h2307’s biggest accomplice! [3/3]

Regardless of Ahri or Penguin, including the super-powerful companies like Gongshang Bank, their annual profit rate is about 30% to 40%.

Compared to the 5,500 percent annual profit rate, are they really that high?

What’s more, Anxin Investment’s annual profit rate is only 20%.

At the beginning, some people said that An Liang was whitewashing the Internet giants. After the Internet giants cleaned up the small businesses and hawkers, they would definitely come back to educate users. However, under such a profit margin situation, the Internet giants need to wipe the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon?

Analyze problems from a global perspective!

The biggest problem with this kind of small business is scale.

Taking the small noodle shop as an example, although the single-day sales profit of “243” is 30%, according to the data listed by An Liang, the single-day sales are actually only 1,800 yuan.

Calculated according to 30% of the profit, that is 540 yuan of profit, and the monthly profit is less than 20,000 yuan.

Even if the labor cost is taken in, it is only more than 20,000 yuan!

So it looks like the small noodle shop doesn’t have much profit anymore, doesn’t it?

The same is true of the vegetable market business. The profit margin is high, but the sales of a single merchant is low, so it cannot form a super-scale.

The goal that the Internet giants want to achieve is to unify the entire system through the community group buying scheme, so as to focus on high profit margins on one hand and high sales on the other.

This is the ultimate goal of the Internet giants!

Where is the harvest user imagined by ordinary people?

It is precisely because of this that Internet giants are Internet giants, and ordinary people are ordinary people, because the height of their own eyes determines the height of the problem. Obviously, they all have the same problem, but they have different understandings.

If this set of gameplay is applied to the small noodle shop, it is to open a chain store!

When there are enough chain stores and the total sales volume is large enough, the natural profit volume will go up, but the business of small noodle shops has no technical barriers, the threshold is low, and there are too many competitors. Open new small stores to compete.

This is also the reason why it is impossible for community group buying to harvest users. If Internet giants want to harvest users, there must be new small business hawkers jumping out to attack small business hawkers.

For example, why can’t a used car intermediary platform be a car dealer?

So is the reason!

The price of second-hand car intermediary platforms is more expensive, which makes consumers feel that they have been harvested, so second-hand car dealers have stepped over the seemingly powerful second-hand car platform.

Economics is very rational and full of logic, and many counter-common sense situations that ordinary people cannot understand are very normal situations in economics.

An Liang generally doesn’t like to talk to people. After all, he is not a highway ETC equipment research major. An Liang’s time is very precious, that is, he happened to be eating spicy noodles today, and An Liang thought more about it.

As for letting An Liang personally join such a competition, even if there is a super high profit margin, An Liang does not want to join in. After all, the initial investment is too high, and the competition is too great, and new competitors will emerge anytime and anywhere. .

Although the annual profit rate of Anxin Investment Company is not terrible at all, its overall volume is very large, and the scale of asset management can accommodate 300 billion Xia Guoyuan.

Even if it exceeds this scale, the annual profit rate will only drop to 8%, which also exceeds 99% of wealth management products.

Why does An Liang bother to fight for it?

After a breakfast, An Liang and An Shengyu were about to go out. They had to go to the headquarters of An Sheng Construction Company first.

An Shengyu handed the car keys of the Porsche 911 Turbo S to An Liang, “You drive by yourself, or?”

An Liang didn’t take it, “Forget it, my girlfriend doesn’t like 911, she finds 911 uncomfortable to sit on, I drive Audi A8LO..”

An Shengyu didn’t drive the Porsche 911 Turbo S either. He chose the Panamera Sports Touring version. It’s not that An Shengyu doesn’t like 911, but Sun Xia doesn’t like An Shengyu driving 911 to attract butterflies.

An Shengyu is a standard hospitable man and belongs to the ears.

To put it simply, it is the standard tradition of Shengqing people to be afraid of his wife!

An Liang also does not deny the Shengqing tradition.

It’s just that An Liang is a good man, and he will definitely love his future wife.

An Shengyu and An Liang arrived at the Ansheng Construction Company one after the other. In the Ansheng Construction Company, An Liang was automatically downgraded to become the President of Xiao An, and he was also used to being called the President of Xiao An.

In An Shengyu’s office, An Shengyu handed the cooperation agreement drawn up by the Common Commercial Bank to Tao Shizhong, “Old Tao, take a look at this cooperation agreement with Xiao Lu, and then discuss it with the legal department, we will wait. I will go to Kerry Hotel to sign a contract with Kyosho Bank.”

Tao Shizhong responded immediately, “Okay!”

In less than half an hour, Tao Shizhong came to An Shengyu’s office again, and he reported, “General Manager An, General Manager Xiao An, there is no problem with this agreement, the conditions given by Gongshang Bank are excellent, and the legal department has also confirmed With no legal issues, we can sign 3.6.”

“Hey, get ready and contact the legal department by the way. We will leave at 9:30 and wait at the Kerry Hotel first.” An Shengyu ordered.

“Received.” Tao Shizhong responded.

After Tao Shizhong left, An Shengyu looked at An Liang, “You Laozi did a good job in this matter, right?”

An Liang was unable to complain, “Yes, yes, it’s so beautiful, you deliberately cause trouble, I’ll solve it, I really thank you!”

If An Liang crosses the line one day, An Shengyu will be the biggest accomplice!

Updated: May 6, 2021 00:05:41, good night.

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