h2228 Little accident? [2/3]

India, Shiraz.

In the eastern district of Sirabong City, the residence of the Thakar family, a middle-aged man was playing with his mobile phone, and a middle-aged man beside him was smoking.

The middle-aged man who smoked looked at the middle-aged man who was playing with his mobile phone. He reminded him, “Lal, it is forbidden to play with mobile phones during working hours.”

“No smoking during working hours!” Lal responded indifferently, “Shahrukh, when you want to take care of me, take care of yourself first!”

Shahrukh shook the soot a little embarrassedly, and then stubbornly responded, “The captain also wants to smoke, but the captain doesn’t play with the phone.

“You mean the captain violated the safety rules?” Lal asked directly.

“No, no, I don’t.” Shahrukh hurriedly denied.

Lal didn’t seem to take it seriously either. He responded casually, “We just need to be careful not to be discovered by Mr. Knoll himself. Mr. Knoll should be in the backyard, right?”

Shahrukh responded affirmatively, “Well, Mr. Noel is in the backyard, we just need to be careful.

“I’ll go to the bathroom first, you look at it, there is something to call on the walkie-talkie.” Lal shook his phone and said.

270 Shahrukh laughed and scolded, “You’re going to the bathroom to hide for another half an hour?”

“It’s okay anyway.” Lal responded indifferently.

“Okay!” Shahrukh agreed, “but in the afternoon, you have to help me watch for half an hour.”

“Okay!” Lal agreed.

The two happily reached a cooperative fishing.

In the bathroom, Lal checked his mobile phone again. This Lal is the deep lurker of the National Security Bureau of Investigation in the Takar family. He has been lurking in the Takar family for more than ten years.

Lal looked at the information sent by Huang Guoxiang. The communication between Huang Guoxiang and Lal used a password. On the surface, they pretended to be chatting with netizens, and it was a somewhat ambiguous chat, but in fact these languages ​​had specific meanings, and After the environment is secure, another set of password information is sent.

Two minutes later, Lal figured out the cause and effect of the matter, and then remembered the contact information of the No. 4 Heavenly Mystery God. He will get in touch with the No. 4 Heavenly Mystery God at the right time.

When the matter was figured out, Lal immediately reported a crucial matter.

After Huang Guoxiang received Lal’s report, he immediately explained the situation to An Liang.

“Our deep lurkers have reported one thing.” Huang Guoxiang said to An Liang, “Noel Thakar’s only son Virat Thakar is very willful, if you control Noel Thakar and use his name Calling other people, Virat may ignore it.”

“This is indeed a problem!” An Liang responded, “It seems that we need to prepare more backup plans.”

“Hey, you can handle it yourself.” Huang Guoxiang responded, and then added, “Our deep lurking personnel will contact you after six o’clock local time in Silabang.”

“Okay!” An Liang responded, “If there is no accident, this time the operation against the Takar family will be carried out tonight. The primary goal is to find the Millennium Astragalus, and the secondary goal is to destroy the entire Takar family.”

Huang Guoxiang didn’t care that An Liang wanted to destroy the Thakar family.

Although the Takar family only seems to have grudges with An Liang now, if the Takar family really still has the Millennium Astragalus, and this time they rob the Takar family of the Millennium Astragalus, it would be equivalent to resentment again, so destroying the potential What’s wrong with the enemy?

“Need our help?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

“No (adde)!” An Liang refused, “All of us can’t be involved in this operation. Unless you can support the North Bear Country’s weapons and equipment, you don’t need to participate at all.”

“You want to put the blame on the North Bear Country?” Huang Guoxiang casually probed.

An Liang laughed, “What’s a blame?”

“Huh?” Huang Guoxiang hesitated, “What plan do you have? We are partners. This time, we have already participated in it. Are you hiding anything from your allies?”

“Old Huang, you are meaningless like this!” An Liang changed the subject, “When this matter is over, you will know!”

“You have so many secrets!” Huang Guoxiang hummed.

An Liang didn’t answer, just responded, “I’ll contact Li Cunyuan and the others first. They let them come over to see our plan. Can they come to your headquarters?”

“As you are! Huang Guoxiang” responded.

An Liang sent a message in the small partner group of the imperial capital.

An Liang: @Everyone: Brothers, do you have time today?!

“Li Cunyuan; of course!!

“Qian Xiaogang: I have time too.

“Yun Haiyang: I have a problem.

An Liang:?

“Yun Haiyang: Hu Xiaoyu and Li Qian are at odds again, and I’m in a dilemma.

Li Cunyuan; Deserved!

“Qian Xiaogang: Love can’t help.

“An Liang: Are you having fun?

“Cloud Ocean: I…

“An Liang: Leave them alone, you all come to the headquarters of the National Security Bureau of Investigation immediately.

An Liang: I arranged for Li Yang to pick you up at the door.

“An Liang; By the way, you are called Lin Yili, Ye Xiangyu, and Xiaoyu.

Li Cunyuan: @Cloud Ocean: You are finished!’

Qian Xiaogang: @Cloud Ocean: You want a tragedy!!

‘Yun Haiyang: @Li Cunyuan; Brother Yuan, save me, I’ll pick up Brother Perseverance, you help bring the little fish, ask for help!

Li Cunyuan: I’ll go to the bar with me later, how about you make a reservation?

“Cloud Ocean: No problem!”

“Yun Haiyang: Thank you, Brother Yuan!!

An Liang: Why bother to come!’

“An Liang: It’s just self-inflicted!

Isn’t the situation of the cloud ocean just self-inflicted?

This man wanted to learn from An Liang to be a good man, but he didn’t turn out to be an anti-dog.

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