h2215 training broken children? [1/3]

Previously, Huang Guoxiang passed a piece of information to An Liang, saying that the power of India was investigating the relevant information of Millennium Astragalus, but Liu Xinyi actually obtained it.

Now Liu Xinyi is still in Diayin?

Liu Xinyi’s appearance score is very high, reaching 92 points, which is a one-in-a-million level.

Although Liu Xinyi’s height is only 1.63 meters, and her body score is only 86 points, this situation makes Liu Xinyi even more like a bird.

This one-of-a-kind beauty went to Diayin, An Liang felt that there was a big problem!

After all, India is a high-incidence area for physical fitness cases.

“Don’t worry!” Huang Guoxiang responded, “This time Liu Xinyi’s disguised identity is the daughter of a wealthy family” Three Six Three”, we have arranged four field personnel to protect it, and there will be no problem.”

“I always find your flag-raising attitude poisonous!” An Liang complained.

What do you mean there will be no problem?

When you say that, there must be a problem, right?

“It’s not poisonous, it’s self-confidence. We have invested many forces in the Kerry Mountain area, Liu Xinyi is only one of them, there are two investigation teams, and a support team.” Huang Guoxiang revealed the arrangement of the National Security Bureau of Investigation .

An Liang secretly laughed in his heart, this Huang Guoxiang is doing something again!

On the surface, Huang Guoxiang simply revealed the arrangement of the National Security Investigation Bureau, and seemed to answer An Liang’s concerns about Liu Xinyi, but he was actually testing An Liang.

If there is something wrong with the Millennium Astragalus incident in the Kerry Mountain area, should An Liang be flustered in the face of so many arrangements from the National Security Bureau of Investigation?

When Huang Guoxiang revealed the arrangement of the National Security Investigation Bureau, he was silently observing An Liang’s expression, so as to try to find some clues.

However, An Liang saw it first!

It was mainly because of the danger premonition ability that prompted An Liang to see through Huang Guoxiang’s tricks easily.

“You actually arranged so much power in Kerry Mountain, I should thank you?” An Liang said jokingly.

Huang Guoxiang beat the snake and said, “Since we care so much about you, are we going to give us some thousand-year-old astragalus slices as a reward?”

“Dream?” An Liang sneered, “I didn’t report you for private use, that’s already a good life!”

“You bastard!” Huang Guoxiang smiled wryly.

“This time, in addition to helping you clean up, we are also looking for Millennium Astragalus to see if there are more Millennium Astragalus.” Huang Guoxiang added.

This is another trial!

An Liang was very clear in his heart, but said nonchalantly, “Are you dreaming again?”

“If there are more thousand-year-old Astragalus, can they still stay for you?” An Liang teased.

In case “what?” Huang Guoxiang responded.

“If it does exist, then you have to be careful. After all, the effect of Millennium Astragalus has been fully verified. If you find Millennium Astragalus again, I am afraid that people who are interested will make small moves.” An Liang reminded.

Including you?” Huang Guoxiang asked jokingly.

“We are friends, if you find it, we will definitely not start.” An Liang responded earnestly.

Huang Guoxiang complained, “Should I thank you then?”

“Of course!” An Liang nodded, “Shouldn’t I thank me?”

“Your cheeks are so thick!” Huang Guoxiang sighed.

“Thank you for the compliment.” An Liang agreed calmly.

“You came just right today. Liu Xinyi just sent back another piece of information. She has found out who is investigating you in India.” Huang Guoxiang reminded.

“Who?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

“Virat Thakar of Silabang.” Huang Guoxiang did not hide, “This person is the only son of Norn Thakar, the actual controller of Shiraz, Thakar is a typical high caste in India, controlled by the Thakar family. The absolute power of Seraph, including economic, political, and military..”

An Liang said jokingly, “So India’s troubles keep going!”

India’s internal contradictions are very serious, because of the existence of Norn Thakar, who is almost the emperor of Sila, even the supreme elder of India cannot order him.

“You didn’t pay attention!” Huang Guoxiang complained, “The only son of the actual controller of Silabang is targeting you, and the other party has a lot of resources. Once he finds you, you will be very, very troublesome!”

An Liang looked stunned, “What trouble do I have?”

We have “investigated the situation in Serabang, and we have also investigated Virat Thakar. According to our Xia Kingdom, he is a standard pure-blooded child. He does all kinds of evil in Serabang, and all kinds of crimes against the law are commonplace. “Huang Guoxiang explained.

“If the other party finds you, we can’t guarantee whether the other party will send special forces into the Xia Kingdom, or even participate in the assassination of you.” Huang Guoxiang said with some worry.

However, the danger premonition ability did not issue a danger warning.

“Old Huang, your storytelling skills are getting better and better, and you have learned 3.3 to create anxiety.” An Liang said calmly, “I suspect that you are testing me now, but I can tell you that the other party has no chance. of.”

“So confident?” Huang Guoxiang asked rhetorically.

“Of course! The main reason is that our environment is very safe, and if the other party really enters our country, they will be unable to move.” An Liang said confidently.

The environment of Xia Kingdom is the best umbrella!

If the other party enters the Xia Kingdom, according to the security environment of the Xia Kingdom, the other party is indeed unable to move an inch.

Besides, what about Renyi Security Company?

Dangerous premonition ability makes An Liang impeccable!

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