Could h2252 dare to attack? 2/3]

There is an old saying: If you don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, you only have to be in this mountain.

Huang is like that.

He was in the game and thought he could escape by a close call, but in fact everything was just a scheme manipulated by An Liang behind the scenes.

Whether it’s the two thousand-year-old Astragalus sold to Huang Xian, or the escape that put Huang Xian’s life on the line, all are scripts written in advance by An Liang.

This script is to disrupt the situation and throw the black pot to the Bald Eagle Country.

I’m afraid the Bald Eagle Country has never thought about it, and it’s actually receiving a pot on the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean, right?

Outside the Bald Eagle Consulate.

Wu Hai, codenamed Suzaku Wu, contacted An Liang to report the current situation of “697”.

“Mr. An, the target entered the consulate of the Bald Eagle Country as planned, and found Jarion Bank, the representative of the Xia Country of Nova Pharmaceutical Company.” Wu Hai reported the situation.

“Yes, the other party is very cooperative, and the follow-up plan will follow the script!” An Liang ordered.

“Understood!” Wu Hai responded.

The Bald Eagle Country Consulate, next to a window on the second floor, Huang Xian looked at the blatant surveillance personnel outside the consulate, a flash of worry flashed in his heart.

“Mr. Jarion, look at those guys.” Huang Qiang reminded.

Through the window, Jarion saw the surveillance personnel who seemed to be casual and closely surrounded the gate of the Bald Eagle Country Consulate.

“Huang, you don’t need to worry, what I just said is the truth, we have reached an agreement with Ambassador Ain, and our safety is not a problem.” Jarien said affirmatively.

Huang Yao sighed, “I’m not worried about this one thing, I’m worried about other things.

“Something else?” Jarion wondered.

We “all know that Millennium Astragalus is in the hands of nobles in the imperial capital, and we also understand its value and effect, so I am worried that those people will take risks.” Huang Xian expressed his concerns.

Huang Xian continued to add, “According to our investigation, these thousand-year-old astragalus were discovered by the younger generation of nobles, and I am worried that these young nobles are daring.

Jarien was silent for nearly half a minute before responding, “I will discuss with Ambassador Ain immediately and hope that Ambassador Ain will send the security force of the consulate to escort us.

“That’s the best!” Huang Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

Jarien acted immediately. He did not contact Ambassador Ain immediately, but contacted the senior management of Nova Pharmaceutical Company. He first obtained the support of the senior management of Nova Pharmaceutical Company before contacting Ambassador Ain.

The influence of Nova Pharmaceutical Company in the Bald Eagle Country was very strong, and the problem was solved in just half an hour. Ambassador Ain agreed to send security personnel to escort Jarien and Huang Xian to the airport.

In order to avoid too many nights and dreams, both Jarien and Huang Xian tend to leave the Xia Kingdom as soon as possible to avoid unexpected changes.

It was nearly eight o’clock in the evening.

In Room 8806 of Yunjing International Apartment, An Liang was peeling shrimp for Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang. He received a message from Wu Hai, and Chen Siyu took a look at it. The content of the message was only a string of numbers.


Chen Siyu was full of curiosity, but she didn’t mean to ask.

An Liang took the initiative to explain, “We made a plan to make people think that we had successfully stolen our things, and we would act and track each other again.”

“The first number means thieves are retreating, and the last number means pursuit,” An Liang added.

“Actually, this thing wasn’t ours in the first place, but we managed to grab it, and it was ours. In order to avoid troubles caused by our robbery, we made this plan to make people think it was this one. Robbery performed by thieves 0..” An Liang explained in more detail.

“This thing is called Millennium Astragalus, which we snatched back from the Indian state of Shiraz. This matter is classified as a secret. Don’t tell anyone else.” An Liang instructed.

“I know!” Chen Siyu nodded.

Ning Ruoshuang also agreed, “I won’t say it.”

An Liang revealed the secret to them, which made them feel warm, because it means that they have enough weight in An Liang’s heart to tell them secret things.

On the other side, the bald eagle country consulate.

Jarien and Huang Xian both got on the diplomatic ambassador’s special car, and took out two vacuum-packed Millennium Astragalus from the nitrogen-filled tank and put them into the diplomatic pouch for double protection.

Not only that, the bald eagle country consulate also arranged a team of 12 security personnel to escort them in three Chevrolet Saabs.

Wu Hai naturally discovered such a situation. When the convoy of the Bald Eagle Country Consulate Hall 3.5 set off, four black Audi sedans immediately followed.

Huang Xian has been observing Wu Hai and his group. When he noticed four black Audi cars following him, he immediately reminded nervously, “Those guys are following!”

Jarion also began to worry, he said hesitantly, “Do these guys really dare to attack the diplomatic ambassador’s car?”

“I’m not sure either.” Huang Xian hesitated, “I’m worried about one thing now. If we had a traffic accident, it wouldn’t be an attack, right?”

In this day and age, traffic accidents are indeed a very good excuse!

Jarion’s face turned ugly.

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