’t do things with dual talents, won’t you get up late?

Updated: February 17, 2021 08:11:50 Good morning.

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