h2268 cheating on R&D funding? (3/3]

Yunpo Village, a temporary research institute near the alpine jujube forest.

In the face of An Liang’s disbelief, Wan Dongliang explained, “Mr. An, what I’m talking about is really not metaphysics. After Professor Zeng tested that alpine sour jujube kernel has the effect of concentration and meditation, all of us brothers and sisters who stayed up late to work tested all of them. However, it does have that effect.”

“In addition, we have also tested its effect on reducing high blood pressure, and the effect is simply extraordinary!” Wan Dongliang added.

An Liang raised his eyebrows, “You wait!”

“Ah?” Wan Dongliang looked at An Liang suspiciously.

Although “I don’t understand your scientific research, but I know that medical experiments should be approved by the court, right?” An Liang questioned.

“President An is right.” Wan Dongliang affirmed An Liang’s remarks and then explained it.

According to the laws of Xia Guo, the development of a new drug requires at least three necessary stages.

The first stage is drug discovery, as well as preliminary research.

This stage takes 2 to 4 years.

The second stage is preclinical research. This stage is also subdivided into detailed experiments in vitro and in vivo in animals. After these detailed experiments are passed, clinical trials can be applied for.

This stage may take a year if it is faster, and it may take three and a half years if it is slower.

The third stage is the important clinical trial stage. The clinical research is divided into Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III. It takes at least five years to verify before passing the review of this stage.

The new drug application and approval cannot be submitted until the third phase of the clinical trial is completed and it is determined that there is no problem with the new drug. After the final market, follow-up research is required.

Logically speaking, Alpine jujube is currently in the first stage, that is, drug discovery and preliminary research.

However, Wan Dongliang told An Liang that they had already skipped this step and skipped the second stage, and went directly to the third stage of clinical trials, where alpine jujube kernels were used for human experiments.

Does this sound like an illegal operation?

“Mr. An, the three research stages I mentioned earlier are the regulations for modern medicines.” Wan Dongliang added.

Our “state has supplementary regulations. If it is a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, you can skip these process stages and directly use the finished Chinese medicine.” Wan Dongliang explained.

“Suanzaoren is a traditional prescription for lowering blood pressure, so we can skip these processes.” Wan Dongliang concluded.

“So it is!” An Liang nodded, “So how many individuals did you find to test?

Professor Zeng Bojun’s voice came, and he answered, “There are a total of 6 test subjects, all of them from the imperial capital.”

“Aren’t you afraid of accidents?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

Zeng Bojun responded negatively, “What are you afraid of?”

“We have studied the gene sequence and material composition of these alpine sour jujube seeds. Although they have not been fully analyzed, we have not found any harmful substances at all, and there is no problem of gene mutation. What else could be wrong?” Zeng Bojun added.

“The most serious consequence is that the sour jujube kernel has no effect.” Zeng Bojun complained.

The theory of this little old man is somewhat similar to that of Sun Shizhong.

Sun Shizhong made similar remarks in the face of the millennium astragalus, astragalus is only, what harm can it do?

“Does that actually work?” An Liang wondered.

Zeng Bojun answered affirmatively, “There must be an effect! And the effect is very good!”

“The effect is really very good?” An Liang pressed.

“Yes, the effect is very good. The hypertension of all 6 test subjects is effectively controlled. You can ask Qian Xiaogang, he is responsible for this matter in the imperial capital.” Zeng Bojun responded.

“Since there is an effect, and the traditional Chinese medicine prescription can skip the new drug regulations, what are you researching now?” An Liang was a little curious.

Is it a battle of wits and courage with the air?

After all, the effects of alpine sour jujube have been tested by real people, so why are you still researching?

Zeng Bojun complained, “Mr. An, Dongliang just told you about the new drug research and development standards, and we are doing this process.”

“Wait!” An Liang pondered that there was something wrong with this little old man!

I just said that traditional prescriptions do not need the new drug research and development process, and now they say that they need to go through the new drug research and development process.

“I suspect you have a problem!” An Liang looked at Zeng Bojun.

Zeng Bojun responded embarrassingly, “Don’t get me wrong, Mr. 740 An, we conduct different researches, and actually have different purposes.”

Having said this, Zeng Bojun added, “Our research did not bring any loss to Yunpo Village, and we strictly paid the corresponding loss costs. For each catty of sour jujube seeds, we paid a purchase price of 10,000 yuan.”

An Liang waved his hand, “I didn’t mean it that way, I mean, do you want to deceive the imperial court’s R&D funds by doing this?

An Liang looked at Zeng Bojun mockingly, “I look a lot like me anyway!”

“Zeng Bojun is powerless to complain.

Defrauding R&D funding?

Did he, a well-known expert and professor of the Imperial Capital University of Science and Technology, actually fall to the point of defrauding funds?

“Don’t be kidding, Mr. An, we have not applied for national projects. This project is our own responsibility, and it is impossible to cheat funds.” Zeng Bojun explained.

“Then what is your purpose?” An Liang asked.

Update time: April 23, 2021 00:09:31, good night, really tired.

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