Is h2269 really rushed? [1/3]

An Liang felt that Zeng Bojun’s repeated horizontal jumps in the study of sour jujube should have a simple purpose!

Facing An Liang’s question, Zeng Bojun answered frankly, “We want to impact the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine!”

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is not two awards, but one award. People in Xia generally call it the Nobel Prize in Medicine. As for the previous physiology, it is directly ignored.

“Dude, are you really rushing?” An Liang expressed his surprise!

At the beginning, Qian Xiaogang told An Liang that they would use the alpine jujube to hit the Nobel Prize. An Liang thought it was a joke. After all, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, currently only Ms. Ju has won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Zeng Bojun explained in detail, “General Manager An is not a professional, so naturally he doesn’t understand what a great opportunity this is.

“The alpine jujube seed here has opened the door to the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. We only need to walk in the door to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.” Zeng Bojun explained.

“At present, hypertension is a chronic disease that cannot be conquered by human beings, and it is a very common chronic disease. Because the cause is unknown, it cannot be cured. However, we tracked and investigated 6 test subjects and found that the hypertension of two of the hypertensive patients has been completely eliminated. Heal!” Zeng Bojun was excited.

“Mr. An, do you know what this means?” Zeng Bojun asked himself and answered, “It means that we have conquered a disease that cannot be treated by human beings, and we have made high blood pressure completely eradicated. Such medical achievements must be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology. or Medicine Prize”. ”

An Liang understood what Zeng Bojun meant, “So in order to win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, it is obviously not necessary to go through the new drug research and development process, but you have to go there, just to verify the traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions and make them conform to the requirements. Modern industry standard medicine, right?”

“Yes.” Zeng Bojun nodded.

We “first bypassed the new drug development process with the help of famous Chinese medicine prescriptions, and directly verified the effect of alpine sour jujube seed. After verifying the results, we determined that alpine sour jujube seed has an effect, and it is the effect we need, we will go back. Let’s go through the new drug development process.” Zeng Bojun added.

“This method will greatly save time and R&D expenditure, because the results are obtained in advance, we can all take the shortest route, and in the first stage of drug discovery and preliminary research, we can compress it to two years.” Zeng Bojun continued.

“At present, we have some clues, and we should be able to extract the effective ingredients for high blood pressure in sour jujube seeds within two years.” Zeng Bojun said confidently.

“In the stage of preclinical research, we can complete it within one year.” Zeng Bojun added, “In the phase III clinical stage, we can compress it to a minimum of 5 years, and it will take another 6 months to finally apply for a new drug.”

An Liang answered, “So it will take eight and a half years for you to complete the drug for high blood pressure based on alpine jujube seed?”

“Yes.” Zeng Bojun responded.

“A full eight and a half years, is it worth it?” An Liang frowned.

“Isn’t it a layman?” Zeng Bojun complained, “That’s the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine! It’s not a Peace Prize.”

Among the five traditional Nobel Prizes, the Peace Prize should be the most mixed one, followed by the Literature Prize. Anyway, most of the Nobel Prizes for Literature are not mainstream literature.

In other physics, chemistry, and physiology or medicine, the gold content of these three Nobel Prizes is very high.

“Ms. Ju spent more than 40 years researching artemisinin and finally won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. We only need eight and a half years. If this matter is announced, I am afraid the world will be shocked!” Zeng Bojun responded .

An Liang nodded slightly, he was indeed a layman, and he thought eight and a half years was a long time!

“In that case, aren’t you afraid of the news leaking?” An Liang asked, “If the news leaks, other people should fight with you, right?”

“This is what we discovered first, and the second author is Qian Xiaogang.” Zeng Bodiao threw a bargaining chip to Lu.

This little old man has something!

“Then I’ll take the place of Brother Gangzi and thank Professor Zeng for his love. You can study with peace of mind, and we will definitely support you.” An Liang responded with a smile.

Zeng Bojun was not polite, he added, “If Mr. An can add some security forces, then we are very grateful.

“Oh?” An Liang wondered, “(Zhao Wang Zhao) is there any trouble?”

“Actually, the news has already leaked out. Our test in the imperial capital has been paid attention to by interested people. In addition, the testers also left traces when they checked for high blood pressure, so I am worried that someone is looking for trouble.” Zeng Bojun explained.

“Drugs that completely cure high blood pressure have a very large market in the world, so it is necessary to strengthen security measures!” Zeng Bojun added.

An Liang nodded, “It is indeed necessary! I will arrange it!”

In fact, Zeng Bojun’s concern is indeed necessary, because some people have really noticed the effects of alpine jujube seeds and alpine jujube seeds, and they are An Liang’s old acquaintance — Nova Pharmaceuticals. .

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