H2226 Misunderstanding and Command Room! 3/3]

An Liang reported the situation of the National Security Investigation Bureau to the management of Renyi Security Company, and let Renyi Security Company begin to implement the plan, including investigating the traces of all members of the Thakar family, the security system of the Thakar family residence, and trying to collect Noel. Thakar’s genetic sample.

If Renyi Security Company can’t handle it, it will be handed over to the deep lurkers of the National Security Investigation Bureau.

In the dead of night, Renyi Security Company quietly started the plan to destroy the Takar family. An Liang returned to the master bedroom and lay down, as if nothing had happened.

Seven o’clock in the morning.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang’s cell phones rang, they got up together, and An Liang naturally followed. Chen Siyu worked very hard recently, and she insisted on not being late for piano practice.

While eating breakfast, Chen Siyu casually spit out, “Husband, you are urging the matter of flying motorcycles, driving to school every morning rush hour, it’s so annoying!

Ning Ruoshuang 03 agreed, “I’m more annoying, sometimes when there is too much traffic jam, I would rather drive to Siyu’s school and walk there through the back alley.

Chen Siyu added, “It only takes five or six minutes to walk from the back alley, and to drive there, if there is a little traffic jam, I am afraid it will take more than ten minutes.”

In fact, Yunjing International Apartment is very close to the National Conservatory of Music. If there is no traffic jam, you can arrive in ten minutes.

But the traffic jam…

Half an hour is the most basic situation. If you are unlucky and there is a car accident on the road, you will be stuck in traffic longer. Chen Siyu is really fed up with the problem of traffic jams.

“Husband, just urge Mr. Huang!” Chen Siyu said coquettishly, and fed An Liang with a crystal shrimp dumpling in his hand.

An Liang almost burst out laughing, God riding a horse Mr. Huang Lao!

If Huang Guoxiang heard Chen Siyu’s name, he was afraid that he would spit out a mouthful of old blood?

“Cough!” An Liang ate the crystal shrimp dumplings before coughing and reminding him, “Don’t call him Mr. Huang Lao in front of Lao Huang.”

Chen Siyu rolled her eyes at An Liang, “Well, I’m not a fool.

“You are my little fool.” An Liang smiled and earned the cat.

When Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang went to school, Li Yang, a security officer of Renyi Security Company, was responsible for driving An Liang to the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau. Qin Tianxiang had other things to deal with.

Whether it is Li Yang or Qin Tianxiang, both of them are the identities exposed in the previous life extension plan, so they have become An Liang’s personal security personnel from darkness to light.

The headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau, Huang Guoxiang’s office.

“Old Huang, the operation on our side has already begun. You arrange a place as the headquarters of the joint operation. When the operation officially starts, I plan to monitor the whole process.” An Liang explained.

Huang Guoxiang asked back, “Worried that Millennium Astragalus cannot be properly handled?”

An Liang understood Huang Guoxiang’s test. Huang Guoxiang was testing whether the security personnel of Renyi Security Company would defect. After all, the value of Millennium Astragalus is very high.

However, Huang Guoxiang was wrong!

An Liang is not worried that the security personnel of Renyi Security Company may defect. He hopes to show the process of how to discover the millennium astragalus through the whole process of monitoring, so as to completely solve the problem of the source of the millennium astragalus.

“Can you arrange the headquarters?” An Liang ignored Huang Guoxiang’s question, “If you can’t arrange it, I will find a way to deal with it.

Huang Guoxiang was ignored by An Liang, and he did not mind the response, “We can arrange it, wait a moment, and we will handle it for you in a while.”

“Okay!” An Liang nodded.

Less than ten minutes later, Huang Guoxiang received a call from Shi Feng. After he answered twice, he hung up the phone and said to An Liang, “Okay, let’s go and have a look?”

“Well, look!” An Liang responded.

Huang Guoxiang walked ahead and led the way. After a few minutes, the two arrived in a completely enclosed room with a screen wall, a small conference table, and multiple office areas.

“This is the secret operation room of the Information Security Section. The level of security and confidentiality here is very high, including members of the Information Security Section, it is impossible to enter without authorization.” Huang Guoxiang introduced.

“Do we need to arrange network technical experts to support us during joint operations?” Huang Guoxiang asked casually.

An Liang hummed, “Go go, Lao Huang, don’t do anything!”

“If you don’t want our people, then your Renyi Security Company sent someone here?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

An Liang waved his hand, “Old Huang, don’t do anything about it 840, even if you want to send someone here, it will be someone who was exposed in the life extension plan.

“Your vigilance is really high!” Huang Guoxiang pretended to sigh.

“The main reason is that you have too many routines, and you will be fooled if you are not careful, so you have to be vigilant.” An Liang responded.

Huang Guoxiang did not deny that between him and An Liang is indeed a daily routine.

“By the way, it’s still the old rules, open your screen wall, and No. 4 will handle the follow-up issues.” An Liang added.

“I don’t know how to do it, or I’ll let Shi Feng get involved?” Huang Guoxiang suggested.

“No problem.” An Liang replied, “Old Huang, you are lacking a little sincerity. Do you want to trace the slightest trace through Shi Feng?”

“You think too much. Shi Feng said that the gap between him and No. 4 is very obvious. It is impossible for him to track No. 4.” Huang Guoxiang said frankly.

“It’s fairly self-aware.” An Liang responded calmly.

Update time: April 9, 2021 00:05:10, good night, asking for flowers.

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