Chapter 529

In Anliang’s office, Fan Ping and Li Gang were stupid directly!

They are all financial investment practitioners. How can they not know what the concept of financial fraud is 29.9 billion?

It’s shocking!

“This… Mr. An, are you kidding?” Li Gang hesitated.

Anliang sneered, “What do you think?”

Fan Ping knew that Anliang was not joking, because Anliang’s previous actions were very cautious.

“Do you think the 29.9 billion financial fraud is a big thing?” Anliang said with a sneer, “I tell you, even if this matter is exposed, there will be no storms, and the most likely result is a fine of three drinks! ”

Li Gang fell silent.

Anliang explained, “Why did I choose the riskier international market is because of the A-share market, I don’t understand it at all!”

There are a lot of risks in the international market!

Take the neon market as an example. If Anxin Investment Company wants to operate in the neon stock market, it first needs to exchange Xia Guoyuan into neon yuan before it has the qualification to enter the market.

Between countries, with the exception of the current Bald Eagle country’s US dollar as the intermediate currency, the 127 currencies of other countries will actually not be recognized by the other side.

Paper money is credit currency. What if an accident happens?

After all, banknotes are printed. In extreme cases, don’t you print as many as you want?

Even if it is US dollars, hasn’t there been an accident?

Of course there are accidents!

The U.S. dollar used to be called the U.S. dollar!

Why is it called USD?

This matter can be traced back to the aftermath of the Second World War, when transactions between countries were basically transactions of real money.

Receive the other party’s banknotes?


However, two-thirds of the world’s gold is already in the hands of the Bald Eagle country, so a leader of the Bald Eagle country named ‘White’ expressed a policy.

Change the U.S. dollar to ‘U.S. dollars’, at any time, as long as you give 35 U.S. dollars to the Bald Eagle country, you can exchange it for one ounce of gold.

As I said before, banknotes are printed!(Read more @

Isn’t it paper money if the U.S. dollar is changed to ‘U.S. dollars’?

So an accident happened!

After a large amount of U.S. dollars were printed, the Bald Eagle country could not use the price of 35 U.S. dollars to exchange for an ounce of gold, so it directly acted shamelessly.

In short: gold, I swallowed; US dollars, you want it if you love it, don’t pull it down!

The international financial market also has such risks.

Although the possibility of such shameless behavior is very small nowadays, currency exchange is still troublesome.

What’s more troublesome is that Anxin Investment’s funds, if they remain in the neon market, similar to the previous wool harvesting, will inevitably be investigated by the neon authorities and the funds will be seized.

Therefore, the risks in the international financial market are even greater!

But Anliang still chose to harvest in the international financial market instead of returning to Xia Guo’s A-share market.

The reason is too simple. The situation he just exemplified is the biggest problem.

It is impossible for Anliang to know every time whether there is an interest group like him and the three imperial capitals behind the other party.

Anyway, that X Pharmaceutical Company must have!

Such a large-scale financial fraud can still conceal the past. This is no problem. Anliang doesn’t believe it in his toes, okay?

Anliang said he couldn’t understand such a treacherous investment market.

How can it be possible to invest a lot of money without understanding?

Anliang is not afraid of becoming a leek. An Xin Investment Company has such a scale, but he already has strong anti-risk ability. His biggest worry is that An Xin Investment Company has become an emperor.

If Anxin Investment Company keeps making enemies in the A-share market, sooner or later, it will become the fate of everyone shouting and beating, and eventually be encircled and suppressed.

It is precisely because of this that Anliang rejected Li Gang’s proposal.

As for retail investors to rush in to make money?

Brother Liang can’t stop it either!


For such a strange market, Anliang’s advice is to be careful.

“Well, Lao Li, your plan is sealed, and our Anxin Investment Company is still focusing on the US stock market. As for the world’s second largest vegetable plot, let’s leave it to others!” Anliang responded.

“Understood.” Li Gang responded.

Fan Ping also expressed his understanding.

Although it is impossible to harvest leeks, at least it is safe.

Anliang never likes extreme adventures. He prefers the golden mean, not radical, not backward, following the mainstream, hiding under the water, and gaining his own benefits silently.

After the discussion between the three people was over, Anliang opened the safe again, took out the three people’s mobile phones and turned them on again. He first sent a WeChat message to Xia Ruyi.

‘Anliang: I’m done here, ready to go back! ’

‘Xia Ruyi: Okay, let’s come over right away. ’

After Anliang locked the safe, he waited at the door for Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin.

When the two came over, they both held a bottle of yogurt, and Anliang took the two Louis Vuitton shopping bags carried by Xia Ruyi.

“Old Fan, let’s go first!” Anliang waved.

“President An goes slowly.” Fan Ping responded politely.

When Anliang took the two sisters of the Xia family to the underground parking lot and walked to the side of the Porsche TurboS, Xia Ruyi suddenly laughed.

“Hahahaha, I’m really happy today. I just checked my cousin’s circle of friends and she actually blocked me. It seems that she wants to show off her bag again, but she doesn’t want me to see it again!” Make up!

The identification is over, she is a werewolf! .

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