Chapter 531

Near ten o’clock in the evening, Tianfu Normal University.

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin returned to the dormitory, and they were teased by Kang Yujia and Xu Nuo as soon as they came back.

“Wow! Our twin sisters are back?” Kang Yujia teased.

Xu Nuo seconded, “I think you can’t come back today!”

Xia Ruyi hummed, “You two have no conscience, for nothing I brought you back snacks!”

“Are there any snacks?” Xu Nuo asked quickly.

Kang Yujia added and asked, “Could it be in Anliang’s company?”

“Huh huh!” Xia Ruyi nodded affirmatively, “Yes, their company’s snacks are really not wrong. I brought some beef jerky and nuts.”

While talking, Xia Ruyi opened the Dan turquoise Muria handbag, took out the snacks in the handbag and placed it on the desk.

Kang Yujia said enviously, “Louis Vuitton’s latest MURIA handbag, come here, I want to see it.”

Xia Ruyi took off the handbag and handed it to Kang Yujia.

Kang Yujia stroked the soft hollow calf leather and exclaimed, “It is worthy of Louis Vuitton. The texture of the calf leather is so good. This Danish green is even the special color of Louis Vuitton. It looks really comfortable!”

Xu Nuo is playing with Xia Hexin’s Muria handbags, “This creamy white is also very beautiful. The only drawback is that the price is too expensive, it seems to cost 31,500 yuan, right?”

Kang Yujia complained, “The high price is not its fault, but ours.”

Expensive things, except for the heartache at the moment of purchase, when they are used in the future, they are all happy.

In fact, money has not disappeared. In the process of money flow, it still exists, but it is accompanied by you in a different way.

For example, if you buy a car, does the money really disappear?

Do not!

It just becomes a car to accompany you!

What’s the point if you stick to money and don’t consume it?


“He Xin, Ruyi, you have to hurry up. This Anliang is a real boss. It seems that the posts on the wall of their School of Economics are not lying. This Anliang may have made hundreds of millions of rhythms.” Kang Yujia exclaimed. .(Read more @

Xu Nuo added, “If he has made hundreds of millions of dollars, wouldn’t these bags be the rhythm of three or five yuan for him?”

“It’s possible!” Kang Yujia responded, “After all, I don’t have money. I can’t understand the thoughts of rich people.”

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin looked at each other, and the two could see each other’s intentions. They had a tacit understanding since they were young, and could imitate each other’s character and voice anytime and anywhere, thus completely impersonating each other.

Under such circumstances, whether Xia Ruyu or Xia Hexin, they all know each other’s thoughts, but the two sisters have no disputes, and they also have their own thoughts.

Tianfu School of Economics.

Anliang had just returned to dormitory 307 when he was greeted with verbal criticism from three roommates.

“Fuck! Brother Liang! Are you back?” Shen Shizhong looked at Anliang in shock.

“What’s the situation?” Anliang asked back.

Lu Wenshan explained, “Didn’t you spend money with the twin sisters from the Tianfu Normal University next door to the National Financial Center? We thought you were not coming back.”

“Campus wall?” Anliang guessed the situation.

Lu Wenshan responded positively, “Yes, someone in our school met you at the National Financial Center. He just posted a post. We were planning to send you a message at 12 o’clock, but you actually came back!”

Ma Long asked curiously, “Brother Liang, how does it feel to hug the left and the right?”

Shen Shizhong added, “You should ask, what is it like to hug a pair of beautiful twin sisters!”

Anliang has no way to answer this question!

When did he hug the left and the right?

“This is definitely black me!” Anliang landed on the campus wall and checked the situation on the campus wall…

As Lu Wenshan said, someone really photographed him and the two sisters of the Xia family at Louis Vuitton at the National Financial Center. It should have been when Yang Yingying and Jiang Zhaocong went to the classic handbag area to select.

Not only that, but also follow-up photos!

Later in the underground parking garage, the candid camera captured Fan Ping leading the way and Anliang with the two sisters of the Xia family following behind. Fan Ping, an dignified financial elite, was actually photographed as a turtle.

I have to say it is poisonous!

“I must clarify that I and them are friends.” Anliang responded.

Shen Shizhong laughed, “I believe it?”

Lu Wenshan seconded, “I believe it too?”

“I only believe it?” Ma Long also expressed his disbelief.

“Let’s do it, I don’t think the explanation is clear, but fortunately, there is no need to explain!” Anliang said that he didn’t care about rhythm.

Lu Wenshan frantically inserted the knife, “Brother Liang, you forgot Baiyue!”

Ma Long made a knife, “Yes, right, and Baiyue!”

Shen Shizhong smirked, “Brother Liang, you are too ruthless. The Normal College is diagonally across from our college. Are you afraid of overturning?”

“So you got the one from the Academy of Fine Arts?” Anliang fought back.

“Brother Champion, have you got Fang Mei’s tablemate?” Anliang asked another soul torture.

As for Lu Wenshan?

Stop talking, scumbag man!

This person has been trapped to death, Liang Ge can only feel sorry for him, he gave up the entire forest for a tree! .

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