Chapter 643

In the State Guest House, Anliang answered Zhou Shiwen’s question, and he checked the prompts issued by the Life Winner System.

‘Ding! ’

‘The host tasted a variety of national banquet dishes in the state guesthouse throughout the years, and the taste buds were satisfied. ’

‘Congratulations to the host for getting a [Premium Consumer Cashback Card]’

Advanced consumer cashback card:

Single consumption limit: 5 million

Consumption cashback coefficient:-Random 1 to 9 times

Number of cashback consumption: 1 time

It turned out to be a premium cashback card!

So this time, regardless of whether the cooperation is reached or not, Liang Ge guaranteed to earn a high-level consumer cashback card?

About ten minutes later, Huang Guoxiang returned to the box, and he looked at Anliang with complicated eyes.

“We agree to your request conditionally.” Huang Guoxiang responded straightforwardly.

“What conditions?” Anliang asked rhetorically.

“If we find that you use QN2 for evil, we will fully target you.” Huang Guoxiang stated the conditions.

Anliang agreed, “No problem!”

“How long will it take you to get it done?” Huang Guoxiang asked.

“Three days!” Anliang responded, “Today is the 9th, and I leave the Imperial Capital on the 12th. Before I leave, I can promise to solve all problems.”

“Are you sure?” Huang Guoxiang asked rhetorically.

“I’m sure.” Anliang said affirmatively, “Lao Huang, ask Lao Zhou and Liu Xinyi. When you first went to the bathroom, I had already ordered the organization to target Haipu.”

“You make a list. If there is no accident, they will be on holiday on Hongkang Island in three days.” Anliang added.

Huang Guoxiang looked at Zhou Shiwen.

Zhou Shiwen nodded silently.

“Xiao Liu, you send the list we want to Mr. An.” Huang Guoxiang ordered.

Liu Xinyi directly sent a picture to Anliang, which contained sixteen names.(Read more @

After reading it, Anliang responded, “There are a lot of people, don’t you care about life or death?”

Huang Guoxiang did not insist, “Try to live as much as possible.”

“Understood.” Anliang used Renyi Security’s internal communication plan to send the list, and then called Huang Guoxiang in front of him, “Number one, has the information been received?”

“Received.” Tang Jinsheng responded.

“Send the information to Brother Song Ren, I will get the results today, and then send these packages to Hongkang Island, and when they are delivered to contact me, I will arrange for someone to receive them.” Anliang ordered.

“By the way, get rid of the entire Haipu and find their supply by the way. You wait.” Anliang paused to look at Huang Guoxiang.

“Lao Huang, do you arrange for someone to go there?” Anliang asked.

Huang Guoxiang looked at Liu Xinyi, “How many people can we arrange to go there?”

“That’s your business, one is not too little, and ten is not too much. Of course, if you want to bring things back, I suggest you people more, so as not to be messed up on the road and suspect me.” Said.

“Forget it, I provide delivery service, deliver things to your doorstep, and you arrange for someone to receive it yourself, is that okay?” Anliang said intimately.

“Okay!” Huang Guoxiang nodded affirmatively, “Then let’s arrange ten people over.”

Anliang made an’OK’ gesture, and he continued to tell Tang Jinsheng, “On the 1st, I will arrange ten people to go there. They belong to Xia Guo’s National Security Investigation Bureau. The information you should keep confidential should be kept secret. Take them anyway. Find two tons of goods and send them to the coastline of Xia State by the way. They will arrange for someone to pick up the goods.”

“Okay.” Tang Jinsheng responded.

“Prepare for action, I hope there will be results today.” Anliang ordered.

“Received.” Tang Jinsheng still responded concisely.

Anliang hung up the phone, “I’ve done it here, Huang, you can arrange the investigation of QN2. I hope that when we send the white noodles you want, you will send them the relevant investigation materials and let them Take it back and study the case slowly.”

Huang Guoxiang understood Anliang’s meaning, and turned to QN2 with one hand?

If 50 pieces of QN2 are used to wipe out the Haipu organization, it will definitely be a great achievement for the National Security Investigation Bureau.

More importantly, Anliang gave the money back!

According to the intelligence obtained by the National Security Investigation Bureau, in the past five years, Haipu Group has sent at least 1,000 kilograms of high-purity white flour to the country every year.

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If this organization can be killed, it would be a universal celebration!

“Okay, we will prepare the relevant information. After you get it done here, we will notify you of the docking location and the relevant identification code.” Huang Guoxiang said.

“No problem.” Anliang responded.

Huang Guoxiang added, “Mr. An, let’s leave a contact information, please feel free to contact us after you get it done.”

Anliang teased, “Old Huang, just let Liu Xinyi send me your number. My contact information, you must have it.”

Huang Guoxiang coughed, “We did investigate Mr. An before, after all, the power that Mr. An showed before was too amazing.”

0 …… 0

“I think the power shown now is even more amazing.” Anliang responded, “I met Liu Xinyi in Tyrande before. She was investigating Haipu at that time, right?”

“As a result, after so long, have you still not closed the Internet?” Anliang teased.

Huang Guoxiang was speechless.

“Just kidding, you have your own rules of conduct. The main reason is that there are too many restrictions, so we have no restrictions. So, we will be friends in the future. I can help with Tyrande.” Anliang responded Tao.

“Thank you for the hospitality, it’s late, I’ll take a step first.” Anliang got up, “Liu Xinyi, you remember to send me Lao Huang’s mobile phone number.”

Liu Xinyi nodded silently.

Huang Guoxiang greeted, “Xiao Liu, you send Mr. An.”

“Okay.” Liu Xinyi followed up and sent Anliang out.

When Anliang and Liu Xinyi left, Huang Guoxiang asked, “Lao Zhou, do you think he can do it in three days?”

“Although from a rational point of view, I know that the Haipu organization is very strong, and I also know that the high-level executives of the Haipu organization are very cunning, but I believe he can handle it.” Zhou Shiwen responded.

Huang Guoxiang nodded slightly, “Only three days! If he really does it, we will have a huge help, and the situation in Tyrande will be even better in the future!”

“It’s not that simple, he asked for QN2 this time, what about next time?” Zhou Shiwen responded. on.

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