h2251 God bless the bald eagle?[1/3]

Imperial Capital, Zhaoyang District.

The consulate of the Bald Eagle Country is also in Zhaoyang District, so Huang Yao chose to trade in Zhaoyang District, so as to prevent extreme situations, he still has one last move.

It was originally a trump card to prevent the worst situation, but the worst situation really happened!

Huang Xian’s heart was full of anger. He wished to find out the IT man and burn his ashes. However, the two parties were connected through the deep web, and he didn’t know the other party’s information at all.

When they first met, he even thought that the other party had put on makeup. It seems that the other party had planned it long ago, right?

Fortunately, Huang Rui just thought that the other party was just to be on the safe side.

Who knows that the other party has evil intentions?

“How far?” Huang Xian asked again.

“There’s still a little more than one kilometer.” The driver responded, and then added, “Mr. Huang, sorry, I look ahead~ It seems like a traffic jam.”

Traffic jam?

Huang Xian’s heart sank!

Usually it’s just a waste of time in traffic jams, but now traffic jams – that’s a deadly problem.

The other party has just crashed directly, which shows that the other party doesn’t care about the negative impact at all. After all, this is the other party’s home court. No matter what the negative impact is, you only need to show that you are chasing down dangerous fugitives, or even treasonous criminals, and you will become a hero in an instant. ?

Huang Xian was 100% sure that once he was caught by the other party, he would definitely die!

“Could it be a traffic light?” Huang Xian asked.

“There is no traffic light, it’s really a traffic jam!” the driver asked, “Mr. Huang, what should we do?”

“Rush out of the motor vehicle lane, rush through the non-motor vehicle lane, and rush directly into the Bald Eagle Country Consulate.” Huang Xian instructed.

“But… the driver hesitated, but was interrupted directly by Huang Xian.

“I’m dead, you don’t want to live!” Huang Xian snorted coldly.

The driver could only do as he did. He honked his horn frantically while rushing into the non-motorized vehicle lane. Fortunately, there were not many people in the non-motorized vehicle lane. In addition, the whistle was frantically sounded, and there were no casualties, but some curses were inevitable.

When rushing into the non-motorized vehicle lane, Huang Yao turned to look at the pursuers behind him. He found that the pursuers were not chasing after him, and he couldn’t help but smile.

That’s the official staff limit!

It is impossible for official personnel to rush onto the non-motorized vehicle lane without any scruples, and it is even more impossible to ignore accidental casualties, but Huang Xian does not care about these at all.

The black Mercedes-Benz car rushed all the way to the gate of the Bald Eagle Country Consulate on the non-motorized road. Nova Pharmaceutical Company reported the license plate of the Mercedes-Benz car in advance, so the Mercedes-Benz car entered smoothly.

When he entered the consulate of the Bald Eagle Country, he laughed wildly, “Hahahaha, I still won, and I won again!”

Jarion, the representative of Nova Pharmaceuticals, personally opened the rear seat door. He stared at Huang Xian and asked directly, “Have you got the thing?”

For the rest of Huang Xian’s life, he still has lingering fears, and his entire back is soaked in cold sweat.

Facing Jarion’s inquiry, Huang Xian responded affirmatively, “Of course I got it!”

Huang Xian got out of the car while responding. At this moment, three black Audi cars drove outside the consulate of the Bald Eagle Country. The soldiers of the Bald Eagle Country immediately became nervous and pulled up the railing.

Huang Xian stared at the three black Audi sedans, he gave a thumbs up triumphantly, and then provocatively upside down.

Jarion reminded, “Okay, okay, don’t provoke them, what about the stuff?”

“The conditions remain the same?” Huang Yao asked rhetorically.

“Yeah!” Jarion answered affirmatively, “our reputation, you should be very clear.

“Of course.” Huang Xian responded that if he had not believed in the credibility of Nova Pharmaceuticals, Huang Xian would not have taken such a risk. He knew very well the value and importance of the Millennium Astragalus slices.

0… ask for flowers…

As long as he steals the thousand-year-old Astragalus slices, he will definitely be surrounded and suppressed by the imperial capital circle.

Huang Xian took out two cans of Millennium Astragalus slices and handed them over to Jarion.

A few people got on and off the three black Audi sedans outside the Bald Eagle Country Consulate, and they just stood guard outside the Bald Eagle Country Consulate.

One of them pointed at Huang Xian, and then used his right thumb to draw a small half circle on his own neck, which meant that Huang Yi was killed.

Huang Xian naturally saw such a situation, and he said worriedly, “Mr. Jarion, the other party is so blatantly standing outside waiting for us, what should we do?”

Before Jarien answered, Huang Xian continued, “If the other party keeps guarding us, we have no way to run away, and there is no way to send things away.”

Huang Xian added, “With the value of thousand-year-old Astragalus, the other party will definitely guard us!”

Jarion sneered, “A bunch of idiots who don’t understand the law!”

“When two thousand-year-old Astragalus are put into a diplomatic pouch, they are granted diplomatic immunity. Other countries cannot inspect and detain them. We are diplomatic messengers and have the same immunity. Xia Guo has no right to arrest and detain us.” Jarien explained .

In addition, “In order to ensure our safety, Ambassador Ain will use the ambassador’s special diplomatic vehicle to take us to the airport, and prepare a special diplomatic plane for us!” Jarien added.

“That’s great, it’s God Bless the Bald Eagle!” Huang Xian breathed a long sigh of relief.

But is it really God Bless the Bald Eagle?


It’s all just a conspiracy of Brother Liang!

You are in the game without knowing it! And,

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