h2214 You may earn, but I will not lose! [3/3]

After An Liang’s acquisition of the bear’s paw company’s quantum computer project was initially determined, An Liang and Li Hongyan began to chat, and the two chatted about the global technology situation, including the Starlink plan, 5G communication network, and the Internet of Everything and other topics.

Most of the time, Li Hongyan is talking, An Liang is more listening.

After all, An Liang is a student of the finance school, not a student of the University of Science and Technology. If Qian Xiaogang comes over, he should be able to chat with Li Hongyan, right?

“Mr. An, a new era is coming. The future 5G network will focus on the Internet of Everything, not the so-called communication. With the blessing of the 5G network, unmanned driving will definitely open up a new world!” Li Hongyan vowed.

An Liang nodded noncommittally, “Maybe so!”

“It must be!” Li Hongyan responded affirmatively.

“The most fundamental reason for the frequent occurrence of problems in the current in-vehicle automatic driving system is that the computing power of the in-vehicle equipment is insufficient, and the environmental variables cannot be quickly calculated, especially in a complex environment. This situation is more serious.” Li Hongyan explained.

“However, with the support of the 5G network, through the ultra-low latency data transmission capability of the 5G network, the complex data is processed in the cloud and fed back to the vehicle system, so as to achieve a better ability to identify environmental variables and strengthen the relationship between vehicles and vehicles. The data interaction ability between the two will further increase the security.” Li Hongyan said incessantly.

An Liang said calmly, “Such a future vision is really good, but there is still a certain distance to realize it.”

“It will always come true! Li Hongyan responded.

About an hour later, An Liang left the headquarters of the company, Qin Tianxiang was in charge of driving, and he asked, “Mr. An, where are we going now?”

“Go to the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau for dinner and ask Lao Huang to arrange lunch.” An Liang responded.

“Okay.” Qin Tianxiang drove to the National Security Investigation Bureau.

In the back seat of the Black Badge Rolls-Royce Ghost, An Liang is checking the message from the Life Winner System.


“Congratulations to the host for completing the random task, Xiongtang’s quantum computer project is about to be controlled by the host.

“Task reward: Qian Xiangdong, a quantum computer talent of the ion trap scheme.

Special Note: This reward will be provided by Tyrande Songren.

Such a reward scheme, as always, is in line with the cautious logic of the winners in life system. It seems that it has nothing to do with An Liang, but there is a divine providence that the reward will finally be sent to An Liang.

“The ion trap solution, An Liang secretly laughed in his heart.

At present, the quantum computer of the ion trap scheme is indeed more advanced.

Therefore, in the transaction between An Liang and Bear’s Paw Company, Bear’s Paw Company may have made a profit, but An Liang certainly did not lose.

As for who loses?

What does that have to do with An Liang!

Anyway, An Liang will be fine without any losses.

In less than half an hour, Qin Tianxiang drove into the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau. He parked the car next to Huang Guoxiang’s car, and Huang Guoxiang’s phone number was dialed on time.

An Liang swiped the screen to answer, and said first, “Are you monitoring me again?”

“You’ve already come to my side, why don’t I know?” Huang Guoxiang complained, “What are you doing here?”

“Of course I’m supervising your work!” An Liang said confidently, “Isn’t the identity of Mr. Key confirmed yet?”

“It’s being processed.” Huang Guoxiang responded, “Don’t worry, we can definitely handle it perfectly.

“That’s good, I’ll have dinner on your side at noon, do you arrange it?” An Liang said casually.

Huang Guoxiang responded, “Canteen?”

“Too much?” An Liang groaned.

“You know, I have no money.” Huang Guoxiang responded.

“I believed it anyway!” An Liang knew what Huang Guoxiang was telling the truth, because Huang Guoxiang really had no money, and Huang Guoxiang’s personal family situation was also very bad.

Huang Guoxiang investigated An Liang, how could An Liang not investigate Huang Guoxiang?

It’s just that Huang Guoxiang’s personal family situation is so miserable that An Liang never mentions it.

An Liang arrived at Huang Guoxiang’s office smoothly all the way, Qin Tianxiang did not follow An Liang, he went to the Information Security Section to find Shi Feng, and he and Shi Feng became friends unexpectedly.

Maybe they should be friends?

In Huang Guoxiang’s office, An Liang asked casually, “I haven’t seen Liu Xinyi recently, where has this guy gone?”

“You still miss our staff?” Huang Guoxiang teased.

We are friends after all, I am still her savior, what is the problem? An Liang asked back.

“She was on a field mission recently, she is a field worker, you should know?” Huang Guoxiang responded.

“Convenient to reveal?” An Liang probed.

“Is this your weakness?” Huang Guoxiang said bluntly.

“In the future, if we have something we can’t handle, we will arrange for Xinyi to deal with it, and then we will tell you the news, and you will help her deal with it?” Huang Guoxiang asked further.

An Liang responded with a smile, “Then you try?”

Huang Guoxiang did not answer this topic, although he brought the topic out frankly, but whether An Liang would really help Liu Xinyi, Huang Guoxiang was not sure.

“Liu Xinyi is investigating Millennium Astragalus in India. Didn’t I tell you before that India is investigating Millennium Astragalus, and this news came back from Liu Xinyi.” Huang Guoxiang revealed Liu Xinyi’s field work.

An Liang raised his eyebrows, “Dangerous?

Updated: April 5, 2021 00:02:27, good night. Big,

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