h2255 Horrible gossip! [2/3]

The sky-high bounty in the deep net was only released for half an hour when it was specially targeted.

This piece of gossip about the bounty task thoroughly reveals the reason for the high reward of the bounty task, because the Nova Pharmaceutical Company arranged for Huang to find the legendary thousand-year-old Astragalus in Shiraz in India.

After Huang found the Millennium Astragalus in Xilabang now, he was going to return to the Bald Eagle Country through the Xia Kingdom, and then the local forces in the Xia Kingdom discovered the secret of the Millennium Astragalus, causing the local power to hunt down.

Fortunately, Nova Pharmaceuticals cooperated with the consulate of the Bald Eagle Country to rescue, allowing Huang Xian and Jarion to escape smoothly, and now they have boarded the diplomatic plane for the direct flight to the Bald Eagle Country.

The local forces in the Xia Kingdom were furious and posted a reward task in the deep web, hoping to obtain the Millennium Astragalus.

In order to protect the secret of Millennium Astragalus, the reward mission did not explicitly propose to search for Millennium Astragalus, but only said that all items of Huang Xian and Jarion were required.

This situation further proves the accuracy of the grapevine.

The gossip even stated the effect of Millennium Astragalus, indicating that Millennium Astragalus can prolong life and has a very powerful therapeutic effect, almost comparable to a panacea.

It is precisely because of the excellent medicinal effects of Millennium Astragalus that the local forces in Xia Kingdom are relentlessly pursuing them. Even if Jarien and Huang Xian fled back to the Bald Eagle Kingdom, the local forces in Xia Kingdom did not give up.

The gossip has even stated that Millennium Astragalus is worth well over ten million dollars, thus reminding all grey hunters not to be fooled.

In light of such reminders, some have speculated that the purveyor of the grapevine is from India Shiraz?

There is also a gray hunter in India who revealed the matter of Sera, saying that the actual controller of Sera, the Thakar family, was genocide recently, and it was rumored that it was because of the millennium astragalus.

The gossip in the deep web came out one after another, and in a blink of an eye, there was a reward for the acquisition of Millennium Astragalus at a high price, expressing his willingness to buy Millennium Astragalus for $15 million.

The entire Deep Web was screened by Millennium Astragalus in a short period of time, and a large number of gray hunters gathered in the Bald Eagle Country to prepare to intercept Huang Xian and Jarion.

It’s a pity that Huang Xian has been unable to see such a big scene, and he went to hell first.

Bald Eagle Country.

Nova Pharmaceutical Company also paid attention to the information in the deep web. Nova Pharmaceutical Company is a giant pharmaceutical company, and the network security department within the company will naturally pay attention to the information related to Nova Pharmaceutical Company.

When the Deep Web was screened by Millennium Astragalus, and Nova Pharmaceuticals was involved, the network security department immediately reported to the company’s top management.

None of the top executives of Nova Pharmaceuticals are fools. They are suffering from the gossip in the deep web, which is obviously blaming them.

After all, did they arrange for Huang Qi to go to India Shirabang to look for Millennium Astragalus, do they still not know?

The chief executive officer (addf) Aldrich ordered, “Pike, you contact Jarien and ask him if he has done anything. If he does not, then suspend the plan and let the Xia people stand up and explain the situation.”

Parker Snow, the security manager for Nova Pharmaceuticals, responded, “Wait a minute, I’ll get in touch right away.

Pike immediately used the satellite phone to contact Jarion. After Jarion answered the phone, Pike immediately asked Aldrich the question, but the result was that Huang Xian had already been sent to the road.

“Mr. Pike, please rest assured, my efficiency is very high, Huang is indeed a trouble, so I sent him to see God in advance.” Jarion said slightly contentedly.

“It’s not a good thing!” Pike responded.

“Huh?” Jarion wondered, wouldn’t it be a good thing for him to solve future problems for the company?

Pike said all the bounties and gossip in the deep web.

After Jarion heard it, he understood what Parker meant before, and it really wasn’t a good thing!

If Huang Xian was still alive, he could clarify the explanation, but now that Huang Xian is dead, Nova Pharmaceuticals is at a loss, how else can they explain Huang Xian’s death?

Could it be frank that they murdered and silenced?

And again that they didn’t send the macular to India Shiraz?

The senior management of Nova Pharmaceutical Company keenly discovered that they were subjected to calculations, and it was a series of calculations, which pulled them into the deep pit step by step, so that they could only eat berberines dumbly.

“Mr. Pike, what should I do now?” Jarion said worriedly.

According to the bounties and gossip on the Deep Web, Jarion knew very well that as long as the plane landed in Bald Eagle Country, he would face greater danger.

“Change the plan, don’t fly directly to New York, go to another city.” Pike explained, “Although you are on a diplomatic plane, the guys in the Deep Web must have obtained your flight information, so you have to change the flight. There is a chance to escape.”

“Understood!” Jarion is not a fool, he naturally understands that Pike is right.

But where could he escape?

Jarion is in a cocoon now, and his life is on the line!

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