H2452 Grab a mission? Traditional arts! [1/3]

Facing Yang Maoyi’s doubts, An Liang briefly introduced the things about the Baiyujing Club and the contribution system.

Yang Maoyi’s happy response, “The king plans to achieve his goal by offering a reward for contribution, right?”

“Hmm!” An Liang nodded.

Zhao Wan asked, “How much contribution are you going to offer as a reward?”

“Ten thousand points!” An Liang responded.

Zhao Wanjin suggested again, “According to the principle of not bothering the second owner, I gave you a gift, then send the Buddha to the west, and hand over the decoration to me.”

“Go, go, your family’s contribution is quite a lot, still care about 10,000 points?” An Liang hummed and refused.

“I really care!” Zhao Wanxi affirmed “197” and said, “In the Yagu Gold Mine benefit distribution plan, the contribution point requirement for basic entry is 10,000 points, and I wanted to get 10,000 contribution points before. The difficulty is 100 million yuan, and now it only needs 10 million yuan, I think it is very worthwhile!”

An Liang complained with a wry smile, “Leave a way for others to live. In our club, many members are currently contributing in three figures, and many of them are nothing at all!”

“You only have one reward task, even if you put it in the club, how do you assign it?” Zhao Wan asked back.

Follow the “old club rules!” An Liang responded.

After finishing speaking, An Liang sent a confidential mass message directly to the Sky Baiyujing Club.

“An Liang: @Everyone: Is anyone there?’

“Hu Xiaoyu: ???!

“Li Cunyuan; yes.”

“Qian Xiaogang, I’m here, I’m a little drunk, and I was drunk too much by Liu Neng yesterday!”

Liu Neng:

“Liu Neng: Brother Gang, I was vomited by you yesterday.”

“Lin Yili: What’s wrong with Brother Liang?!

“An Liang; I want to prostitute a renovation project worth 10 million yuan.

An Liang first explained the purpose, and then explained the renovation project of “Qinggu·Chenjiacai”.

‘Cloud Ocean: A Little Thing!!

‘Cloud Ocean: Our family has a real estate development company and a decoration company. I will arrange it and solve it easily.

Zhao Wan; I object.

“Cloud Ocean:???”

Yun Haiyang is a little in heat, what is this Zhao Wanxi jumping out against?

Is it possible to object to a white prostitution?

Everyone wondered what Zhao Wanxi meant, could it be to stop An Liang from prostituting for nothing?

“An Liang: Cough!

“An Liang: I’m just joking, there is no real prostitution, refer to the rules of our club, if I have any trouble, I will ask other members of the club to deal with it, and I will give my contribution as feedback.

An Liang: This time, I gave 10,000 contribution points.

“Cloud Ocean: What the hell!!

“Yun Haiyang: Choose me! Choose me! Brother Liang, you have to choose me. Our family is professional, and Yunjing International Apartment is developed by our family. Do you know the quality of Yunjing International Apartment?

“Zhao Wanxi: I took over this matter, and I gave him that building.”

“Cloud Ocean: ..

“Li Cunyuan; something is wrong with you two!

“Hu Xiaoyu: Can I pretend not to be online and pretend I don’t see anything?!

“An Liang: @赵万秀: Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, and solve the affairs of our club according to the traditional arts of the club. Those who want to participate should ask Xiaoyu to sign up. The only quota is decided by the method of secret shooting. Draw a spot.

“Cloud Ocean; this…

“Yun Haiyang: Then I’m gone!!

“Yun Haiyang; I will not sign up!

“Qian Xiaogang: I’m gone!!

Li Cunyuan: Brother Ocean is on our side again, and I don’t sign up anymore. As long as I don’t sign up, no one will know that I’m bad luck.

“Lin Yili: I want to sign up, but I don’t think it will be me.

“Ye Xiangyu: [Picture]

“Ye Xiangyu: @雲海海:@李勇元: You guys are really strong, you say you don’t sign up, but what does it mean to sign up secretly?”

The confidential communication software customized by Renyi Security Company for the Tianshang Baiyujing Club has a special dark shooting applet. Through the applet, you can register yourself, and you only need Hu Xiaoyu’s final confirmation..

Yun Haiyang and Li Cunyuan said that they would not sign up, but they signed up directly in the applet. It can only be said that these two people are really showy!

However, when faced with the choice of luck, Sao routines are useless at all, only good luck is useful.

As a big luck person, Hu Xiaoyu actually won again!

‘Cloud Ocean: @An Liang;Report @Hu Xiaoyu for cheating with real name!!

“Yun Haiyang: I don’t believe such a result!

Qian Xiaogang: African Emirates shed painful tears!!

“Li Cunyuan: Xiaoyu’s luck is indeed very good.

“Lin Yili; I’m so sad!

“Hu Xiaoyu: @ An Liang: Brother Liang, why don’t we do it again?

In the dark shooting process of the Sky White Jade Club, Hu Xiaoyu himself has always been the one to throw the dice. Although Yun Haiyang is joking, I am afraid that some members will think that Hu Xiaoyu is cheating?

3.7 An Liang: OK! Then do it again!!

“An Liang: Xiaoyu’s luck is really outrageous!

“Hu Xiaoyu:

“Hu Xiaoyu: Brother Liang, I’m joking.

“An Liang: Hahahaha!

“An Liang: I’ll give you 10,000 Contribution Points directly, and let you prostitute once, and we’ll start a new round.

“An Liang; I will throw the dice myself this round.

“Hu Xiaoyu: Long live Brother Liang!”

An Liang knew that Hu Xiaoyu did not cheat, so he compensated Hu Xiaoyu with 10,000 contribution points. After all, the contribution degree is relatively low to An Liang, and he needs to maintain the stability of the contribution degree system in order to obtain more benefit.

But something even more outrageous happened!

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