h2217 spies?[3/3]

The relationship between An Liang and Huang Guoxiang is very strange!

On the one hand, Huang Guoxiang will protect An Liang, provide An Liang with all kinds of information, and even personally go on the field to protect An Liang.

But on the other hand, Huang Guoxiang is on guard against An Liang, including but not limited to investigating Renyi Security Company, analyzing the development of An Liang’s forces, and investigating An Liang’s hidden power, etc.

For example, in Coreya, An Liang and Huang Guoxiang both concealed each other.

An Liang wanted to use XDSS, a subordinate organization of Renyi Security Company, to promote internal elections in Coreya, but this was discovered by Huang Guoxiang. Although Huang Guoxiang did not obstruct it, he also revealed that he was secretly investigating An Liang’s situation.

“We found a spy from India, who was investigating the Millennium Astragalus in the imperial capital.” Qin Tianxiang directly stated the situation.

“Have you caught it?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

“There is no action for the time being.” Qin Tianxiang responded, “No. 4 reminded us that the other party may not have committed the crime alone, and that there should be network technicians hidden behind the scenes.”

No. 8 has been paying attention to each other, so as to ensure that he will not be lost. “Qin Tianxiang added.

“No. 9 is trying to contact each other. If it is possible to get in close contact with each other, a tracker should be installed.” Qin Tianxiang added.

Huang Guoxiang secretly recorded on the side that he had heard No. 4 and No. 8, and now a No. 9 appeared.

“What kind of talent is No. 9?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

No. 4 is a network technical expert, and No. 8 is a tracking and anti-tracking expert. These intelligences are clear. Huang Guoxiang hopes to know the intelligence of No. 9.

“Guess what?” An Liang teased.

Huang Guoxiang really guessed, “In the case of close contact with the suspected target, and installing a tracker, and still not being discovered, I guess this No. 9 may be a social behavioral expert or a psychology expert, or even a person at all. The two have been combined for a long time.”

“An Liang, you have so many talented people!” Huang Guoxiang pretended to sigh.

An Liang did not respond to Huang Guoxiang, he asked back, “Old Huang, if there is an emergency, can we arrest each other first?”

“If I don’t agree with you, you won’t be the same.” Huang Guoxiang complained.

Huang Guoxiang continued to complain, the guys from your Renyi Security Company have impersonated the staff of our National Security Investigation Bureau many times, do you want to restrain them?”

“We don’t do anything inappropriate!” An Liang responded casually, “Besides, your identities are really useful, or would you really give us a few identities?”

“Ah!” Huang Guoxiang smiled without saying a word.

“Okay, okay, let’s go first!” An Liang stood up.

Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang and said, “Old rules?”

Old rules “!” An Liang said with certainty.

The old rules of Renyi Security and the National Security Bureau are fair!

The Renyi Security Company does things by its ability, and the National Security Investigation Bureau investigates by its ability.

If the level of Renyi Security Company is a little higher, and the National Security Investigation Bureau can’t find any clues, then Renyi Security Company wins, and vice versa, no matter which side wins, it will be businesslike!

However, Renyi Security has yet to fail once.

After all, Renyi Security Company is the active party, and the National Security Investigation Bureau is the passive party. Renyi Security Company always has the first opportunity, and with An Liang’s reminder, how could it be possible to lose?

In the underground garage of the National Security Investigation Bureau, Qin Tianxiang first checked the black badge version of the Rolls-Royce Ghost, and after confirming that there was no problem, he opened the back door and let An Liang get in the car.

After driving out of the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau, Qin Tianxiang responded, “Mr. An, we have caught the spies from India. There are three people in total, including two operatives and one technical support staff.”

In Huang Guoxiang’s office just now, Qin Tianxiang obviously didn’t tell the truth, and An Liang also knew that Qin Tianxiang didn’t tell the truth.

Do not!

To be precise, Qin Tianxiang also told the truth just now, but he was only three steps behind.

If Huang Guoxiang wants to investigate this matter again, he can only investigate the air, after all, Renyi Security Company has closed the net.

“Did you get the results?” An Liang asked.

“In the interrogation, the results will be reported to Mr. An as soon as possible.” Qin Tianxiang responded.

imperial capital.

In a certain basement, three young men are being held separately, and the interrogators of Renyi Security Company have started the prisoner’s dilemma plan in order to obtain information as soon as possible.

Teren, “Kester, an exchange student at Indiana University and Imperial International University, right?” A security guard from Renyi Security Company wearing a mask asked.

Tyron responded with a panicked face in Xia Guoyu, “Who are you, what do you want to do, I have no money.”

“Aah!” The security guard of Renyi Security Company chuckled, “Your acting is good, but you also have flaws.”

Tyron still panicked, “What are you talking about, I don’t understand what you mean, you must have mistaken someone, I don’t know anything.”

“I’ve said it all, your performance is flawed.” The security staff of Renyi Security Company teased, “Your tone, look, body language, and even eyes show panic, but your instinctive reaction is very honest, you There is no sweat on your forehead, are you really panicking?

Tyron was stunned, but the next moment he realized the problem, his forehead was sweating!

“You… Tyron knew that he was fooled, and the other party was just coaxing him.

“Have you not explained the situation yet?” asked the security personnel of Renyi Security Company (Hao Zhao’s), and then added a guarantee, “If you honestly explain the problem, we may give you a way out.”

“Of course, you can also resist, but in fact, we have already guessed your identities. You are the investigators sent by the Thakar family in Silabang, right?” The security personnel of Renyi Security Company spoke bluntly.

“You don’t have to admit it, but we don’t need evidence.” The security guard of Renyi Security Company continued, “At the last chance, among the three of you, we will only let one person go, so one of you can If you live and remain anonymous, no one will know!

After this final condition was put forward, Teron Kirst felt that he could not stand it anymore, dust,

Updated: April 6, 2021 00:01:57, good night.

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