Chapter 627

Li Xiyan’s house.

Anliang asked Liu Ling if she needed help.

Liu Ling responded negatively, “You have misunderstood. Our president led the team to express the importance of AXA. I did not participate, that is to avoid suspicion.”

“That’s it!” Anliang responded.

That’s good too!

Otherwise, if An Shengyu learns about Liu Ling and Li Xiyan’s situation, I am afraid that he will have to teach Anliang a lesson, right?

When Anliang was chatting with Liu Ling, Li Xiyan finally walked out neatly.

“Anliang, why did you come to our house for a meal?” Li Xiyan hummed, obviously dissatisfied that Anliang had just eaten the sorbet.

Anliang responded with a cheeky, “Everyone is a family, it’s just a little problem!”

“Huh!” Li Xiyan hummed.

Liu Ling greeted, “Hurry up and wash.”

Half an hour later, Anliang had another breakfast at Liu Ling’s house. He casually said, “Auntie, are you going to work?”

“Yeah.” Liu Ling nodded affirmatively.

“Then we will send you there by the way.” Anliang replied.

Liu Ling did not refuse.

Downstairs in the first unit of Tianlan Community, Li Xiyan and Liu Ling walked out like a pair of sisters holding hands. Anliang sat in the driver’s seat, Li Xiyan and Liu Ling both got into the back seat.

At this time, whether it is Li Xiyan in the co-pilot or Liu Ling in the co-pilot, it is not a good choice.

Li Xiyan was sitting in the co-pilot, ignoring Liu Ling’s taste a bit.

If Liu Ling is in the co-pilot?


To suffer?

A quarter of an hour later, Lamborghini Urus stopped at the Beiyu branch of Gongshang Bank. Liu Ling got out of the car cleanly and Li Xiyan changed from the back seat to the passenger seat.

She asked, “Anliang, have you reached an agreement on cooperation with my mother?”

To be honest, if Anliang’s mental quality hadn’t been good, would you have a cold sweat in the first half of the sentence?(Read more @

Anliang corrected Li Xiyan’s statement, “To be precise, it should be the AXA Construction Company represented by me and the Gongshang Bank represented by your mother. The two have reached a cooperation agreement.”

Even if Brother Liang’s mental quality is very good, he still tests people when he suddenly comes!

So simply correct Li Xiyan’s statement.

Otherwise, a flaw is revealed?

Love and hate for a moment mentality card use it?

But there is only one!

If it is used by Li Xiyan, what will Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang do?

And what about the two sisters of the Xia family?

If it is not a last resort, Anliang will not easily use this card!

Half an hour later, Anliang took Li Xiyan to the National Financial Center, and the bright yellow Lamborghini Urus could show practical parking skills.

“What are we doing here at National Financial Services?” Li Xiyan was puzzled.

Anliang responded, “Walk around. Isn’t it about the New Year? I’m going to buy some gifts for my dad and my mom. Especially my dad, his briefcase is a bit long, I’m going to buy a briefcase. ”

“Yeah, I’ll take a look with you.” Li Xiyan responded.

After getting out of the car, Li Xiyan took the initiative to hold Anliang’s left arm. Both of them are Gucci sweaters today. They are paired with jeans and Gucci’s white sneakers, making them feel like a couple.

Because of using the parking skills of IFC, Anliang took Li Xiyan to Christian Dior’s shop first.

Li Xiyan glanced at it by the way, and she whispered, “Their winter clothes are really hard to say.”

Don’t ask!

If you ask, just say ugly!

The two did not stop at Dior’s shop. They went directly to Louis Vuitton’s shop. As soon as they walked into the shop, Anliang saw an acquaintance.

He Siming who hasn’t seen him for a long time!

Anliang reflexively looked at He Siming’s left wrist, because He Siming had seen a Longines moon phase watch in the circle of friends before. Although He Siming blocked Anliang, someone gave Anliang a screenshot.

In view of this situation, Anliang has a deep memory of the Longines Moon Phase Watch!


He Siming actually changed his watch?

Now replaced by Tudor.

He Siming’s taste is a little bad, or he always wants to spend a small amount of money to do big things.


The positioning of this brand is very embarrassing!

As a subsidiary brand of Rolex, the initial goal was to set up some customers who could not afford Rolex, but also wanted to resemble Rolex in appearance and reliable and durable quality.

Under normal circumstances, if you need a durable mechanical watch, but you can’t afford a Rolex, there is no problem choosing a Tudor, at a cheaper price, and enjoy the quality that is close to Rolex.

But He Siming is definitely not such a person!

He Siming, he is just a pretender.

Anliang estimated that the reason why he bought Tudor was probably that Tudor was a grade higher than Longines, especially since he was ridiculed by Anliang before wearing Longines.

“Squad leader He, long time no see!” Anliang took the initiative to say hello.

“It turned out to be classmate Anliang, long time no see!” He Siming pretended to be happy.

In fact, he just discovered Anliang, and also saw Li Xiyan, both Anliang and Li Xiyan, both of whom are dressed in luxury brand clothing, this situation makes He Siming a little embarrassed, so he pretended not to see both. people.

Seeing He Siming’s smirk, Anliang suddenly patted He Siming on the shoulder. He did admire He Siming a bit. Not only could this man bend and stretch, but he was also shameless.

Even if Anliang has a lot of new and old grudges with him, but he can just pretend to be okay, how many people can do this? .

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