H2421 Be picky first! [3/3]

Facing the soaring sky proposed by An Liang, how could Chen Sansheng refuse?

“Mr. An, I don’t quite understand what you mean… Chen Sanxing looked at An Liang expectantly. He actually guessed the answer, but he was afraid that he guessed wrong, so he asked An Liang.

“Our family Yang Maoyi is very optimistic about your family’s development prospects. She thinks that Boss Chen’s cooking skills should not be buried, so she hopes to invest in your family.” An Liang said bluntly.

An Liang went on to add, “If you accept our investment, we plan to make you soar into the sky.”

“Boss Chen said before that you also know Li Jiacai in the imperial capital. If your family is in a big city, then there is a ‘Chen Jiacai’ famous in the catering industry. I appreciate your confidence!” An Liang recounted with a smile.

Chen San omits a little bit of heat on his face.

“Since Boss Chen is so confident, we also recognized this confidence after trying the dishes, so if Boss Chen accepts our investment, we will prepare a plan to soar to the sky and open a high-end restaurant in the imperial capital in one step.” An Liang said the idea.

“Boss Chen, do you have the confidence to fight against Li Jiacai?” An Liang asked.

Chen Sansheng shook his head, “I have never eaten Li’s food, I have only seen their dishes on the Internet, so I can’t comment, but I have the confidence to manage Chen’s food well!”

“Hahaha, Boss Chen, I like your confidence! – An Liang praised with a smile.

This confidence of Chen Sanxing is a confidence supported by real ability.

“How is Mr. An going to invest in us?” Chen Sansheng asked rationally, “If we want to open a high-end restaurant in the imperial capital, it will be a huge investment. The cash that our family can come up with is actually less than one million.”

Chen Sansheng asked about the mode of cooperation between the two parties, but the subtext revealed that he did not want to simply become a wage earner.

An Liang naturally understood Chen Sansheng’s subtext.

“Those who are familiar with me know that anyone who cooperates with me, An Liang, will benefit from everything. I believe in win-win cooperation.” An Liang explained first.

“I’m not afraid of Boss Chen’s careless words. During the period of our conversation, the profits from my properties are already the profits you can’t get in a lifetime.” An Liang showed his strength.

“You can remain skeptical, after all, I didn’t expect you to believe it.” An Liang said calmly, “We can ignore these marginal factors and only consider the issue of our cooperation.”

Chen Sansheng really didn’t believe it!

But as An Liang said, he only needs to think about cooperation.

“At present, it has always been analyzed that we cooperate with both parties. You have core technology and we have key resources. If you follow traditional thinking, you should invest in technology and our capital in shares, so as to achieve mutual benefit.” An Liang analyzed.

Chen Sansheng grasped the key words, “Mr. An is not going to deal with it according to traditional thinking?”

“Boss Chen said that your grandfather’s grandfather was the royal chef of Daqing Dynasty, but Daqing died long ago. Now is the era of 2020. I believe in a fair and just way of cooperation.” An Liang responded.

“In fact, there is a situation in which technology becomes a stake in my company.” An Liang explained.

For example, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, an expert in graphene battery technology under the pseudonym Wu Chunsheng, acquired 1% of the equity with technology.

“It’s not impossible to invest in technology, but the problem is that after the technology becomes a shareholder, the corresponding technology belongs to the corresponding enterprise, which is equivalent to taking out the general equivalent, but Boss Chen’s cooking skills cannot be taken out, that is your personal skill, you want Technological investment is the value of you as a person, which is equivalent to what you, as a person, will pay for the company in the future.” An Liang explained in detail.

Let’s “take an example. Suppose we invest 50 million to open a high-end restaurant in the imperial capital. If Master Chen wants to obtain 20% of the equity, or even more equity, then we must take out the corresponding value.” An Liang Example.

0… ask for flowers…

“If Boss Chen invests in technology at a price of 10 million, and thus obtains 20% of the equity, we also agree with this plan. We think that Boss Chen’s cooking skills are indeed worth 10 million, and we are willing to pay for it. It’s a happy situation.” An Liang continued.

“But here comes the problem. If a high-end restaurant fails due to poor management, we will lose 40 million, which is real money and lose 40 million, but Boss Chen’s cooking skills are still his own, even if the high-end restaurant goes bankrupt, Chen The boss can still start over, right?” An Liang asked rhetorically.

“Let’s put it another way. If our high-end restaurant is operating well, and Boss Chen’s cooking skills are the core technology, what should we do if Boss Chen runs away and starts anew?” An Liang raised a new question.

“What other opponents are poaching, business is good, but Boss Chen is slow to work, these problems are all possible situations.” An Liang added.

We “In business, we want to invest in Boss Chen, and naturally we have to consider all aspects, not a gentleman’s verbal agreement.” An Liang explained with a smile.

Chen Sansheng understood what An Liang meant, but he did not refute An Liang because An Liang was right.

“Does Mr. An have any solution?” Chen Sansheng asked.

Even though An Liang raised various possibilities and even doubted Chen Sansheng’s professional ethics, Chen Sansheng was not angry at all, but felt more reliable.

After all, if it is not reliable, how can the other party consider so much?

Update time: June 13, 2021 00:05:10, good night. Ten thousand.

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