h2218 Life Winner System: The stage is set! [1/3]

On the surface, Teren Kester is an exchange student from the Imperial Capital of India University and the International University, but in fact, he is a secret chess member of the Takar family, and belongs to the deep lurking personnel.

Under normal circumstances, if there is no accident, Tyron Kester is the real exchange student of the Imperial Capital of India University and the International University. After only being an exchange student in the Imperial Capital for one year, he will return to India.

However, this is an abnormal situation. The Takar family asked Tyron to secretly investigate the Millennium Astragalus, and pointed out that the imperial capital circle is the direction of investigation.

Given that the Takar family had already issued an order, Tyron had no choice at all, he could only accept the order of the Takar family.

Originally, Tyron thought that this secret investigation was an easy matter. After all, the Takar family also sent a network technology expert to assist. As a result, who knew that they had just started to act, and they were discovered by someone with a heart, and then they were secretly arrested.

Tai Lun had guessed the identity of the other party. Originally, Tai Lun thought that the other party might be the power of the Xia Kingdom’s court, but when the other party wore a mask and made it clear that only one person would survive, Tyron knew that the other party was not the Xia Kingdom’s court. staff.

“Will you really let me go?” Tyron asked tentatively.

We “will only let one of you go. As for which one we let go, it depends on your answer.” The security guard of Renyi Security Company wearing a mask gave the answer.

“What do you want to know?” Tyron asked proactively, staring at the masked man.

“Who are you?” The security personnel of Renyi Security Company must first determine the identity of the other party.

Tyron didn’t hide it, and took the initiative to reveal more things, “Your guess is correct, we are from India, and we are indeed the investigators arranged by Takal. Our purpose is to investigate the matter of Millennium Astragalus.”

Besides you, is there anyone else?” The security personnel of Renyi Security Company asked again.

“No.” Tyron responded affirmatively, “I know that there are no more investigators, only the three of us, but it is not ruled out that the Takar family secretly arranged more people.”

The security personnel of Renyi Security Company nodded slightly. According to the situation of the Takar family, even if the other party dispatched more investigation forces, that would be normal, right?

“Have you investigated anything?” The security personnel of Renyi Security Company asked a new question.

Tai Lun responded, “We have already investigated some information, including that Millennium Astragalus does exist, and in the imperial capital of the Xia Kingdom, we have also investigated the effects of Millennium Astragalus.”

“We are investigating the quantity of Millennium Astragalus, but we were caught by you if we didn’t find it.” Tyron added.

The security personnel of Renyi Security Company nodded, and he tentatively asked, “If you guys disappear, how will the Thakar family respond?”

Tyron smiled bitterly, and he laughed at himself, “We are just pawns of the Takar family. Even if we all die, the Takar family will not care. It’s like a dead dog, would you care?”

“I will.” The security personnel of Renyi Security Company responded affirmatively.

Tyron was silent.

The security personnel of Renyi Security Company did not ask any further questions, because they already knew the required answers, and then left the interrogation room and went to the other two (addd) interrogation rooms to confirm the accuracy of the interrogation statement with other security personnel.

A few minutes later, the security personnel of Renyi Security Company confirmed the accuracy of the interrogation statement, reported the information to An Liang, and finally passed it on to An Liang.

An Liang has returned to Room 8806 of Yunjing International Apartment. He is lying on the sofa and checking the message sent by No. 1 Tang Jinsheng, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

“It really is the Thakar family! An Liang is not surprised by this answer.


“Special Mission: Trouble out of nothing!!

“Mission description: The host’s strategy is used by others, so as to try to target the host out of nothing, and ask the host to solve the troubles of the Takar family.”

Mission reward: One thousand-year-old Astragalus can be cut into 113 pieces in total.

Special Note: When the mission is completed, Millennium Astragalus will be placed in the undiscovered area of ​​Kerry Mountain.


An Liang looked at the triggered new task, and he couldn’t help but once again sighed at the power of the winner system in life, because the benefits of this task are not just the simple task reward.

Although a thousand-year-old Astragalus plant rewarded by the mission is very good, even if only half of the last slice can be cut out, the effect of thousand-year-old Astragalus slices is outstanding, and it is impossible to simply measure the value with money.

And the most crucial point, this reward will make up for An Liang’s previous out-of-the-box game and make Millennium Astragalus completely rationalized.

After all, the winner of life system will allow the new millennium astragalus to appear in the undiscovered areas of Kerry Mountain.

An Liang can completely rationalize Millennium Astragalus after some planning.

Now that the winner system in life has been set up, An Liang thought silently, decided the plan in his heart, shook it again, and finally called Huang Guoxiang.

After waiting for Huang Guoxiang to answer the phone, An Liang spoke first, “Old Huang, come over now, I’m at the Yunjing International Apartment, hurry up!”

“Okay!” Huang Guoxiang did not ask any further questions, and immediately agreed.

Because Huang Guoxiang knows that An Liang will not aim at nothing!

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