Chapter 569

Lao Anjia.

The three of them ate the longevity noodles together, and Sun Xia ate it first, mainly because she ate the least.

“By the way, Anliang, for this year’s birthday, we still keep everything simple. Various relatives want to celebrate for you, and we all shirk them.” Sun Xia explained.

In the past, when Anliang celebrated his birthday, the relatives of the old An’s family and the relatives of the Sun’s family did everything possible to get close to each other. After all, An Shengyu was also a multi-millionaire at the time.

But neither An Shengyu nor Sun Xia gave a chance.

This year, the AXA Construction Company soared into the sky. The relatives who were unable to reach it wanted to get close. How could AXA and Sun Xia agree?

Anliang responded clearly, “I understand! I only have one question, is there any smoked fish for this year’s birthday?”

Smoked fish is Sun Xia’s specialty, but the cooking process is too complicated, and Anliang can only eat it once on her birthday. Other times, it is really all luck.

Sun Xia replied, “I knew it! Your father is going to buy groceries, and I will prepare at home~work.”

“Okay! Thank you mom!-” Anliang cheered and said.

In fact, given Anliang’s current net worth and wealth, does he want to eat?

What he wants is the taste of home!

Anliang and An Shengyu went out together. An Shengyu drove a Lamborghini Urus to the vegetable market. A genuine overbearing president, a young and promising young man with assets of more than half a billion, actually came to the vegetable market together.

Lao’an’s grocery shopping has always been in the vegetable market, mainly because the vegetables in the vegetable market are fresher, there are more varieties to choose from, and some unexpected treasures are often found.

For example, today Anliang and An Shengyu found winter bamboo shoots at the vegetable market!

Shengqing also has winter bamboo shoots, but the output is very small, only the surrounding farmers dig them and send them to the vegetable market for scattered sale.

The price of winter bamboo shoots is not cheap. It costs a full 15 yuan a catty. It can be described as a ‘luxury’ in the vegetable market. There are six winter bamboo shoots in total. Anliang’s rhythm is straightforward.

The two spent more than half an hour in the vegetable market. They not only bought winter bamboo shoots, but also local natural ripe tomatoes, local loofah, and local corn.

In today’s era, although all kinds of materials are extremely rich, especially the agricultural products in the supermarket are extremely cheap, I always feel that these agricultural products have no taste in memory.

In fact, these agricultural products are all the fruits of industrialized mass production, so it is naturally impossible to have the taste in memory.(Read more @

But in the vegetable market, you can always find some dishes grown by local farmers in the traditional way. This is also one of the pleasures of visiting the vegetable market.

As for the billionaires who are not ashamed of visiting the vegetable market?

Anyone who has this problem must have a wrong understanding of wealth!

Wealth brings the confidence to face any situation, not the restraint of themselves, whether An Shengyu or Anliang, they can bargain in the vegetable market or spend a lot of money in luxury stores.

This is the confidence that wealth brings!

You don’t feel like you are superior if you have money. You have to go to an imported supermarket to buy a dish. That is not a symbol of a rich person. It is a reincarnation of fine craftsmanship. It is purely pretentious!

At ten o’clock in the morning, President Lao An and classmate Xiao An returned home with big bags and small bags, and then helped Sun Xia handle all kinds of pre-cooking preparations in the kitchen.

At noon, Sun Xia made a tomato scrambled egg, a fish-flavored pork shreds, and a stir-fried loofah, which was enough for lunch.

Local loofah is indeed more delicious than industrial agricultural products. The natural sweetness and fragrance indicate the freshness of loofah.

The work of cooking in the afternoon was completely handed over to Sun Xia.

············Find flowers 0 ······

An Shengyu greeted Anliang mysteriously, “Son, I have prepared a gift for you!”

“Huh?” Anliang looked at An Shengyu suspiciously.

On his birthday last year, Anliang’s birthday gift was a ‘five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulation’. At that time, Anliang’s mood was very complicated. He did not want to receive this kind of birthday gift a second time in his life.

“It’s not some learning materials, right?” Anliang complained.

“Don’t worry!” An Shengyu said with a big smile, “This time, you must like it!”

“Could it be that you bought me a Lamborghini?” Anliang asked curiously.

…. ……… 0

“Didn’t you buy it yourself?” An Shengyu asked back.

Makes sense!

Anliang has already bought a Lamborghini Urus. Although the Lamborghini Urus is always considered to be not a pure Lamborghini, just listen to the things of the keyboard car god, there is no need to be true.

“What is it?” Anliang asked.

“You wait.” An Shengyu walked into the master bedroom.

When he walked out again, Anliang judged at a glance that the packing box An Shengyu was carrying was Sony’s PS4Pro, so he gave a game console?

“The gift you wanted most last year, do you like it?” An Shengyu asked.

Anliang was unable to complain, An Shengyu himself said, this is his favorite gift last year!


This year’s Anliang also likes it!

“A call of duty?” Anliang sent out an invitation.

“Come!” An Shengyu responded.

The two father and son started the game mode in the living room.

Sun Xia came out of the kitchen and saw the two father and son playing games happily. She smiled and shook her head before returning to the kitchen. She was very happy that Anliang and An Shengyu had such a harmonious relationship. six.

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