h2216 Strong self-confidence, safe gesture 2/3[]

NSA headquarters.

In the reception area of ​​Huang Guoxiang’s office, facing Huang Guoxiang’s safety reminder, An Liang behaved very calmly. After all, there are multiple protections, what is An Liang afraid of?

There is no warning from the danger premonition ability!

“I have to remind you that this Virat Thakar is a very big trouble!” Huang Guoxiang solemnly reminded again.

“The Thakar family is the actual controller of Shiraz, and it truly controls the entire Shiraz. If the other party investigates your situation, and the effect of Millennium Astragalus has been confirmed, our expert analysis shows that the other party may Take extreme actions.” Huang Guoxiang reminded.

“Extreme action?” An Liang sneered, “Like what?”

Huang Guoxiang looked at the calm An Liang, and he thought of something that Zhou Shiwen, a psychology expert from the National Security Bureau of Investigation, once said. After Zhou Shiwen’s analysis, he said that An Liang has a strong self-confidence. .

This is the case now!

Huang Guoxiang felt that he made the threat of the Thakar family very clear, but An Liang seemed to not understand it at all, and did not care about the threat of the Thakar family at all.

“What kind of cards does this guy have? Huang Guoxiang thought to himself.

Renyi Security Company? “Huang Guoxiang’s first thought was Renyi Security Company.

Because Renyi Security Company is indeed very powerful and belongs to An Liang’s forces, according to the strength shown by Renyi Security Company when Chen Siyu participated in the International Piano Competition before, it is not impossible to fight against the Takar family.

But Huang Guoxiang always felt that it was not so simple!

An Liang’s self-confidence is stronger.

“I’m curious about one thing!” Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang, who was going to ask directly.

An Liang casually asked, “What’s the matter?”

“I believe you should understand the strength of the Thakar family. The other party controls everything in Serabang, including military power.” Huang Guoxiang reminded An Liang again.

“Then what?” An Liang responded calmly.

“So I’m very curious, why are you not worried?” Huang Guoxiang asked, “What trump card do you have that makes you so calm, I even think that you don’t care about this matter at all.”

An Liang was stunned for a moment, then laughed, “I really don’t care, I even care more about what to eat tonight.

“Although the Thakar family is the actual controller of Shiraz, their power is limited to Shiraz, right?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

Huang Guoxiang nodded.

“If I had property in Serabang, or I was in Serabang, or someone with a big relationship to me was in Serabang, I would definitely be anxious, but now the situation is that the power of Selabang is against me. There is no influence, including the so-called military force.” An Liang said calmly.

Could it be that “The Takar family still dares to use military force to enter the Xia Kingdom?” An Liang teased.

Huang Guoxiang responded affirmatively, “They must not dare!”

Because that is the act of provoking war!

“In my opinion, the most likely thing that the Thakar family would do is to arrange for some special personnel to enter the country and try to arrest me secretly, so as to obtain the Millennium Astragalus.” An Liang said analytically.

As for assassination?

Very unlikely!

Because the core target of the other party is Millennium Astragalus, current external intelligence shows that An Liang is in control of Millennium Astragalus, so the best way to get Millennium Astragalus is to control An Liang.

“Your analysis makes sense.” Huang Guoxiang responded, “Under such circumstances, if the opponent enters the Xia Kingdom, according to Renyi Security Company’s ability to control the field, the opponent is not your opponent at all.”

“But there is another question, what if the other party sets the target on your relatives or girlfriend?” Huang Guoxiang reminded.

An Liang asked back, “Why do you think there are no security guards around them?”

Huang Guoxiang was stunned, the strength of Renyi Security Company can actually take care of all aspects?

He felt the need to reassess the size of Renyi Security.

After all, Huang Guoxiang originally thought that Renyi Security Company’s ability to control the field could only cover An Liang, but can it provide so many security guards?

Just providing a large number of security personnel is not a problem, but providing comprehensive protection capabilities means that the security personnel of Renyi Security Company are all elites.

This is very scary!

When An Liang and Huang Guoxiang were communicating with each other, Qin Tianxiang knocked on the door of Huang Guoxiang’s office, An Liang beckoned, and Qin Tianxiang hurriedly walked to An Liang’s side.

“Mr. An.” When Qin Tianxiang greeted him, he made a “V” gesture with his right hand, but it actually meant the number ‘2’.

Huang Guoxiang took Qin Tianxiang’s gesture into his eyes.

An Liang naturally also saw Qin Tianxiang’s gesture, he glanced at Huang Guoxiang, and took the initiative to explain, “This is our security level gesture, the situation we encounter now is the second level situation, which means that a major incident has been discovered, and it is related to events about me.”

“Talking about the specific situation, Lao Huang is not an outsider anyway. If we can use their power to solve the problem, it will be even better!” An Liang said bluntly.

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