h2256 The dog bites the dog! [3/3]

Xia Guo, late at night is approaching early morning.

Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang had already fallen asleep. An Liang was on the sofa in the living room checking the information sent by No. 4 Tianji Shenshen. The events surrounding the Millennium Astragalus were all developing according to An Liang’s script.

Through some tricky operations, Nova Pharmaceuticals was initially deceived successfully.

At least the eyes in the deep web are now all aimed at Nova Pharmaceutical Company, and Nova Pharmaceutical Company has a hard time saying.

“No. 4: We have successfully obtained the security monitoring system permission of New York International Airport.

“No. 4: In addition to us, there are other people who have also gained access to the security monitoring system of New York Medicine International Airport.

“No. 4: New York Medicine’s urban traffic safety monitoring system, social public safety monitoring system, even mobile communication network system, and fixed line telephone system are all being invaded.

“No. 4: In the Internet field, New Drug is in chaos now, and gray hunters all over the world are targeting New Drug.

“Number Four: A segment of the forward-thinking grey hunters is targeting even more security surveillance systems.

“No. 4: We guess that the representative of Nova Pharmaceuticals, Jerryn, should not land at New York International Airport, and he will most likely change his flight. After all, New York International Airport is the gate of hell now, and he only needs to land at New York International Airport. , must die without a place of burial.

No. 0: You can just watch it, withdraw all our people, and don’t participate in it.

“Number Four: Boss, don’t worry, we won’t be involved.”

No. 0: Always pay attention to the wind direction in the deep web, and guide the speech against Nova Pharmaceuticals.

Number four; understand.

When An Liang communicated with the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, he received a message from Huang Guoxiang from the confidential communication software of the National Security Investigation Bureau.

Huang Guoxiang: “You have won again!

“An Liang: ?

“An Liang; I lost okay!!

Huang Guoxiang “:?

“An Liang: Nova Pharmaceuticals won, they escaped from the Xia Kingdom with Millennium Astragalus, we didn’t catch him, and we didn’t grab Millennium Astragalus.

“Huang Guoxiang: You are not an actor, and I am not an audience, why bother?

“An Liang: If you don’t believe it yourself, how can you make others believe it?

This sentence is also An Liang’s life motto!

If An Liang himself does not believe that he is a good man, how can others believe that he is a good man?

“Huang Guoxiang: Powerless to refute!!

“Huang Guoxiang: How do you plan to prepare for the next step?”

An Liang “: What’s the next step?

“An Liang: This is the end of the plan, we didn’t grab the Millennium Astragalus from Nova Pharmaceuticals, that’s a little bit of fate, let Nova Pharmaceuticals take it!!

Huang Guoxiang: Don’t worry about them really researching it?’

“An Liang: You don’t watch the deep web?

An Liang means that the information of Millennium Astragalus has been swiped on the deep web. Although the representative of Nova Pharmaceutical Company has received two pieces of Millennium Astragalus, according to the gossip in the deep web, Jerryen is basically a dead.

Surrounding those two thousand-year-old Astragalus, under the situation of dog bites dog, I don’t know how many people will die!

As for who can get the two thousand-year-old Astragalus, it is really unknown.

Even if it was actually obtained by Nova Pharmaceutical Company, An Liang did not think that Nova Pharmaceutical Company could crack the secret of the millennium astragalus.

Although according to the winner of life system, even if it is a thousand-year-old Astragalus, it is in line with science rather than metaphysics, but An Liang has a feeling that thousand-year-old Astragalus has the same limitations as mutant holly.

An Liang’s previous proposal to study Millennium Astragalus is actually creating an opportunity and trying to trigger the task of the winner system in life.

0… ask for flowers…

The mission of the winner in life system is not mandatory, nor does it appear out of thin air, but is triggered by An Liang.

For example, the reward task of the second thousand-year-old Astragalus is that An Liang triggers a related event, so that there is a corresponding task.

An Liang hopes to establish a life science laboratory to study Millennium Astragalus, thereby triggering new tasks to make the research and development successful, and finally to produce medicines with Millennium Astragalus effects.

An Liang’s research on Millennium Astragalus’ trump card is the winner of life system, and what is the trump card of Nova Pharmaceuticals?


Could it be by the head iron?

“Huang Guoxiang: According to the current situation, it is indeed not suitable for further planning.

“Huang Guoxiang: But this plot of yours will cause a huge trouble.

An Liang: Huh?

“Huang Guoxiang; let the people all over the world pay attention to the Millennium Astragalus!

“An Liang: If you don’t say this, people around the world will not pay attention to the Millennium Astragalus!

“An Liang: After the story of the Thakar family in Silabang spreads, people will pay attention to Millennium Astragalus, and they will pay attention directly to us.

An Liang: Now through my plan, the whole thing is muddled up. Even if we want to investigate, we will investigate Nova Pharmaceuticals first.

“An Liang: If you’re worried, I can take over your share of Millennium Astragalus.’

“Huang Guoxiang: Go go, I was going to say that just now, it is very dangerous for you to hold so many thousand-year-old astragalus, we can protect the safety of thousand-year-old astragalus.

“An Liang: There are so many routines!

“Huang Guoxiang: Heroes see the same thing?

Updated: April 19, 2021 00:06:58, good night. and.

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