Chapter 567

Tianlan Community, Unit 1, Room 1903.

Liu Ling looked at Anliang’s reply, her brows frowned slightly, because she felt that Anliang’s problem was not simple!

Anliang asked what preferential terms, which in Liu Ling’s view contained a hint of taste.

If you really ask about the loan discounts of Gongshang Bank, shouldn’t you directly ask about the loan interest rate, the loan period, and the amount of loan funds?

Liu Ling suddenly thought of the scene where Anliang directly booked the top of the magic capital during the National Day before, and her mood was very complicated.

‘Liu Ling: We can talk about the specific preferential terms in person. ’

‘Liu Ling: Classmate An, are you free tomorrow? If we are free tomorrow, we will have dinner together and discuss this issue again. ’

Generally speaking, the conditions of the negotiation are face-to-face to avoid leaving a written record.

‘Anliang: Sorry, auntie, there is no time tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we will contact you again, okay? ’

‘Liu Ling: Okay. ’

‘Anliang: Then don’t bother Auntie to rest, we will contact you the day after tomorrow. ’

‘Liu Ling: [OK]’

After finishing the chat, Liu Ling put down her phone silently, she suddenly got up from the bed, first drew the curtains, then took off her pajamas and stood in front of the vanity mirror and looked at herself like a girl in the mirror. She smiled.

On the other side, Anliang and Liu Ling finished chatting, and he responded to Li Xiyan’s message.

‘Anliang: Xiyan, your mother came to me for work. ’

‘Li Xiyan:? ’

‘Anliang: Auntie works in Gongshang Bank, right? ’

‘Anliang: My dad’s company opened an account in Gongshang Bank, so there are some work cooperation. ’

‘Li Xiyan: Oh! ’

‘Anliang: Are you reviewing and preparing for the exam? ’

‘Li Xiyan: Of course! We will take exams the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then the official holiday on the 5th, and I will come back on the 6th. ’

‘Anliang: Received! Waiting for you! [color]’

‘Li Xiyan: [Lightning]’

‘Li Xiyan: I’m going to continue reading and reviewing, so you should rest early. ’(Read more @

‘Anliang: Hmm! ’

Midnight at midnight.

As the time enters 2020, the biggest post-00s are already 20 years old and have initially entered the society. They are the new wave.

‘Ding! ’

‘Today is New Year’s Day and it is the host’s birthday. In this wonderful moment of double celebration, the host will receive a [Birthday Wish] reward! ’

‘Special reminder: Although there are no restrictions on [Birthday Wish], some wishes that are obviously not in line with the real world will not become reality. ’

‘Example 1: If the host makes a wish to become a god and live forever, such a wish will definitely not come true. ’

‘Example 2: If the host makes a wish to control supernatural powers, such as mind control, space movement and other supernatural powers, it will definitely not be realized. ’

‘Example 3: If the host makes a wish to obtain hundreds of billions of assets before the age of 40, it will definitely be realized with the cooperation of the system! ’

‘Demonstration 4: If the host makes a wish for his face value to reach 90 points, it will definitely be realized with good diet and work and rest habits, coupled with the cooperation of the system, and the brewing of time. ’

‘Please treat the [Birthday Wish] reward carefully! ’

‘If the host’s wish exceeds the effect of making a wish, a certain wishing effect will be achieved as appropriate, and the wishing opportunity will not be reset. ’

Anliang looked at the prompt message sent by the life winner system, and he thought silently about what wishes he would use this [Birthday Wish] to achieve.

Give examples to demonstrate Articles 3 and 4, and be directly abandoned by Anliang without hesitation!

Get hundreds of billions of assets before the age of 40?


Quite boring!

It is not a question of more money and less money, but before the age of forty, Anliang should work hard on his own, and he should be able to obtain 100 billion in assets. Does he still need to make a wish?

As for the fact that his appearance reached 90 points, Anliang analyzed more information from this reward!

For example, with his own efforts, I am afraid it is impossible to reach ninety o’clock, right?

But the charm of a man, in addition to his appearance, is also a combination of temperament, personality, three views, clothing, way of doing things, speaking style, and economic conditions.

At present, Liang Ge’s appearance has reached 77 points, which is close to the level of one in a thousand.

Does this one have a low score?

If compared with the girls that Liang brother knew, their appearance is over ninety points at every turn, which seems to be quite low.

But Anliang secretly used the interpersonal relationship scanning system to test Peng Shuai’s appearance. The score of Peng Shuai’s appearance in the interpersonal relationship scanning system turned out to be only 75 points.

With this kind of rating, can you say that handsome Peng is not handsome?

If you publicly say that handsome Peng is not handsome on the Internet, he will probably be sprayed into shit, right?

So Liang Ge doesn’t have much pursuit for the improvement of appearance. If there are special rewards to improve one or two points, he is very satisfied with the rhythm change.

If not, there will be no!

Anyway, Brother Liang is not a club player who depends on his face to eat?

Besides, there are differences between people’s aesthetic concepts, and the scoring of the interpersonal relationship scanning system is based on Anliang’s own aesthetic concepts.


Brother Liang is exposed!

In Liang’s aesthetics, he feels that he is a little more handsome than Peng Shuai.

The point is that Brother Liang still feels okay!

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it? .

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