How does H2451 prostitute for free? [3/3]

When Yang Maoyi introduced herself, she hesitated a little, because when Yang Maoyi saw Zhao Wanxi, she felt astonished.

In Yang Maoyi’s eyes, Zhao Wanjin is not only beautiful, but also very temperamental, and invisibly exudes a kind of confidence and an indescribable extravagance.

So Yang Maoyi was a little reserved, she vaguely felt a sense of inferiority, she felt that compared with Zhao Wan, she should be a complete failure, right?

However, when Yang Maoyi hesitated, An Liang lived in Yang Maoyi’s willow waist carelessly, “My girlfriend, doesn’t she look good?”

Yang Maoyi’s face was slightly red, obviously a little shy, but her heart was full of sweetness.

Zhao Wanxi’s face was calm. It wasn’t that she didn’t know who An Liang was. She also knew Yang Maoyi’s identity. “It’s really beautiful!”

Yang Maoyi responded quickly, “Thank you for the compliment, you are beautiful too!”

Zhao Wanxi nodded with a smile, and then took the initiative to show off, “Actually, I know you. I have also watched your food documentary on Youtube, and I also participated in the three non-stick challenge two days ago.”

This Zhao Wanxi’s chatting level is quite high. She takes the initiative to chat about topics in the other party’s field, so that the other party has something to talk about and avoids embarrassing situations.

Yang Maoyi asked with interest, “So have you succeeded?”

Zhao Wanxi responded indifferently, “Failed! If you hadn’t disclosed the whole process of making the three non-sticks for two and a half hours, I would have doubts whether the three non-sticks can really be made.

Yang Maoyi said, “Actually, I also failed. After the filming ended, I started to operate it myself, even if I had the help of the master Chen Sanxing in the preliminary work, and when cooking, the other party personally pointed me. Still failed.”

Yang Maoyi continued to add, “From the current point of view, in our three non-stick challenge, no one has succeeded in overseas areas, and only a few professional chefs have succeeded in China, so it is normal for ordinary people to fail.”

An Liang watched Zhao Wanxi and Yang Maoyi communicate, and he didn’t mean to interrupt. He preferred to let the girls communicate by themselves, rather than intervene.

Because he stepped in, no matter what, it was prone to problems in the end.

While Zhao Wan was communicating with Yang Maoyi, she pointed to the kraft paper document bag on the coffee table and motioned An Liang to check the kraft document bag.

An Liang opened the kraft paper document bag, and there was a red document in the kraft paper document bag, which was a real estate certificate.

“This is the gift?” An Liang interjected casually.

Zhao Wanxi nodded, “Well, take a look first.”

An Liang looked at the real estate certificate. This real estate is located in Qinggu Village, and on the Yongan River, with a total area of ​​562 square meters and a total construction area of ​​1,200 square meters.

An Liang took out the design drawings and renderings to check. This real estate is a three-story building with a courtyard of more than 100 square meters. The original design plan was a holiday farmhouse.

“For me?” An Liang saw his name on the real estate certificate.

“Yeah!” Zhao Wanfen responded affirmatively, “You are planning to open a high-end private restaurant in Qinggu Village, and this holiday farmhouse is just right.”

Zhao Wanjin continued, “The original owner’s capital chain was broken, and there was an urgent need to clear up non-performing assets, so I bought it.”

“How much?” An Liang asked casually.

Zhao Wanxi has no intention of concealing, “22 million is quite cheap, if the other party is not in urgent need of funds, I am afraid that at least 25 million will be needed.

0… ask for flowers

Zhao Wan added, “It is currently in the state of Qingshuifang. The height of the first floor has reached 5.2 meters, and the height of the second and third floors is also 3.6 meters. It is very suitable to transform it into a high-end private kitchen restaurant.”

“Do you want me to help you contact the renovation project?” Zhao Wan asked thoughtfully.

Yang Maoyi felt a little discouraged listening to the side, she tried to close the distance with An Liang, but now it seems to be useless!

An Liang vaguely aware of Yang Maoyi’s depression, he gently rubbed Yang Maoyi’s waist, “You still need to deal with these simple things?

“Huh?” Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang suspiciously, “What do you think?”

“Three floors, 1,200 square meters, and a courtyard of more than 100 square meters. I plan to budget 10 million for the overall renovation, but I’m going to pay for this renovation project.” An Liang said calmly.

Yang Maoyi was secretly curious, can a decoration project worth 10 million be prostituted for nothing?

Zhao Wanxi’s eyes lit up, “I’ll take over this matter!”

“Go, go, go where it’s cool!” An Liang spit out.

Yang Maoyi was even more puzzled. Judging from the exchanges between An Liang and Zhao Wanxi, An Liang wanted to prostitute a decoration project worth 10 million yuan, and this Zhao Wan is still taking the initiative to send it to the door?

An Liang talked to Yang Maoyi, “I’m wondering how I want to prostitute for free?”

Yang Maoyi nodded slightly embarrassedly, she was really curious, after all, in Yang Maoyi’s perception, how could it be inappropriate to prostitute for a decoration project worth 10 million yuan?

Update time: June 23, 2021 00:03:15, Bao, it’s late, go to bed earlier. superior.

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