Chapter 607

At about half past ten in the evening, Anliang drove to Tianlan Community.

The Lamborghini Urus brought convenience. He simply said ‘accept a friend’ without even registering.

Downstairs in the first unit, Anliang sends a message to Liu Ling.

In less than three minutes, Liu Ling dressed up in professional attire and entered the co-pilot.

The warm air conditioner in the Lamborghini Urus made Liu Ling take off her coat naturally. She was still dressed in a tight sweater. Anliang glanced at it, and blindly guessed the C-class?

Liu Ling still pretended not to notice Anliang’s eyes, and she began to talk about work.

“Student An, regarding the loan period of your AXA, after internal discussions in our bank, combined with the situation of the West Side Development Plan, we set it to six years.” Liu Ling first explained the loan period.

This loan period is indeed a reference to the West Side Development Plan!

The cycle of the West Side Development Plan is probably more than five years. Anyway, if there is no accident, the West Side Development Plan will be completed within six years.

To put it simply, AXA Construction Company must have the ability to repay loans after six years!

Anliang naturally knows the situation of the West Side Development Plan, and the six-year loan period is very reasonable.

“There is no problem at this point!” Anliang responded to Liu Ling while driving, “In six years, the Xicheng development plan has basically been completed. We at AXA naturally have the ability to repay.”

“Student An, you should know the bank’s regular loan interest rate 々?” Liu Ling asked.

Anliang responded, “I really don’t know too much. The main reason is that AXA has no loans before, and I have not been exposed to loans myself.”

Liu Ling introduced to Anliang that the current benchmark interest rate for bank loans is 4.35% for one-year loans; 4.75% for one to five years; and 4.9% for loans over five years.

In fact, the bank’s benchmark lending interest rate is not high!

Taking the Huabei, the richest man in Malaysia, as an example, if the minimum repayment amount is calculated, whether it is 3 or 6 instalments, or 12 and 24 instalments, the annual interest rate exceeds 12%.

As for the loan of the richest man in Malaysia?(Read more @

The maximum repayment period of the loan is 12 months, and the daily interest rate of the loan is %-0.06%, so the annual interest rate is 7.3%-21.9%.

After such calculations, do you now know why the richest man in Malaysia is the richest?

Thank you for your contribution to the richest man in Malaysia!

Although the bank’s loan interest rate is significantly lower, there are threshold restrictions on bank loans, and most people basically cannot get large loans from banks. The largest low-interest loan for ordinary people in their lives should be mortgages.

So the mortgage is really a benefit!

If you let the company take control of the mortgage?


“What kind of loan interest rate can you Tongshang Bank give us AXA?” Anliang asked the situation.

Liu Ling did not respond to this question. She mentioned a gossip, “Student An, do you remember Shi Yanru and Cao Yujiao?”

“Huh?” Anliang was puzzled.

These two people…

Spreader of plum blossom virus?

Anliang asked, “What happened to them?”

“On Friday, one of our vice president’s spouse’s units underwent a medical examination, and then this vice president’s spouse was detected with plum blossom virus. This incident affected the vice president and further implicated Shi Yanru and Cao Yujiao. And it involves the manager of the loan audit department, the manager of our VIP client department, Wang Bo, and even two new interns.” Liu Ling said gossip.


It is worthy of being a strong player with twenty-four kills and eighteen kills!

Shi Yanru and Cao Yujiao are a bit powerful, don’t you even let the intern brother?

But the scourge of the interns should satisfy themselves, right?

“` ¨The current vice presidents are suspended. Shi Yanru, Cao Yujiao, Wang Bo, and the audit department manager have all been expelled due to life style issues.” Liu Ling added.

Anliang responded with a smile, “When I see them, they are not good people!”

Liu Ling gave Anliang a white glance. She saw that Anliang was not a good person either!

After talking about the gossip, Liu Ling re-answered the previous question, “As for the issue of your AXA loan interest rate, our bank has discussed internally and has now given two plans.”

“Talk about it?” Anliang asked.

“Wait a while I will send it to you directly on my mobile phone (from Zhao’s).” Liu Ling responded, “Be careful of driving. There are a lot of people here, especially those drunk drunks, pay attention to safety!”

Although the bar street in Shengqing is not as developed as the imperial capital, the nightlife atmosphere is very good, the popularity is very high, and it is quite lively.

The bright yellow Lamborghini Urus entered the bar street, and received attention and courtesy frequently!

In particular, some girls with heavy make-ups are chasing the bright yellow Lamborghini Urus with their eyes.

Although the Lamborghini Urus has been discredited by the keyboard car gods, and Anliang has also complained about it, Lamborghini is Lamborghini. Its price is there. In an environment like a bar street, it is a pretty boy! .

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