Chapter 633

In Li Xiyan’s home, she helped Liu Ling to shed the clouds and mist, explaining the nature of money in the relationship between men and women.

“Mom, don’t worry, I have a sense of measure.” Li Xiyan added, “I understand your thoughts. In fact, your thoughts have some truth.”

“Take me and Anliang as an example. He is willing to spend money on me. That’s because he is willing to treat me well, so it conforms to the theory I said before.” Li Xiyan explained.

“But if I take the initiative, I ask Anliang to buy, and even if his financial conditions do not allow him, he also forcibly demand high consumption, that’s what you said, this is not good!” Li Xiyan added.

Liu Ling secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although Li Xiyan’s values ​​were more rational, there was no problem.

“Mom, try this scarf. It is made of 100% wool. It feels very comfortable. It is also very comfortable to wrap around the neck. There is no bristle fiber that makes the neck uncomfortable.” Li Xiyan explained.

After Liu Ling accepted Li Xiyan’s values, she also happily accepted the gift from Anliang.

On the other hand, in the AXA Construction Company, An Shengyu took Anliang around the company and introduced Anliang to everyone, so that everyone knew Anliang and knew that Anliang was the future successor of AXA Construction.

It’s half past five in the evening.

Holiday five-star hotel.

AXA Construction Co., Ltd. booked a venue to hold a celebration banquet. Chengyuan’s Wu Zhengfeng, Mingde’s Liu Deming, and the heads and brains of large and small companies in the Xicheng Development Plan have joined the AXA Construction celebration.

This time, AXA banned zero degrees, allowing AXA to show off in the Shengqing circle and establish a strong image.

In the past, AXA, although everyone knows that AXA is connected to the sky, there is no specific concept.

Now this concept has been concretized!

An Shengyu greeted the guests with Anliang and introduced him to relevant personal information in the real estate industry in the Shengqing circle. Two hours later, Anliang said that he did not remember a few people.

Mainly there are too many people!

Of course, it doesn’t matter if you can’t remember it, let’s find out about the interpersonal scanning system?

At the celebration banquet, Anliang became the absolute protagonist!(Read more @

After all, everyone is not a fool. They know very well that Ansheng’s changes come from Anliang, not Anshengyu.

In the corner of the celebration banquet, a young woman looked at Anliang who was chatting and laughing with the big guys, and she sighed inwardly.

Anliang did not find this young woman. He walked towards Wu Zhengfeng with a glass of champagne.

Chengyuan Real Estate Group is a giant in the Shengqing circle, and there are many people around Wu Zhengfeng.

“Uncle Wu, shall we go outside for a walk?” Anliang greeted.

“Okay!” Wu Zhengfeng responded, and then said to the people around him, “I’m sorry, everyone, let’s get out of here.”

Anliang and Wu Zhengfeng took champagne and walked to the back garden of the Holiday Inn. There is an open-air swimming pool in the back garden. Unfortunately, it is winter and no one swims.

The two walked to the swimming pool, sat on beach chairs, and placed champagne on the beach table.

“Uncle Wu, thank you this time!” Anliang thanked him.

“You’re welcome!” Wu Zhengfeng responded, “As Xiaoan said, it was a simple effort.”

For Chengyuan, getting rid of Zero Degree is really just a matter of effort.

“By the way, Uncle Wu, the share of the next bus is out, and you can get one-tenth of what you said before.” Anliang explained.

Wu Zhengfeng helped, no matter whether it was just a handy effort, the other party helped!

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So Anliang wants to be courteous.

“We can’t determine the specific profit rate right now. If Uncle Wu is worried about risks, we will look for opportunities to cooperate in the future.” Anliang said casually.

“My old Wu has been through wind and rain for more than 20 years. What kind of risk hasn’t been experienced?” Wu Zhengfeng added, “Cut the cake bigger?”

“Uncle Wu is a bit greedy!” Anliang laughed and teased.

“I learned it from your kid!” Wu Zhengfeng joked, “Lao Liu just spit on you, saying that you pitted him in five parking spaces in the sky realm, and you didn’t even let go of the 50,000 gas card.”

0 …. …….

“Mosquito legs, it’s fragrant, right?” Anliang laughed happily.

“Yes! It’s really fragrant!” Wu Zhengfeng responded.

“Uncle Wu, from the current point of view, this piece of cake is already the largest, and your portion is already one-third of what I can divide, understand?” Anliang’s divided share is 1.5 billion.

He gave Wu Zhengfeng a share of 500 million in one bite, which is indeed a great deal!

“Thank you!” Wu Zhengfeng responded, and he added, “I listened to what Old Liu said, he also wants to join in, what do you think?”

“It’s a little bit off.” Anliang responded.

Wu Zhengfeng breathed a sigh of relief. It took him 90 million to enter the threshold. If Liu Deming casually discounted less than two million and came in, Wu Zhengfeng must have uncomfortable thoughts in his heart.

Anliang has a good control of people’s hearts. He understands what Wu Zhengfeng means by listening to his mouth, so he directly refused.

“Our car is not bad for money. The main thing is to find someone to carry the pot. If Uncle Wu can withstand the pressure, it won’t be a problem for me to cut a little cake for you.” Anliang joked. on.

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