Chapter 639

‘Ding! ’

‘Special task: Help Liu Xinyi solve the white flour crisis! ’

‘Task reward: The final reward will be comprehensively assessed based on the number of white flours solved, the loss of the National Security Investigation Bureau, and the loss of Haipu Organization. ’

Did it trigger the special task of the Life Winner System?

Although there are special tasks provided by the Life Winner System, Anliang still asks Liu Xinyi for benefits.

The benefits provided by the Life Winner System are provided by the Life Winner System. Why can’t Brother Liang pick up the wool again and choose to take it all?

“We will reward commendations and pennants, as well as certain bonuses.” Liu Xinyi responded.


There is nothing wrong with the pennants!

As for the bonus?

It is recommended not to have extravagant hopes!

“How much bonus do you offer?” Anliang asked.

Liu Xinyi thought for a while before responding, “If all two tons of white flour are seized, we should provide a bonus of two million!”

Sure enough, there should be no extravagant expectations.

In the terminal market, two tons of high-purity white flour are worth at least one billion!

“You are so generous!” Anliang teased.

“Because our money is clean.” Liu Xinyi responded, “More importantly, you can get our friendship, do you understand?”(Read more @

“It’s almost meaning.” Anliang teased.

Liu Xinyi frowned, “If you really have a solution to this matter, I can match you up and let you negotiate terms.”

“No problem!” Anliang replied, “The last time we had a string of negotiations?”

Liu Xinyi guessed it as soon as she heard it. Anliang probably guessed what happened last time, “Change the place!”

“You choose?” Anliang joked with a chuckle, “I shouldn’t meet a gangster again this time, right?”

Liu Xinyi gave Anliang a white glance, “Wait a moment, I’ll get in touch.”

After speaking, Liu Xinyi got her phone back, and she walked to the corridor not far away to send a message.

After nearly five minutes, Liu Xinyi came back again, “Let’s go, we will have a guest at the State Guest House at noon.”

“State Guest House, yes, I haven’t been there yet!” Anliang responded.

Nearly half an hour later, Liu Xinyi and Anliang arrived at the State Guest House. Under the leadership of a special person, the two arrived in a small box in Fangfei Garden of the State Guest House.

There were only two middle-aged people in the box. Liu Xinyi introduced Anliang, “Anliang, let me introduce you to us…”

Anliang interrupted Liu Xinyi directly, “You don’t need to tell me who they are, and I am not interested in knowing, just introduce the name. Of course, you just introduced a pseudonym, and I have no opinion.

The middle-aged man on the left heard Anliang interrupt Liu Xinyi’s remarks, and he laughed, “Little brother, you are very interesting!”

Anliang responded jokingly, “It is said in the TV series that the more you know, the faster you die. I don’t want to die, so I don’t want to know your situation. .”

Anliang continued, “Ask the name of the State Guesthouse early, and hope not to let me down!”

“Introduce myself, my name is Huang Guoxiang, and my real name is Huang Guoxiang.” The middle-aged man on the left also joked, saying that he introduced his real name.

“This one is my partner Zhou Shiwen. He talks less, so you don’t have to worry about him.” Huang Guoxiang explained.

Anliang nodded and said, “I don’t need to introduce myself? After all, you have investigated me, you have investigated me thoroughly, right?

Huang Guoxiang did not answer the call, he asked, “This time Haipu’s white flour problem, can little brother have a way to solve it?”

“How do you want to solve it?” Anliang asked 0 ……..

“Little brother, what solution?” Huang Guoxiang asked the same.

“The simplest thing is, of course, I will provide you with information, and you will solve the problem yourself.” Anliang explained, “You have investigated me, and naturally know my situation in Tyrande, I should be able to get Haipu’s information. ”

Huang Guoxiang did not refute.

“Isn’t it simple?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

“If it is the simplest solution, you send me a pennant of enthusiastic citizens, and reward me two million by the way, I can accept it.” Anliang explained.

In fact, there is another hidden benefit!

Liu Xinyi said before that Anliang’s help to solve this problem can get the goodwill and friendship of the National Security Investigation Bureau. At least in some cases, the National Security Investigation Bureau will consider Anliang’s value.

“As for the not-so-simple solution, let me talk about Tyrande’s situation first. At present, Tyrande’s situation is turbulent. Our Renyi Security Company’s situation there is also relatively bad. If we can get some help, this time we will act. You can ask Renyi Security Company to assist you in dealing with it.” Anliang hinted.

“After all, there are many conflicts in the white flour business. Even if I provide you with information, Haipu will definitely be guarded by a full two tons of goods. If it is hidden in Tyrande, you should not be able to solve it?” Anliang reminded At each other.

Even if the National Security Investigation Agency is powerful, but it wants to solve the problem across borders?

Quite difficult! .

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