h2227 Is everything ready? [1/3]

At noon, the headquarters of the National Security Bureau of Investigation.

Huang Guoxiang was the host to treat guests to dinner, and naturally chose the canteen of the National Security Investigation Bureau.

Lao Huang, “When will you be able to treat your guests to dinner seriously?” An Liang teased.

Huang Guoxiang didn’t feel embarrassed at all, he replied calmly, “I’m different from you, the benefits you leak from your fingers are astronomical in my eyes, I just take a little dead salary.

An Liang did not refute, because Huang Guoxiang really only received dead wages.

When the two were eating, An Liang received a message from No. 1 Tang Jinsheng, indicating that Renyi Security Company had already handled a lot of preparations, and the last preparation was currently in progress, which was to collect the genetic samples of the Takar family patriarch.

This thing is difficult to say, not easy to say.

Renyi Security Company chose the most primitive method, which is to try to find the genetic information of Nortakar by looking for household garbage and extracting sewer residues.

If Noel Thakar’s genes can’t be found through primitive methods, then the only way to find a way is through the deep lurkers of the National Security Bureau of Investigation.

“New news? Huang Guoxiang” asked casually.

An Liang put down his phone and responded, “Hmm!”

An Liang continued, “The location information of the three core members of the Thakar family, the fifteen branch members, and the two adopted sons of Noel Thakar have been locked and tracked in real time.”

“Won’t you be discovered?” Huang Guoxiang asked cautiously.

“Probably not.” An Liang replied, “I am very relieved that they are doing things.”

“Alas!” Huang Guoxiang sighed, and he said enviously, “The efficiency of your Renyi Security Company is really high!”

Renyi Security Company’s work efficiency is indeed very high, and work is very appropriate.

“You only see high efficiency, but you don’t see the high investment behind high efficiency.” An Liang responded, “Renyi Security Company’s operational expenses are very high.”

“Excuse me! Huang Guoxiang” complained that the operational expenditure of their National Security Investigation Bureau is limited, and it is impossible to waste it.

Distant India, Shiraz.

In an inconspicuous three-story building, the death knell of the third death knell Raoul and the seventh Theseus Tang are working together to find the genetic information of Nortakar. The two are virus experts and biological experts, looking for genes. The manipulation of information is not a problem for them.

The Joker number six, John Dean, is reviewing the information collected about Noel Thakar to increase the similarity of the parody.

The No. 4 Tianji Shenshu is monitoring the whereabouts of all members of the Takar family, and analyzes their movement and life trajectories through big data information, thereby further increasing the accuracy of monitoring.

Nearly an hour later, No. 7 Hughes handed the matching result of a gene sample to No. 3 Death Knell, “This gene should be the target gene.”

We “have already cross-matched to determine the gene of the target wife and the gene of the target son, and then through the gene sequencing of paternity test, we have determined the gene information of the target in reverse.” No. 7 Wuxius explained.

Noel Thakar’s genetic samples are difficult to obtain, because Noel Thakar’s security awareness is very high, but his wife, as well as his son, have a relatively low level of security.

Especially the only son Virat Thakar, this person often engages in things, such as pottery in bars, dangerous driving on public roads, and even molesting people on the road.

It is very simple to get Virat Thakar’s genetic sample, and then it is much easier to reverse match Noel Thakar’s genes through paternity testing.

Death Knell No. 3 looked at the information handed over by No. 7 Hughes. After he read it, he nodded affirmatively, “It is indeed the genetic information of the target. I will start preparing the medicine now and conduct the test. It is expected to take an hour.”

“No. 4, the whereabouts of all the targets are normal, right?” No. 3 Death Knell asked.

The No. 4 Tianji Shenshen responded affirmatively, “No abnormality. The movement trajectories of the main target and the secondary target are in line with the usual situation.”

“You report to No. 1, we are ready to act tonight.” No. 3 Death Knell explained.

“Okay.” No. 4 Heavenly Mystery agreed.

This piece of information was finally reported to An Liang, and An Liang naturally informed Huang Guoxiang.

“Old Huang, please contact the deep lurking personnel. We have prepared the signal transmitter and let the other party install the signal transmitter on the server of the internal network. We will act this evening.” An Liang explained.

“So fast?” Huang Guoxiang was surprised.

“Didn’t you just praise the efficiency of Renyi Security Company?” An Liang teased.

“Okay!” Huang Guoxiang agreed first, and then asked, “Where is the signal transmitter you prepared?”

“Let them act and communicate with each other!” An Liang responded, “In order to avoid your worries and suspicions, I will give you (Nonuo’s) our contact information, and you will let your deep lurkers find opportunities to communicate.”

“This is the best.” Huang Guoxiang agreed.

After all, the contact information of the deep lurkers is confidential, and it is safer to let the deep lurkers contact An Liang.

An Liang handed over the temporary contact information of the No. 4 Tianji Shenshu to Huang Guoxiang, and Huang Guoxiang handed it over to their deep lurkers in the Thakar family. Finally, the deep lurkers personally contacted the No. 4 Tianji Shenshu, and the two sides communicated directly. Take one step.

Such an operation is not only simpler and more time-efficient, but also reduces the number of communication links, thereby reducing the possibility of leaks.

Once the deep lurkers have completed their tasks, everything is ready and only due to the east wind

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