h2305 is hard to believe? [1/3]

Heaven, settle down.

An Liang returned to his suite, he thought about it for a while, and then sent a message to Li Xiyan and Liu Ling respectively, but An Liang sent a message to Li Xiyan first, and then to Liu Ling.

At Li Xiyan’s house, when Li Xiyan received An Liang’s message, she first replied to An Liang, and then told Liu Ling about the situation.

“Mom, An Liang said that they have confirmed that there is no problem with the cooperation agreement. Tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock, the contract will be signed in Conference Hall 1 of Kerry Hotel.” Li Xiyan explained.

Liu Ling also received this message.

Liu Ling pretended not to know this piece of information, and she responded affirmatively, “Well, no problem, I will contact my colleagues in the branch immediately and ask them to prepare.”

Kairui Hotel is located in Beiyu District, which belongs to the traditional five-star hotel, which is more inclined to the positioning of the conference type.

While maintaining a yoga posture, Liu Ling sent 220 messages to relevant branch personnel on her mobile phone, including branch manager Song Yi, and three legal staff. She also assigned two tellers, Yan Shasha and Yin Zhuwei, to act as temporary assistants. Form a team of seven.

It was late at night and early in the morning, when Liu Ling finished washing up in her suite, she thought about it for a while before sending a message to An Liang.

“Liu Ling: An Liang, thank you for this time.

An Liang was chatting with his girlfriend, and the little fox spirit was sending An Liang the beautiful scenery she met along the way, and also sharing the live video of poverty alleviation.

An Liang received the message from Liu Ling, and he immediately replied to Liu Ling.

” An Liang: So how is Auntie going to thank me?

This question carries a strong hint of flavor.

Liu Ling looked at An Liang’s reply message, and she sighed secretly, this An Liang really did not change.

“Liu Ling; I’ll cook myself another day and invite you to dinner at home?”

“An Liang: I don’t want to eat my aunt’s cooking..

This sentence is more suggestive!

Because of the ability to sense danger, An Liang is not worried about accidents, so he is frantically testing on the edge of playing with fire.

As the saying goes: When people walk by the river, how can they not get their shoes wet?

However, the ability to sense danger is to put An Liang on waterproof shoes, and he really won’t get wet shoes!

Liu Ling looked at An Liang full of suggestive topics, he didn’t want to eat her cooking, wouldn’t that be…

Liu Ling panicked, and she quickly replied to the message.

Liu Ling: It’s getting late, I’ll go to bed first, see you tomorrow.

“An Liang: OK!

An Liang: See you tomorrow.

“An Liang: By the way, Auntie, remember to remind Xiyan, lest she wake up at twelve o’clock, isn’t that a scam?”

“Liu Ling: Okay, don’t worry, when I get up tomorrow, I’ll ask her to get up together, then take her to our branch, and then go to the Kerry Hotel together.

“An Liang: I see it!!

This little Chou Chou is going to sleep late tomorrow and will have no door, right?

the next day.

Seven o’clock in the morning.

An Liang woke up early in the morning, Sun Xia finally remembered that there was An Liang as a son, plus she won money playing mahjong yesterday, she was in a good mood, and got up early in the morning to do the grand celebration style Spicy noodles.

“How many taels do you eat?” Sun Xia asked An Liang.

An Liang asked back, “Water surface, or dried noodles?”

“The fresh water I bought early in the morning didn’t have the smell of alkaline water. I know you don’t like the smell of alkaline water.” Sun Xia responded.

“That will take three or two!” An Liang responded quickly.

The fresh alkali-free noodles are delicious and An Liang likes it so much that he can eat three or two.

If it was standard noodles, An Liang would only eat two taels.

“Okay!” Sun Xia responded.

More than a quarter of an hour later, Sun Xia greeted in the kitchen, “It’s done, you two will come and serve it yourself.

The An family did not hire a nanny or servant, neither An Shengyu nor Sun Xia were spoiled, let alone An Liang, he was raised poor since he was a child, okay?

But there are housekeeping staff to do the cleaning.

The room on the side of the sky is too big, and cleaning it is a hassle. The time value of Sun Xia and An Shengyu is very high, so they choose to ask the housekeeping staff to do the cleaning.

An Liang and An Shengyu brought the spicy noodles from the kitchen to the dining room together. Sun Xia’s cooking skills were very good. The Shengqing spicy noodles she cooked looked very appetizing and tasted very good.

An Liang praised while eating, “Mom, your craftsmanship is excellent, if you open a small shop, you will definitely enter the top 50 of Shengqing Small Noodles!

An Shengyu agreed, “If I failed to start my business, I would have really planned to open a small noodle shop.”

Sun Xia hummed, “Go, go, the small noodle shop is very tired, do you think it’s easy?”

“But make money!” An Liang said with a smile.

Don’t underestimate the small noodle shop!

The profit of small noodle shops is very high, especially the small shops with good taste. The speed of making money is very fast, and there is no financial pressure.

For a small noodle shop, it must be paid with one hand and delivered with one hand.

You can’t eat a small noodle and pay for it on credit, right?

Anyway, An Liang has never seen a situation where he has to pay for small noodles!

If anyone has seen it, it is definitely a matter of insight.

Some people may not believe how profitable the small noodle shop is. If Sun Xia really goes to open a small noodle shop, the profit margin will definitely exceed that of Anxin Investment Company, and it is far more than that of Anxin Investment Company.

Is it hard to believe such a statement?

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