h2237 Discovery and retreat! [2/3]

NSA headquarters, secret temporary command room.

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang, she naturally knew what An Liang was implying, she said softly, “Our situation is different from theirs!

“Yun Haiyang, Hu Xiaoyu, and Li Qian are all members of the imperial capital circle. It is impossible for Hu Xiaoyu’s family and Li Ji’s family to agree, so they have no chance at all.” Zhao Wanxi explained.

“Although we are also in the imperial circle, your other girlfriends are not.” Zhao Wan explained.

An Liang sighed, “I suggest you think calmly.”

Zhao Wanxi smiled without saying a word.

As time with An Liang gets longer and longer, Zhao Wanjin is more and more satisfied with “Six Seven Three” An Liang.

Because An Liang has very few disadvantages and many advantages.

After all, no one is perfect!

An Liang has a little problem to make it seem more real.

Otherwise, the appearance of perfection will easily make people feel that it is a disguise.

Kerry Mountain, in the narrow valley where the first group of searchers was located, a staff member of the National Security Investigation Bureau reported through a wireless headset, “Unit 6 found something abnormal!”

We “discovered a plant suspected of astragalus.” NSA staff continued to report.

Wei Ziyang responded immediately, “Report your location, we will bring experts over to check immediately.

When the staff of the National Security Bureau of Investigation reported the location information, Wei Ziyang immediately took the botanical experts to go there. The astragalus grows less than three meters from the top of the canyon, and it grows in the cracks of the rocks.

Wei Ziyang personally drove the fire version of the flying motorcycle with Sun Shizhong, a botanical expert, to check the situation.

The No. 4 Heavenly Mystery has already reported the information, “Boss, the first group found a suspected target.

The corresponding video footage has been broadcast to the screen wall. Naturally, Huang Guoxiang saw the situation at the scene. He asked casually, “Who found it?”

“Of course it’s our people!” An Liang also responded casually.

No. 4 is slightly embarrassed, “This time it was discovered by the staff of the National Security Bureau of Investigation.”

Huang Guoxiang smiled.

An Liang jokingly responded, “You’re confused! That’s not an NSA staffer, it must be one of ours.”

Huang Guoxiang did not argue, he only served as An Liang’s strong argument.

In the canyon of Kerry Mountain, Sun Shizhong, a botanist expert, fastened a safety rope, climbed the cliff carefully, and observed the astragalus in the crevices from a close distance. The age of this astragalus should be very long. I have seen leafy astragalus for more than 30 years before, but the age of this astragalus is far more than 30 years old.

“It’s just…” Sun Shizhong hesitated to stop.

Just what?” Wei Ziyang asked.

“It grows in rock crevices, and its growth environment is so bad that it must have been affected.” Sun Shizhong explained.

An Liang ordered directly, “These are all secondary factors, Wei Ziyang, immediately arrange for someone to dig it out!”

“Received.” Wei Ziyang responded.

Huang Guoxiang did not stop An Liang’s order, he asked curiously, “This is the thousand-year-old Astragalus?”

“I think so!” An Liang responded affirmatively.

“Huh? Huang Guoxiang” guessed, “Could it be that the Millennium Astragalus you found last time is also here?”

“Guess what?” An Liang gave neither affirmative nor negative, only a vague answer.

Such an answer is more convenient for others to brainstorm.

After all, there is room for imagination!

After An Liang’s order was issued, whether it was the security personnel of Renyi Security Company or the staff of the National Security Investigation Bureau, they all started to take action.

This suspected thousand-year-old Astragalus grows on the cliffs, and it is very difficult to excavate among the rock crevices.

There is no foothold on the cliff, and it is impossible to arrange for a large number of people to excavate. It is also quite difficult to completely excavate the thousand-year-old Astragalus from the pinnacle.

Wei Ziyang chose a simple way to eliminate the violence, and didn’t mean to dig slowly at all. They first used an ultrasonic detector to determine the condition of the astragalus in the cracks of the rock, and then directly used tools such as emery wheels, chainsaws, and electric drills. Cut out the stone wall containing the thousand-year-old astragalus.

Under the violent operation regardless of the cost, the members of the first group cut a piece of long stone with a length of 50 centimeters, a thickness of 20 centimeters and a width of 20 centimeters in nearly an hour.

The Astragalus plant, which is suspected to be a thousand-year-old Astragalus, is in this long stone.

Two fire-fighting versions of the flying motorcycles jointly hoisted it and flew directly to the border, and other flying motorcycles escorted it one after another.

“Boss, only one Astragalus plant has been found in the three areas for the time being. The first group has already retreated. Do the second and third groups want to retreat?” No. 4 Tian Ji Shen Shu asked.

3.5 “What’s the situation with violent bears?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

The violent bear “has already suffered losses, and the rapid response security force of Shiraz is about to arrive at Kerry Mountain. The violent bear will definitely not be able to stand it.”

An Liang considered for a few seconds, then responded, “Let the violent bears prepare to retreat, provide remote intelligence support, and let the arctic fox respond to them. In addition, the second and third groups that searched for Millennium Astragalus on Mount Kerry all retreated. .

“Received.” No. 4 Heavenly Mystery Calculation responded.

After An Liang finished giving the order, Huang Guoxiang answered casually, “What’s the situation with the arctic fox?”

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