h2257 Queen and unexpected help[1/3]

Wednesday, August 5th.

Although it is summer vacation, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang are still studying hard. Chen Siyu has her own dreams. Ning Ruoshuang is inspired by Chen Siyu. She also wants to strive for the leading role in the important performances of the National Centre for the Performing Arts.

Instead, An Liang relaxed.

Although An Liang conspired through the millennium astragalus, Baitou made the Yingguo side a little messy, but what does that have to do with An Liang?

Feel sorry!

Brother Liang can kill or bury!

Even if the guys on the other side of the Pacific were playing dog brains around two thousand-year-old Astragalus, An Liang would only watch the fire from the other side and let them make trouble.

Of course, if “Seven Zero Seven” is possible, An Liang doesn’t mind the snipe and clam fighting, and the fisherman will benefit.

If the competition for Millennium Astragalus is in full swing, and many parties are hit hard, An Liang will definitely not mind arranging Renyi Security Company to recover two Millennium Astragalus pieces.

Even if it is recycled and re-auctioned, it is a good choice to put the auction proceeds into charity, right?

However, An Liang soon realized that this was wishful thinking!

Because on a global scale, there are more people who pay attention to Millennium Astragalus than imagined, and it is not only the Bald Eagle Country that is paying attention to Millennium Astragalus.

At nine o’clock in the morning, An Liang received a call from Hu Xiaoyu. He originally thought that Hu Xiaoyu contacted him because there was something about the Baiyujing Club in the sky, but Hu Xiaoyu was surprised.

“Brother Liang, I’m sorry, I want to admit my mistake and apologize.” Hu Xiaoyu said that he admitted his mistake and apologized.

An Liang asked suspiciously, “What’s the situation?”

“About the Millennium Astragalus.” Hu Xiaoyu continued, “Our family just disclosed the effects of Millennium Astragalus to the Queen of Great Britain.”

“That legendary queen?” An Liang wondered.

“Yes.” Hu Xiaoyu answered affirmatively, “Our family has a good personal relationship with each other, so when she called to ask, our family revealed the effect of Millennium Astragalus.”

An Liang responded with a smile, “It doesn’t matter, I will reveal it as soon as it is revealed. Anyway, the effect of Millennium Astragalus is not a secret. Its specific effect has long been out of the circle. Whether it is in the imperial capital circle or some interested people, everyone knows its situation. ”

Hu Xiaoyu continued, “But… if Brother Liang wants to recycle the two thousand-year-old Astragalus, there should be no chance.”

She added again, “After knowing the effects of Millennium Astragalus, the Queen has already acquired Millennium Astragalus, and I heard that she will arrange a secret operation.”

“If you can’t recycle it, you can’t recycle it. The value of the two thousand-year-old Astragalus is to help us divert our attention.” An Liang said casually.

This time the Queen of Great Britain is involved, Nova Pharmaceuticals should be particularly uncomfortable, right?

Anyway, it’s not that An Liang is uncomfortable!

“Xiaoyu, you don’t need to blame yourself, it’s just a small matter.” An Liang added to the question, “Your family didn’t disclose the real source of Astragalus membranaceus?”

“Of course not. Our rhetoric was also obtained from Nova Pharmaceuticals.” Hu Xiaoyu responded.

“Not bad, this is a god assist!” An Liang responded with a smile.

An Liang and Hu Xiaoyu briefly chatted for a few more words before hanging up.

This matter is indeed not a big problem, the only problem is probably that the two thousand-year-old astragalus cannot be recycled.

Reasonably speaking, the Queen of Great Britain is already ninety-four years old, and she must be very eager to obtain the Millennium Astragalus.

On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, the distant Bald Eagle Country 0..

According to the reminder of security manager Pike Snow, Jarion did not land at New York International Airport, but chose New Langton, which is northeast of New York.

The distance between the two places is only about 160 kilometers, and there is very convenient ground transportation and sea transportation, thus providing one more transportation option.

However, Jarion underestimated the influence of Millennium Astragalus, and also underestimated the ability of the gray hunters in the deep web.

There are almost no fools who have the ability to roam the deep web!

How can a fool enter the deep web?

Most of the gray hunters in the deep net guessed that Jarion could not land at New York International Airport. After all, the security monitoring system of New York International Airport was completely controlled by the gray hunters, and the surrounding area of ​​New York International Airport was also full of ambushes. It is impossible for any wise man to cast himself into the net, right?

The gray hunters of the Deep Web naturally thought that Jarion was a smart person. They expanded the surveillance area, centered on New York International Airport, and the surrounding 500-kilometer airports were all under their surveillance, naturally including New Langton.

Just as Jarion landed in New Langton, he was captured by the airport’s security monitoring system, and 3.5 was naturally discovered by the deep net gray hunter.

To make matters worse, New Langton also has deep net grey hunters in ambush!

In New Langton Airport, Jarion was walking towards the airport exit when his cell phone rang, and the caller ID was an unknown number. He thought for a few seconds, and then connected.

“Jerien, you are in danger. You should avoid the security cameras now, and I will tell you the next step to escape.” There was a voice clearly using a voice changer from the handset.

“Who are you?” Jarion asked immediately.

Who the hell is helping him?

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