Chapter 632

“Auntie, Xiyan, I’m leaving first. My dad sent me a message. We need me to attend the celebration party at AXA.” Anliang sat on the sofa and checked the message sent by AXA.

An Shengyu intends to cultivate Anliang’s prestige in An Sheng Construction Company. The last time the bonus was given was to introduce Anliang to the core competitiveness team of An Sheng Construction.

Now let Anliang participate in the celebration banquet, that is to introduce Anliang to the management and logistics staff of AXA Construction, so that Anliang’s symbol is also branded into AXA Construction, and Anliang can feel the corporate culture of AXA Construction.

Liu Ling responded, “Okay. I heard that Chengyuan and Mingde will also attend your AXA celebration banquet, please go over quickly, you are the protagonist today!”

Li Xiyan said, “By the way, Anliang, I will go shopping with Feifei Sun and Song Xinxin tomorrow.”

“Do you want me to accompany you?” Anliang asked back.

“I mean I don’t want you to accompany you!” Li Xiyan replied, “They are all single, so I told me that I don’t want to take you there.”

“Excessive!” Anliang pretended to be dissatisfied.

Go to the little vixen’s side tomorrow!

Anliang left Li Xiyan’s house and went to Ansheng Construction Company.

At Li Xiyan’s house, when Anliang left, Liu Ling asked while trying on a Louis Vuitton scarf, “How much did you spend on him?”

“Huh?” Li Xiyan was stunned for a moment.

“What’s the situation with these things?” Liu Ling asked.

Li Xiyan responded, “We went to the National Financial Center today, and Anliang bought a briefcase for his dad, and by the way, he bought and bought various items.

Liu Ling looked at her daughter with a headache. Li Xiyan seemed a little confused about the amount of money?

“How much do these cost?” Liu Ling asked.

“I didn’t pay attention, maybe more than 50,000, right?” Li Xiyan responded.

Liu Ling got even more headache. She educates, “Do you know the concept of more than fifty thousand yuan?”(Read more @

“I know!” Li Xiyan responded.

“You don’t know!” Liu Ling retorted.

“My salary is 10,000 yuan before tax. After deducting personal income tax and related social security payments, I finally got only 7,500 yuan.” Liu Ling explained.

“I just work for half a year without food or drink, and I still can’t save 50,000 yuan.” Liu Ling added.

Li Xiyan retorted, “Mom, I know what you are going to say, but your thinking is out of date, okay?”

Liu Ling looked at Li Xiyan silently.

“We discussed this issue before. Mom, the times are changing, the specific situation, specific analysis. Anliang spends money for me, that is a form of expression that he likes me.” Li Xiyan explained.

“This form of expression is not different from helping to prepare meals, helping to prepare hot water, asking for warmth, sending brown sugar water, etc., in fact, there is no difference in essence. It is just a good performance for me.” Li Xiyan gave an example.

“Why do many people dislike the form of spending money to show good things, and even demonize this form, and discredit this form. In fact, the fundamental reason is that the rich are in the minority, and the majority have no money, so most people Occupying the right to speak, all kinds of demons and ghosts will appear.” Li Xiyan pointed to the essence.

Is it really a problem to win favors through money?

As Li Xiyan said, there is essentially no difference in the way of showing good through money.

It’s just being turned into demons and ghosts!

“For Anliang, he wants to be nice to me, he wants to let me know, so he is willing to buy it for me, and I did not stop him.” Li Xiyan explained.

“If I stop him and don’t accept his favors, and I have to divide it very clearly with him in terms of money, isn’t it telling him that I am not willing to accept his favors?” Li Xiyan asked back.

“Money is just a way of expressing good things!” Li Xiyan looked at Liu Ling, “Mom, you treat it with a fair eye and treat it as an ordinary thing. I sent me cold medicine and took care of me. Is it acceptable?”

Liu Ling retorted, “But sending things is not to take care of you when you are sick!”

“We first ignore the question of whether Anliang can come and take care of me when I am sick.” Li Xiyan continued, “Is the essence of sending medicine and taking care of me when I am sick is good for one person?”

“Yes.” Liu Ling affirmed.

“Is the essence of shopping gifts good for one person?” Li Xiyan asked again.

Liu Ling cannot deny this!

If you are not willing to be nice to someone, how can you be willing to spend money?

“Yes.” Liu Ling continued to respond.

“So their essence is that they are the same to be good to others, but it is easier to deliver medicines and take care of people when they are sick, and to be recognized by more people. Only then do they feel that this method is correct and that it is wrong to show good through money. “Li Xiyan’s rational analysis.

Liu Ling was silent. She was persuaded by Li Xiyan’s remarks, because looking at the essence through the phenomenon, Li Xiyan indeed pointed out the problem sharply.

Although it is inevitable that some people will make different choices because of money, the choice in that situation is just against the mainstream ethics.

The mainstream morality is the morality of most people, but is the mainstream morality correct?

If the mainstream moral values ​​are 100% correct, what else is the law for?

In the simplest example, cheating violates the mainstream moral values, but in the law, it is not illegal, it is just an immoral behavior.

So understand?

Brother Liang must be a good man who abides by the law! .

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