Chapter 568

Is Brother Liang handsome?

For this question, if you ask the little vixen, the little vixen will definitely answer very handsomely. It is the best in the eyes of lovers, don’t you explain?

The big cat in the imperial capital must have the same answer.

Anyway, Brother Liang himself thinks he is handsome!

‘I want to make a wish! Anliang made a wish silently.

‘[Birthday Wish] reward has been activated, please make a wish for the host. ’Life winner system feedback.

‘I hope that Sun Xia will live a long life, be safe from all diseases, and be safe. Anliang is making a wish.

This wish is the blessing that Baiyue once gave him!

The blessing of a pure girl: a pure and flawless girl, prays for the host sincerely, wishes the host a long life, wishes the host not to invade all diseases, and wishes the host peace and safety.

Now Anliang hopes that his mother will live a long life, survive all diseases, and be safe.

‘Ding! ’

‘Failed to make a wish! ’

‘Baiyue’s morality has reached the state of [True and Sincere], and the host cannot reproduce Baiyue’s pious prayers. ’

‘The effect of wishing is weakened to: Sun Xia will not invade a serious illness and be safe. ’

‘Special note: Sun Xia still suffers from common diseases such as colds, coughs, dizziness and fever. ’

Was Baiyue’s blessing to him so strong?

Although Anliang has repeatedly overestimated the value of Baiyue’s blessings to him before, even to the extent that 10 billion will not be exchanged, it seems that he still underestimates Baiyue’s pious prayers.

Especially the blessing of “Long Lives One Hundred Years” that he once ignored.

So Brother Liang will surely live a long life?

Now it seems so!

Although Anliang’s wish failed and the effect weakened, Anliang was also very satisfied, at least Sun Xia was immune to major diseases and received the blessing of peace and safety.

Comrade Lao An?

Wait a minute!

On Anliang’s birthday next year, he will make a wish for Lao An again.(Read more @

As for whether this wish and blessing is worth it, it is a question of whether the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

Anyway, for Anliang, this wish and blessing is worth it!

Because Sun Xia is his mother!

The next day.

At just seven o’clock in the morning, Sun Xia woke Anliang up.

“Anliang, get up quickly. I have prepared longevity noodles. I will give you three minutes.” Sun Xia said loudly.

Anliang got up sleepily, “Okay.”

Longevity noodles have been a repertoire for Anliang’s birthday.

Every time Anliang’s birthday, Sun Xia would personally make a bowl of longevity noodles for Anliang, she and An Shengyu would also eat together.

Anliang came to the living room after washing briefly and quickly, and An Shengyu brought the longevity noodles to the table.

“Hurry up and eat, your mother will get up at six o’clock in the morning to knead the noodles, don’t you understand?” An Shengyu said good things about Sun Xia, trying to improve her family status.

But that is impossible!

Even if he is promoted to a genuine and domineering president, Comrade Lao An is ranked third in the family. Sun Xia is the first and Anliang is the second. Comrade Lao An is the absolute backer.

After so many years, it has never changed!

Anliang sat next to the dining table. While mixing the longevity noodles, he asked, “An Sheng needs a bank loan?”

An Shengyu responded positively, “Well! This time the project is too big. We have eaten a full 10 billion share. At present, the stall has just been rolled out, waiting for other construction companies to solve more basic problems. We need to further expand the scale. The current funds of AXA are definitely not enough, so we need bank loan support.”

“Which one are you going to choose?” Anliang asked curiously.

An Shengyu responded, “I’m not sure for the time being. According to our company’s internal financial calculations, the total capital demand exceeds 2 billion. With such a huge amount of capital, coupled with projects that are stable and profitable, we need to consider carefully and comprehensively compare. Each bank’s loan interest rate, loan period, loan rate, and capital use restrictions, etc.

“Are there any preliminary partners?” Anliang added.

An Shengyu asked, “What do you think?”

“The mother of one of my classmates works in a bank.” Anliang stopped short.

“Female classmate?” An Shengyu asked back.

Anliang nodded affirmatively, “Well, high school classmate, Li Xiyan.”

Sun Xia just walked out of the kitchen, “I remember that little girl, she was pretty, are you in love?”

Anliang denied, “Just a moment ago, she was in Fudan University in Magic City, the best news and media major, and the place to go to school is a little farther away.”

“It seems that it only takes two hours to go from Tianfu to the magic city?” Sun Xia said with a trick.


Is Sun Xia so fashionable?

Obviously it is a long-distance relationship, just like a same-city love relationship abruptly?

“When will she come back, you find a time to bring it back for us to see.” Sun Xia added.

“Mom!” Anliang murmured, “Where do I follow!”

An Shengyu asked, “She hasn’t come back yet?”

This is a problem!

Before, An Shengyu guessed that Anliang had a problem with spending the night outside, but now asking this question, isn’t it a test of Anliang?

Anliang couldn’t lie, “Fudan University has not closed yet.”

After all, when is Fudan University closed? Isn’t it just a phone call to ask?

An Shengyu took a deep look at Anliang. He didn’t say anything, but just responded, “Talk to her about your classmate’s mother, and then give me the corresponding conditions. If the conditions are the same, we will give priority to her. ”

“Okay.” Anliang breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Comrade Lao An has one eye closed?

Maybe it’s the comfort that my pig will finally pick up the cabbage?

and many more!

This description is poisonous! .

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