h2213 The lion opens its mouth? [2/3]

Nengtang Company, the reception area of ​​Li Hongyan’s office.

Li Hongyan made the tea himself, and he handed a cup to An Liang.

An Liang took a sip, “Good tea!

Li Hongyan laughed, “I heard that President An actually doesn’t understand tea?

An Liang really doesn’t understand tea!

“Yes, I don’t understand tea, but Mr. Li makes tea himself, that’s good tea!” An Liang said frankly.

Li Hongyan sighed inwardly at An Liang’s high emotional intelligence. He originally deliberately pointed out that An Liang did not understand tea, so as to create a psychological advantage, so that he could take a favorable position when negotiating the price for a while.

In the end, who knew that An Liang admitted it generously, and also praised Li Hongyan by the way.

“President An is amazing!” Li Hongyan sighed sincerely.

An Liang bragged to each other in business, “Mr. Li is also very good!”

The two touted each other, and finally Li Hongyan spoke first, “What does President An think of the cash acquisition plan?”

“Although I am more inclined to exchange equity, Mr. Li has said that he is more willing to buy in cash, and of course I can only agree.” An Liang said in Tibetan.

It is more inclined to use equity exchange, which is to imply that Li Hongyan does not want to open his mouth. If the price is sky-high, An Liang will not eat this set!

A smart person like Li Hongyan could naturally understand An Liang’s meaning. He even had a vague guess in his heart that the current cash acquisition plan was actually the result that An Liang preferred to see.

“Mr. An should have a certain understanding of our quantum computer project.” Li Hongyan said in a positive tone.

An Liang nodded with a smile.

Li Hongyan said sincerely, “Mr. An was right before. Our sub-computer project has invested a total of 370 million in cash since its establishment.”

Li Hongyan continued to add, “In addition to the cash investment, we have also invested related resources, which are equivalent to about 300 million yuan.

“Combined with our research and development results and perfect staffing, if the quantum computer project (addd) is packaged and sold as a whole, our quotation is one billion Xia Guoyuan. “Li Hongyan directly asked for a high price.

An Liang naturally couldn’t agree.

“I’m curious, what resources have you put into the quantum computer project?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

Li Hongyan responded calmly, “Including but not limited to information channels, internal resources, and investment in computing resources, etc.”

“Is there a detailed record?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

Li Hongyan denied it.

An Liang asked again, “What R&D results do you have?”

“A 9-qubit quantum computer!” Li Hongyan responded, “At present, we are in the process of conquering a 15-qubit quantum computer, and have already achieved some results.

An Liang shook his head silently, “These are of no great significance, although you cannot deny your credit, these technologies are backward technologies internationally.

“My offer is 300 million.” An Liang gave his offer.

Too little “Too much!” Li Hongyan refused to accept, “Our cash investment has reached 370 million, is that correct?”

“That’s right, that’s right, you have indeed invested 370 million in cash, but your investment is to explore a possibility. If it succeeds, you will earn it back tenfold, but unfortunately it has failed now. Speaking of it, it’s totally worthless.” An Liang said bluntly.

Li Hongyan was powerless to refute.

Our new offer is 250 million, which is also our final offer. If Mr. Li refuses, I believe that with the same price, we will be able to build a R&D team that is almost the same as yours, or even a better R&D team. An Liang is calm said.

Li Hongyan had a bitter look on his face, and he poured An Liang a cup of tea again, “Come on, Mr. An, let’s drink tea first.

“Mr. Li also knows that I don’t understand tea.” An Liang teased, but he still took the tea that Li Hongyan brewed himself.

When Li Hongyan was drinking tea at An Liang, he thought silently about whether to accept An Liang’s offer.

Although An Liang’s offer has a certain gap with his own expectations, but seriously, Li Hongyan is very clear that this offer is already the best offer at present.

Because apart from this offer on a global scale, I am afraid that no one is willing to buy the quantum computer project of Bear’s Paw Company in cash, right?

Even if there are people willing, the price will definitely be lower!

Quantum computers are cutting-edge and cutting-edge technologies. Companies that are able to enter the market have already entered the market. Those who are unable to enter the market are more willing to wait and see the situation. Therefore, it is almost impossible for a second company to buy the quantum computer project of Bear’s Paws in cash.

Especially at relatively high prices.

“Mr. An, this price is too embarrassing, let’s add more?” Li Hongyan said with the last effort, “How about the initial offer?”

An Liang would not be aggressive either, he responded with a smile, “Since Mr. Li made the tea himself, it’s definitely no problem, the offer of 300 million is acceptable, but we have to package the entire quantum computer project, including all the research results. .”

Directly purchasing the quantum computer project team of Xiongtang Company will save a lot of time and have a perfect staffing configuration, thus avoiding the running-in period of the new recruiting team.

Li Hongyan nodded, “No problem, I will explain the situation to the shareholders first, and there will be results soon.”

“Okay!” An Liang agreed.

Bear Paws is a listed company, and although Li Hongyan is the CEO, the decision to sell the entire quantum computer project still requires the shareholders to make the final decision.

It’s just that Li Hongyan determined the results of the shareholders’ meeting in advance.

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