Chapter 570

At close to nine o’clock in the evening, Anliang finally responded to the birthday wishes that needed to be answered.

Mainly the blessings of a few girls and friends.

He put away his mobile phone and took the initiative to clean up the table with An Shengyu. Sun Xia has been busy all afternoon. Now An Shengyu and Anliang do the work of cleaning up the mess and washing the dishes. This is the same every year.

Approaching eleven o’clock, Anliang took a shower and lay on the bed, and the life winner system issued a reminder again.

‘Ding! ’

‘In view of the host’s family harmony and the father’s kindness and filial piety, the host will receive an additional reward. ’

‘Congratulations to the host for obtaining a copy of [commercial confidential information]’

Anliang likes this kind of reward!

Because of the rewards of [Business Confidential Information], Anliang can generally obtain huge benefits after operation.

At present, the maximum amount of rewards in the life winner system is the reward for billions of descendants without return date, but it does not exceed 50 million, and there are no more direct economic rewards for the time being.

Anliang wonders if there is no higher reward in the life winner system?

Even with his newly acquired [Advanced Consumer Cashback Card], the maximum amount of cashback is only 45 million, and the number of cashbacks is different from the primary shopping cashback card and the intermediate shopping cashback card.

Both the primary shopping cashback card and the intermediate shopping cashback card have 5 cashback times, and the advanced consumer cashback card only has 1 cashback!

Therefore, Anliang prefers the reward of [Trade Confidential Information].

Anliang immediately checked it. This [commercial secret information] is a bit interesting. It records Neon’s [Benztian Motors] strategy of regional discrimination.

The cars sold by Bentian Motors in the Neon and Bald Eagle countries, as well as in the Europa region, are the real Bentian cars.

However, the sales of Bentian cars in Xiaguo and Southeast Asia all have the problem of cutting corners, and it is not cutting corners of functional configuration, but cutting corners that affects vehicle safety.

According to the records of [Commercial Secret Information], Bentian Motors has severely cut corners in Xiaguo’s best-selling [Siyu] car, including the most critical A/B/C three-pillar material strength of the car.

Modern cars have adopted a’cage structure’ body-in-white, that is, the A/B/C three-pillars and the body form a high-strength cage to protect the personnel inside. Generally, when the vehicle is subjected to an impact, the cage structure protects the last A line of safety.

What if the A/B/C three-pillars forming the cage structure cut corners?

I’m afraid I can think of the result with my toes?

Anliang was looking at this commercial secret information about Bentian Motors while inquiring about relevant information on the Internet. However, the more he inquired, the more surprised Anliang was!

Because this copy of commercial confidential information is not even considered as commercial confidential information!

There have long been exposure news about the vehicles sold by Bentian Motors in Xiaguo on the Internet, but these news seem to have fallen to the sea. Although they are still on the Internet, they just can’t make any waves.(Read more @

More importantly, there is no media coverage!

The sales of Bentian Motors in Xiaguo are still rising, and even have a very good reputation.


Think carefully!

According to this situation, if we use the same method to deal with senior hall and Annexan and directly expose it through the Internet, I am afraid it will not work, because there are many scandals of Bentian Motors on the Internet.

Even if it clearly pointed out that the quality of Bentian cars was defective, the media turned a blind eye, and consumers seemed to turn a blind eye. There were even more remarks that “cars are used to drive, not to crash.” Such absurd remarks.

Who wants to crash?

Who wants to have a car accident?

The safety of the car is to ensure the safety of passengers in the event of extreme accidents. Who would deliberately crash the car?

Anliang sighed silently. It is worthy of being a super-large enterprise that is selling well in the world, and ordinary Internet black materials can’t help it.

As for how to deal with Bentian Motors and benefit from it, Anliang needs to think carefully.

After all, this is a company that is not afraid of exposure!

‘Anliang: @Everyone: In? ’

Anliang sends a message in the imperial capital group of friends.

‘Qian Xiaogang: Damn it! Brother Liang actually appeared! We thought that your birthday was going to be something special, but you had time to come out? ’

‘Li Cunyuan: There is no school holiday, I am silently envious. ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Brother Liang, is Sheng Qing fun? ’

‘Anliang: @钱小刚: My birthday is never a big deal. ’

Today Anliang received a lot of birthday greeting messages, including Chen Siyu and Little Fox, as well as Li Xiyan, even the Xia sisters and Ning Ruoshuang, etc., all sent birthday greetings to Anliang.

He had delayed dinner until nine o’clock just to reply to the message.

‘Anliang: By the way, when do you have a holiday? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I said that I have failed my subject and will be saved until the 10th or the 17th. Will you laugh at me? ’

‘Anliang: I won’t! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Don’t worry, I’m used to it. Last year you also got off the course! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: Well prepared! I won’t stay at school anyway, and I will have a holiday on the fourth. Brother Liang, shall we come to Shengqing to gather later? ’

‘Yun Haiyang: I also want to come to Shengqing, my second cousin asked me to come, and I will be with Brother Yuan. ’

‘Anliang: You are here, I will definitely receive it, but you know, don’t mess with me, okay? ’

‘Li Cunyuan:? ’

‘Qian Xiaogang:? ’

‘Yun Haiyang: Don’t pretend to be a man? ’

‘Anliang: Install? ? ? ’

‘Anliang: I am a good man! ’

‘Yun Haiyang: I vomit! ’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I beg you, don’t be so nasty! ’

‘Li Cunyuan: I think Ning Ruoshuang will believe that you are a good man. ’

‘Anliang: Talk about business! ’

‘Anliang: [图][图][图][图]’

‘Anliang: Look first, and then talk about your ideas. ’

Anliang sent Bentian Motor’s black material on the WeChat group. .

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