h2275 freaked out! [1/3]

An Liang did not refute An Shengyu, but instead explained the role of alpine sour jujube seed.

An Liang: Dad, those jujube seeds extracted from alpine jujube have a very important effect!

“An Liang: Alpine jujube seed can completely cure high blood pressure, and has the effect of concentration and meditation.

“An Shengyu: There is such a miraculous effect?!

“An Shengyu: So are you done?

“An Liang: Being taken first.

“An Liang: The other party is a professor at the Imperial University of Science and Technology, and he is planning to use the alpine jujube to hit the Nobel Prize, but I am also involved. If our family uses these jujube seeds, there will be no problem.

“An Shengyu: OK!!

“An Liang: Dad, are you saying hello to the corresponding quotation?”

“An Shengyu: I asked about the circle of friends, and Changxi’s friend gave a reply, saying that after a site inspection and a preliminary budget, an offer can be made.

“An Shengyu: Is it convenient for you to receive reception there?”

“An Liang: No problem, I can accommodate you here.


“An Shengyu: Okay, then I’ll make arrangements, let the other party come to you, and you can make arrangements.

“An Liang: I won’t stay here for too long, I’ll leave a contact information and let the other party get in touch.

An Liang sent the contact information of Liang Peng, the security guard of Renyi Security Company in Yunpo Village, to An Shengyu. Liang Peng has been stationed in Yunpo Village for a long time, originally to protect Bai Ling, but now he has another purpose. It is the research project to protect the alpine jujube.

An Shengyu: Well, then I’ll let them connect.

“An Shengyu; does this Liang Peng understand the construction industry?”

“An Liang: I don’t know.

“An Liang; Dad, you can look at the quotation, I think it’s fine, right?

“An Shengyu: Okay, okay, you kid will make trouble for me!

“An Liang: This is work.”

“An Shengyu: Go, go, I’m ready to eat. When you have an offer, you can contact me again.”

An Liang; Good Le!!

After An Liang and An Shengyu communicated, when Bai Yue came out, An Liang revealed the results of the exchange to Bai Yue.

Bai Yue responded, “What do we need to do then?”

“Nothing is needed, Liang Peng will handle it.” An Liang responded.

Bai Yue nodded, “cough!”

Bai Yue knew Liang Peng, and she knew that Liang Peng was a security guard arranged by An Liang.

An Liang and Bai Yue chatted for a while. He fell asleep on the reclining chair. Although it was a hot summer, the temperature in the mountains above 2,600 meters above sea level was actually not high.

Bai Yue looked at An Liang who was sleeping, her eyes flickered, and she finally sighed and left carefully.

Even in the face of sleeping An Liang, Bai Yue didn’t have the courage to speak her mind.

More than half an hour later, An Liang woke up.

Qin Tianxiang came over immediately, lowered his voice and said to An Liang, “Mr. An, things are done!”

“Are you sure there is no problem?” An Liang asked.

“We have repeatedly verified, and No. 4 has also checked, and it is confirmed that there is no problem.” Qin Tianxiang responded affirmatively.

“Then everything goes according to plan.” An Liang responded.

“Understood.” Qin Tianxiang replied.

An Liang yawned and stood up, he shouted, “Bai Yue classmate (addy)?

“Huh?” Bai Yue came out of the house, she was just planning the zoning plan for the third black potato planting base.

An Liang responded, “It’s getting late, I’m going back.

Bai Yue nodded, “Okay.

“Goodbye.” An Liang waved.

Bai Yue also waved, “I wish them a happy birthday.

An Liang paused for a while, and finally responded with a farewell, “Okay, I will help you with the words, and thank you for them by the way!”

Bai Yue watched the three deluxe third-generation flying motorcycles take off, and after they disappeared into the sky, Bai Yue sighed lightly.

Bai Yue knew the birthdays of Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin, and she also guessed that An Liang came this time not for Gaoshan Suanzao, but for the birthdays of the two sisters of the Xia family.

She really envies the two sisters of the Xia family..

Bai Ling didn’t know when she came behind Bai Yue, she patted Bai Yue on the shoulder and whispered, “He and we are not from the same world.”

The tip of Bai Yue’s nose was sour, and she endured and endured, so she didn’t let the tears fall.

“I’m going to continue drawing.” Bai Yue responded and walked to her room.

When Bai Yue returned to her room, her tears fell unsatisfactorily.

The speed of returning to Anle Township from the air was very fast. It only took nine minutes through the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle, including the landing.

From liftoff to landing, it took only nine minutes in total.

After landing, An Liang immediately greeted Qin Tianxiang and the others to follow him to Anle Township Primary School. Qin Tianxiang and the others followed with suitcases.

Anle Township Elementary School also has Saturday and weekend breaks in summer vacation. Today is Friday. In order to take care of students who live farther away, school will be dismissed earlier today.

When An Liang arrived, there were still a few minutes before school was over.

The little guys who were waiting for school to see An Liang through the window, and Qin Tianxiang and others who were carrying suitcases, made the little guys pale.

These little guys already know what “the devil’s gift” is.

Now seeing Qin Tianxiang and the others carrying their suitcases again, the little ones thought that An Liang was going to give “a devil’s gift again, so they all freaked out!

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