Chapter 530

The underground parking garage of IFC.

When Anliang unlocked the Porsche TurboS, he opened the door of the co-pilot and put the co-pilot seat down. Before he could ask whether his sister was sitting in the back or his sister was sitting in the back, Xia Ruyi had taken the initiative to get into the car and sit in the back row.


Anliang originally thought it was a gentler sister sitting in the back row!

This result has subverted Anliang’s views on the two sisters of the Xia family. He had always thought that Xia Ruyi had a little bit of temperament, which was more headstrong and not too sensible.

But now that Xia Ruyi suddenly came to this move, didn’t that directly subvert Liang Brother’s perception of them?

Anliang even used the interpersonal scanning system to confirm Xia Ruyi’s identity again, so as to prevent them from only exchanging MURIA handbags.

However, the result is still the same!

Xia Ruyi, who was a little headstrong and ignorant in Anliang’s cognition, sat in the narrow back row. Such a performance is too sensible, right?

Through the interpersonal scanning system, Anliang also discovered one thing.

Whether it is Xia Ruyi or Xia Hexin, the degree of affection has soared to a height of 79 points!

What is the concept of 79 points?

From 80 to 89: Best friends/lovers are not full

To put it simply, the relationship between the two sisters of the Xia family and Anliang is now about to transform into an ambiguous stage where the lovers are not satisfied.

Anliang discovered that in the interpersonal relationship scanning system, there was actually detailed information about the favorability of the two sisters in the Xia family. He checked the specific situation.

The detailed information lists the improvement in the favorability of the two sisters of the Xia family.

Every time Anliang targeted Yang Yingying, the favorability of the two sisters in the Xia family increased.

Especially when Anliang finally attacked Yang Yingying and asked Yang Yingying not to label her “family”, the favorability of sisters Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin directly increased by 9 points.

This time the improvement, directly from 70 points to 79 points rhythm!

As for the three Louis Vuitton bags presented to them by Anliang, they all added 1 point of favorability.(Read more @

Later, Anliang took them to Anxin Investment Company, such a heart-warming move, but it didn’t increase any favorability. Maybe the favorability entered the critical area?

This situation made Anliang realize that the two sisters of the Xia family were bullied enough by this cousin before, right?

Without this cousin, Anliang’s desire to improve the favorability of the two sisters in the Xia family is probably not that simple!

After all, everyone has everyone’s needs.

As if not everyone likes coriander.

Only by identifying the needs of the other party, can you quickly get the other party’s favor.

Taking Brother Liang as an example, if a rich woman wants to support Brother Liang, how can it be successful?

No matter how much money is given, Brother Liang will not accept it!

But if it’s a face value over ninety points, special over ninety points, and a figure over ninety points, even if you give a little less money, or even if it’s a big brother, it doesn’t seem to be a big problem?

In all fairness, is Brother Liang a greedy person?

In the Porsche TurboS, Xia Ruyi sat behind the co-pilot and Xia Hexin sat in the co-pilot. Anliang started the engine and slowly drove out of the parking space.

Xia Ruyi wondered, “Brother-in-law, I’m very curious about one thing. Since you have a Porsche and Ferrari, why buy a Lamborghini?”

This “brother-in-law” is too difficult!

The main reason is that there are too many stories about brother-in-law and sister-in-law in the Internet. What boss Huang and sister-in-law are running away, what bride’s sister and bridegroom applaud, there are so many similar information, can you blame Liang brother for thinking too much?

·· ·····Find flowers 0 ···

Xia Hexin was also a little blushed by this ‘brother-in-law’, but she didn’t mean to refute, because the favorability score had reached 79 points, and she almost entered the stage of not being full of lovers.

“I think the current situation fully proves why we should buy another Lamborghini.” Anliang responded.

“That Ferrari has only two seats. Although this Porsche has four seats, you are uncomfortable in the back, right?” Anliang asked.

… 0 …

Xia Ruyi replied in the affirmative, “The space in the back row is a bit small, and the sitting posture is uncomfortable. I can hold on for a short time, but it will definitely not work for a long time.”

“So!” Anliang answered.

Along the way, the three people chatted and laughed. From school anecdotes, they finally talked about Yang Yingying. Anliang finally knew why the Xia sisters hated Yang Yingying.

It turns out that they have been all sorts of yin and yang since high school, and they are old grudges!

After half an hour, Anliang drove to Tianfu Normal University. This time he entered successfully. He still sent the two sisters of the Xia family downstairs to the dormitory.

When getting out of the car, Xia Hexin took the initiative to speak, “Anliang, let’s add WeChat!”

Anliang responded, “You let Ruyi push it to you, doesn’t she have my WeChat?”

Xia Ruyi answered, “Okay, brother-in-law, I’ll post your WeChat to my sister in a while.”

This conversation…

It seems that smell?

My sister-in-law pushed her brother-in-law’s WeChat to her sister?


The relationship between sister-in-law and brother-in-law is better, nothing wrong! three.

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