Chapter 640

State Guest House, Fangfei Garden.

Faced with Anliang’s crazy hints, how can Huang Guoxiang not understand?

The fact is, as Anliang said, if the two tons of white noodles organized by Haipu have entered the country of Xia, as long as there is specific intelligence, the National Security Investigation Bureau can naturally do it.

But what if the two tons of white noodles organized by Haipu have not yet entered the country of Xia?

The staff of Xia Guo’s National Security Investigation Bureau wanted to enter Tyrande. If they were discovered, it would be a big problem and might cause international disputes.

According to Anliang, if Haipu’s white noodles are in Tyrande’s situation, Renyi Security Company will assist their National Security Investigation Bureau to solve the problem.

Looking at the silent Huang Guoxiang, Anliang added, “Of course, when our Renyi Security Company is operating, there may be a shortage of manpower, so we still need to recruit some manpower.”

Huang Guoxiang second 08 understand!

Anliang’s meaning is that if the National Security Investigation Bureau is not worried about Renyi Security Company, for example, Renyi Security Company is black and black, and then takes the benefits of the National Security Investigation Bureau and swallows the white flour of Haipu.

In order to avoid such a situation, the National Security Investigation Bureau can arrange for several people to join Renyi Security Company and participate in the entire operation.

“By the way, if we seize the white noodles…” Anliang paused deliberately, and he looked at Huang Guoxiang.

Huang Guoxiang also looked at Anliang, waiting for Anliang’s answer.

“No matter how much is captured, we will give it to you intact. As for how you want to arrange it, that is your business. Of course, if you want to transport it back as a trophy promotion, we can also provide some convenience and assistance.” Anliang gave his answer.

Although high-purity white noodles are very valuable, what about?

Some money, untouchable!

Anliang is now starting with Tianhu, and he can definitely draw any cards he wants. Why do he even touch these things that can’t be touched?

Huang Guoxiang breathed a sigh of relief, a look of admiration flashed in his eyes.

“What kind of help does your Renyi Security Company need?” Huang Guoxiang began to lean toward this plan.

“If the Haipu organization’s white flour is already in the country, and everything we just discussed is invalidated, you can prepare a pennant for me and it will be over!” Anliang repeated.

“But if Haipu’s white flour is still in Tyrande and we assisted you in solving this matter, we hope you invite us to investigate one matter.” Anliang explained.(Read more @

“I heard that some QN2 devices have been lost somewhere recently. There seem to be a full fifty of them. We hope to help you investigate this matter.” Anliang hinted crazily.

Huang Guoxiang still directly understands Anliang’s suggestion.

The QN2 equipment is Xia Guo’s most advanced individual combat missile at present. It has super portability. Individual soldiers can carry six pieces, strike a range of two kilometers, and have the ability to automatically lock targets.

This individual automatic missile is an absolute weapon for striking vehicles, fixed targets, and even helicopters!

As for the individual bazooka?

grown ups!

Times have changed!

In 2020, what bazookas are you still playing?

Is it something that the helicopter can avoid casually?

If you switch to QN2, try to hide from the helicopter?

“Impossible!” Huang Guoxiang refused directly.

Anliang responded with a smile, “Could it be that you have investigated the number of missing?”

This is a bargain!

Huang Guoxiang responded negatively, “Your intelligence is wrong! We did not lose the QN2 equipment.”

“That’s a pity!” Anliang directly expressed his willingness to suspend cooperation, “The speed of serving food in this state guesthouse is a bit slow!”

“I’ll urge you!” Huang Guoxiang answered, and he walked out of the box along the way.

Zhou Shiwen stood up silently, “I’m going to the bathroom.”

Anliang didn’t care about the two of them at all, they just changed a place to discuss, or even asked for instructions.

Liu Xinyi watched Huang Guoxiang and Zhou Shiwen leave, she lowered her voice and said, “Anliang, they are…”

Anliang interrupted Liu Xinyi directly, “I just said, I don’t want to know who they are, we just eat and brag today.”

If the talk becomes a thing, then naturally everyone is happy!

If the talks are not completed, today’s things will cease to exist, and Anliang really does not want to know too many things.

Liu Xinyi nodded clearly.

“Two tons of white noodles, don’t you like it?” Liu Xinyi asked curiously.

“Ten billion?” Anliang asked rhetorically.

“Almost.” Liu Xinyi responded.

“A mere billion, will I be moved?” Anliang sneered. “Well, if you don’t understand, you will eat vegetables later, while you are single, eat more vegetables!”

“How do you know that I am single?” Liu Xinyi asked dissatisfiedly.

Probably the pure essence score is 100, right?

Coupled with Liu Xinyi’s special work unit, can ordinary people stand it?

Anyway, Anliang said he couldn’t stand it!

Judging from the situation disclosed by Liu Xinyi, Anliang can conclude that she knows that she is a good man, and that she knows the existence of Chen Siyu, Yang Maoyi and Li Xiyan.

After all, it is a staff member of the National Security Investigation Bureau. When such a person is a girlfriend, do they expect to have privacy? .

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