h2236 is meticulous! [1/3]

Airdrop flying motorcycles?

It seems to be possible to play like this!

The safety system of the flying motorcycle is very advanced. If it is thrown from a high altitude, when it detects rollover and fall, the safety system will automatically control the power output of the ducted fan to balance the fuselage.

“How many flying motorcycles have you airdropped?” Huang Guoxiang asked the key question.

“There are quite a lot of them, there are 60 planes in total. We agreed with the team on the Nagumo side. They will pick us up at the border for our return journey, and these flying motorcycles will be sent directly to them.” An Liang added.

“Dream the channel of the future Graphene Technology Group?” Huang Guoxiang asked rhetorically.

“Of course!” An Liang responded with a smile.

Dreaming of the Future Graphene Technology Group is not only an interest group, but also a channel platform. It carries a bridge with the military and allows An Liang to have new resources.

“This time, looking for the Millennium Astragalus, they are also beneficial, and naturally they must be facilitated.” An Liang added.

“Our people are here, do you use flying motorcycles to pick them up?” Huang Guoxiang probed.

“It’s no problem, there are many people to do things, and it’s faster for everyone to find Millennium Astragalus together.” An Liang explained, “The violent bear can’t stand it for too long. We can’t hide what happened, we’d better be faster!”

“Yeah!” Huang Guoxiang affirmed.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan and Shi Feng quickly docked the information, allowing the personnel of Renyi Security Company and the National Security Investigation Bureau to meet near Kerry Mountain, and then drove the fire version of the flying motorcycle to Kerry Mountain together.

It was nearly ten o’clock in the evening, local time in India.

In the dark environment, if you normally walk and search for climbing, or in an unfamiliar environment, it will naturally be extremely difficult.

However, the flying motorcycle can fly and has a laser ranging radar, so there will be no dangerous accidents even in the dark.

After the personnel of the National Security Investigation Bureau and Renyi Security Company converged, they immediately divided into three groups to go to the three GPS coordinate points. Each group of personnel included members of the National Security Investigation Bureau and Renyi Security Company, forming a situation of mutual supervision.

Wei Ziyang, code-named Suzaku One, is in the first group, Suzaku Er Gui Changwen is in the second group, and Suzaku Sanqu Zhengang is in the third group. This time, the members of Renyi Security Company who participated in the search for the Millennium Astragalus were all exposed in the life extension plan. staff.

Because An Liang already knew what Huang Guoxiang was thinking, how could he expose the new members of Renyi Security Company?

Members of the National Security Investigation Bureau and Renyi Security Company divided into three groups to search for the coordinates of the three GPS ranges. Wei Ziyang led the first group to search for the coordinates of the first GPS range. The area they searched was a valley.

This valley is very unique. It is as steep as a tiankeng on all sides, but the overall shape is long. Because the terrain is too unique, and astragalus likes to grow on sunny meadows and hillsides, Wei Ziyang did not think that there may be a thousand-year-old astragalus here.

However, even though he felt that there was no Millennium Astragalus here, Wei Ziyang still instructed, “Everyone in the group pay attention, check every inch of the land carefully, cross-check it, even if it is a weed, if there is any doubt, then check it carefully. .”

In addition, “All photographic equipment records every inch of land, every weed, 360 degrees without dead ends, and act immediately!” Wei Ziyang instructed.

Every inch of land is recorded on camera, so as to ensure that even if the Millennium Astragalus is not found and the violent bears can’t stand it, they can go back and search for the Millennium Astragalus through the video.

The second and third groups were the same.

The situation of the three teams’ search for Millennium Astragalus was relayed by No. 4 Tianji Shenshu to the screen wall of the secret temporary command room of the National Security Investigation Bureau, thereby providing a channel for remote supervision.

Huang Guoxiang sat next to An Liang, and he asked casually, “Are you sure there is a thousand-year-old Astragalus?”

“When did I make sure?” An Liang hummed, “I just said it’s possible! Is it possible to understand?”

“What if not?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

“Then you don’t want your own share?” An Liang also asked.

Go go go “!” Huang Guoxiang refused without hesitation.

It is impossible not to!


Hu Xiaoyu sat beside Yun Haiyang, she yawned, it was after 0:00 in Xia Kingdom, “Brother Haiyang, will you take me back later?”

Yun Haiyang naturally did not refuse, “If you want to go back after a while, I will send you. I will ask first to see if there is a rest room. If you are sleepy, I will send you to the rest room.

Hu Xiaoyu refused, “No, I’m afraid alone.”

Yun Haiyang hesitated for a while before responding, “Then you can sleep for a while now, and I will call you when there is a new situation.”

“Yeah!” Hu Xiaoyu took Yun Haiyang’s arm and leaned on his shoulder and closed his eyes to rest.

Zhao Wanjin sat next to An Liang. She saw Hu Xiaoyu and Yun Haiyang’s situation, and said to An Liang casually, “There is something wrong with your buddy!”

“You’re not optimistic either?” An Liang asked back.

Zhao Wanxi shook her head slightly, “Hu Xiaoyu is the jewel in the family’s palm. If Yun Haiyang can be single-minded, there may be some hope to be together, but after adding Li Qing, the three of them are absolutely impossible!”

An Liang asked back, “So what are you insisting on?”

Zhao Wanxi’s family conditions are better than that of Hu Xiaoyu, so she should be in many difficulties, right? And.

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