h2274 Inadvertently inserting willows and willows 3/3]

In view of the high estimated quotation, An Liang gave Bai Yue a brief introduction to the situation, including the cost accounting of the ease of entry and exit of construction machinery, etc., plus a series of difficulties in widening the road in the mountains.

After some popular science by An Liang, Bai Yue successfully understood the reason for the high cost of more than 20 million, and she said worriedly, “If it is an offer of more than 20 million.

An Liang interrupted Bai Yue, “I can sponsor you.

Bai Yue shook her head and refused, “No!”

Bai Yue has her own ideas, if she is the same as the two sisters of the Xia family, she will not refuse, but she is different from the two sisters of the Xia family.

“Student An, I can take a loan. According to Suanzao’s situation, even if the loan is 20 million, it should be able to be repaid smoothly.” Bai Yue explained.

An Liang didn’t force it either, he knew that Bai Yue was soft on the outside and firm on the inside.

“Alright!” An Liang promised, “I will arrange a loan for you, and arrange a minimum interest rate, and determine the loan amount according to the final rural road project cost.”

Bai Yue nodded happily, “Okay, thank you classmate An.”

“You’re welcome!” An Liang responded, “Actually, the loan bank I want to arrange for you is our own bank.

August 8th is not only the birthday of Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin, but also the day when Anxin Bank officially operates.

Anxin Bank is headquartered in Macon Island. According to An Liang’s plan, within this year, Anxin Bank will open branches in first-tier cities and some new first-tier cities in Xiaguo.

The development model of Anxin Bank is different from that of ordinary commercial banks. The development model of ordinary commercial banks is to increase outlets, actively solicit deposits, re-sell wealth management products, and release goods for high-quality customers.

One of the most important parts is the storage!

If there is no user savings, there will be no funds to lend, and naturally higher profits cannot be achieved.

But Anxin Bank is not an ordinary commercial bank, and its positioning is more inclined to investment banks. Although Anxin Bank has all the qualifications of ordinary commercial banks, it is a pity that An Liang is not here.

It’s not that An Liang thinks that ordinary commercial banks have low profits, but the competition is too fierce!

The traditional big four banks can be seen everywhere, they are famous, how can the newly opened commercial banks compete with them?

In addition to the four major banks, there are also two banks, China Post and Communications, which are also super-large national banks with assets reaching 10 trillion. It is impossible for ordinary commercial banks to compete with them.

An Liang has no plans to compete with them either!

Anxin Bank mainly deals with commercial customers and customers with large assets. According to the negotiation of the senior management of Anxin Bank, although Anxin Bank does not reject ordinary customers, it is necessary to invest in Anxin Bank, and at least customers with savings of tens of millions are allowed to join.

Bai Yue wanted a loan, An Liang naturally pulled Bai Yue to Anxin Bank, not only to give Bai Yue an ultra-low loan rate, but also to take care of his family’s business, wouldn’t that kill two birds with one stone?

After all, Anxin Bank, like Anxin Investment, belongs to An Liang’s only seedlings!

Bai Yue heard that An Liang still has a bank at home. She is no longer the Bai Yue in the past. She knows what a bank means, and An Liang is a little farther away in her heart.

“Bai Yue, haven’t you cooked pepper sauce yet? Bai Ling” asked.

Before Bai Yue answered, Bai Ling continued to greet An Liang, “Student An, it’s time to eat.”

An Liang got up, “Okay, Aunt Bai.”

After An Liang answered Bai Ling, he glanced at the hot peppers in the pottery bowl, and said remindingly, “It’s almost there, it will be too rotten again in spring, and it’s almost just right now.”

“Yeah!” Bai Yue stopped, and then entered the house with a pottery bowl.

An Liang washed his hands on the sink outside and entered the house. As soon as he entered the house, he saw the bacon, double-cooked bacon, bacon sausages, and some mountain treasures on the square table.

“Today’s lunch is too rich?” An Liang said jokingly.

Bai Ling made a gesture of invitation, “Student An, try it and see if it suits your taste.”

An Liang sandwiched a piece of braised pork ribs, and Bai Yue just brought the hot pepper sauce over. An Liang dipped in some roasted pepper sauce by the way. After eating a piece of preserved pork ribs, he didn’t express his opinion, he just ate another piece.

“Not bad! This tastes very good!” An Liang praised.

Bai Ling smiled.

Bai Yue also smiled, and she brought An Liang a bowl of rice.

An Liang greeted, “Hurry up and eat too!”

Bai Ling and Bai Yue took their seats, and they also ate together.

After eating a meal for about an hour, An Liang was very full, mainly because the original ecological charcoal smoked pork ribs tasted really good, not the preservative taste of industrial products at all.

After An Liang finished eating, Bai Ling and Bai Yue cleaned up the mess together. An Liang pulled a reclining chair and lay down at the door to rest. Just as he lay down, An (or Zhao) Sheng Yu sent a message.

An Liang immediately picked up his phone to check.

“An Shengyu: You are in the fire town of Dake Mountain, right?

“An Shengyu; the rural road from Agni Township to Yunpo Village?

“An Shengyu: I just asked, I heard that a special kind of alpine jujube was found in Yunpo Village, do you have a crooked idea?!

An Shengyu thought that An Liang built this road for the sake of the high mountain sour jujube. As for the friend who helped to build it, in An Shengyu’s opinion, it should be a cover up statement?

So this is unintentional insertion of willows and willows?

Alpine sour dates have also become the best excuse!

Updated: April 25, 2021 00:03:58, good night.

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