Chapter 626

The next day.

seven in the morning.

Anliang was awakened by Sun Xia again. During breakfast, An Shengyu explained, “Anliang, regarding the AXA loan, you can inform your classmate’s mother that we, AXA accept the first loan plan.

“Have you decided?” Anliang asked rhetorically.

An Shengyu nodded affirmatively, “Well! After all, the six-year loan interest rate is lower than the fixed deposit interest rate for the same period. This condition is very good, and other banks can’t give such a condition.”

“Okay, I will notify them later.” Anliang responded, “By the way, Dad, should I let them go directly to AXA to sign?”

“Well, I’m on the company’s side today. You can just ask them to come over and sign the contract.” An Shengyu responded.

It’s a pity that Li Xiyan is back!

Otherwise, with such good news, I should be able to ask Liu Ling to have supper again, right?

7:50 in the morning.

Anliang drove the Lamborghini Urus to the Tianlan community. The bright yellow Lamborghini Urus was too present. The security personnel let him go. When Anliang passed the security pavilion, he lowered the car window and passed a box of Huazi.

“Thanks, Master.” Anliang greeted.

The security staff in charge of the door guard replied, “Brother is too polite. I’m afraid your car will cost several million, right?”

“More than three million!” Anliang did not hide, and then drove into Tianlan Community.

The security personnel of Tianlan Community gave face, and Anliang naturally gave back in place, and face was given to each other.

Otherwise, on the surface, respect you for money and scold you for being stupid?

Brother Xiao Wang used to have unlimited scenery, right?

But when the Black and White National Treasure self-broadcasting platform was closed, Brother Xiao Wang was caught on fire, right?

The biggest reason is that Xiao Wang’s popularity is so bad, he always doesn’t give anyone face.

Anliang parked the Lamborghini Urus on the side of the road downstairs in a unit. He was familiar with the elevator and went upstairs, and then knocked on the door of 1903.

“Who is it?” Liu Ling’s voice came.

“Auntie, I am Anliang.” Anliang responded.(Read more @

Yesterday when Anliang sent Li Xiyan home, he said that he would come to pick up Li Xiyan today. Liu Ling was not surprised. After opening the door, she replied, “Xiyan hasn’t gotten up yet.”

Liu Ling is also dressing up in home clothes today. Perhaps it is the reason why Anliang has just gotten up. Anliang keenly discovered the problem, and he involuntarily sighed secretly. It deserves to be the existence of a 94-point figure.

Liu Ling once again noticed Anliang’s aggressive gaze, she could only pretend not to notice, “By the way, Anliang, have you had breakfast?”

Anliang replied affirmatively, “I came here after having breakfast. By the way, auntie, there is good news to tell you that we, AXA, have made a decision to reach a six-year loan cooperation project with your bank.”

Liu Ling turned around in surprise, “Really?”

An Ling nodded affirmatively, “Really! My dad is at the headquarters of AXA today. You can go over and sign a contract with him today. By the way, AXA chose the first plan, so you need to prepare the corresponding to the first plan. Preferential strategy.”

“Great!” Liu Ling hugged Anliang in surprise.


I didn’t take the initiative!

Faced with the excited Liu Ling, Anliang clearly felt the meaning of the 94-point body score, at least the level of C-level.

Liu Ling seemed to realize the problem, she got up naturally, and then gave Anliang a blank look. She responded, “Go and ask Xiyan to get up, and I will serve the porridge.”

This is a good job!

Anliang walked to Li Xiyan’s bedroom wearing winter warm slippers. Li Xiyan was still asleep. Anliang walked to the bed and looked at Li Xiyan’s white skin that was as tender as a bomb.

I saw Anliang put his right hand into the quilt from the edge of the bed, his right hand was a bit cold, and Li Xiyan woke up coldly as soon as he reached in.

“`” Yeah! “Li Xiyan exclaimed.

“Anliang! You are going to die!” Li Xiyan groaned.

Anliang laughed and backed away.

This trick is called “eat sorbet” in Shengqing, which means “feel the cold of winter!” ’

“Get up quickly, it’s already eight o’clock, and the aunt has cooked the porridge.” Anliang greeted.

Li Xiyan looked at Anliang and said, “You go out first, I want to get dressed.”

“Good, good.” Anliang responded, he quit honestly, and even closed the door intimately.

Liu Ling is at home!

Anliang performed perfectly.

What if Liu Ling is not at home?


It seems that Li Xiyan is not at home more exciting?

In the living room, Liu Ling brought out three bowls of porridge, one of which was relatively small, and she greeted, “Anliang, you can eat more?”

Anliang did not refuse Liu Ling’s kindness, “Okay, thank you Auntie.”

“By the way, Anliang, I will not go to sign the contract with your AXA today. The president of our branch will personally lead the team.” Liu Ling explained the situation.

Anliang looked at Liu Ling suspiciously, and he secretly guessed what Liu Ling meant.

Could it be that the peach spoon was picked for this matter?

After Liu Ling talked about it, finally let the branch head pick up the bargain?

“Auntie, do you still need my help in this matter?” Anliang asked.


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