Chapter 644

Tyrande, Guman.

Today’s Guman is still a city of congestion and noise. A large number of tourists from all over the world enter the capital of Tyrande without realizing the turbulent undercurrent of Guman today.

At present, in Guman’s underground forces, Renyi Security Company and Ren’an Investment Company account for 70% of the shares, but no one knows that the remaining 30% is actually in the hands of both parties, but it is not clear. It’s just taking over on the surface.

When Anliang’s order was passed to Renyi Security Company, Renyi Security Company immediately started operating at high speed, and Ren’an Investment Company was also cooperating with the action.

A warehouse in the old town of Guman, this is the nest of Haipu organization.

The leader Surraza asked, “Wei guess, is there no information about that kid Renwei?”

Lunwei is the hapless man who was beaten into the hospital by Anliang.

Wei Chai is the warehousing and freight supervisor of Haipu Organization. He is responsible for all shipments. Lun Wei is Wei Chai’s younger brother and a fellow from the same town.

“There is no news for the time being. According to our agreement, he should contact us one hour and twenty minutes before and give back information.” Weichai responded.

“Something must have happened!” Su Lacha said affirmatively, “Pay close attention to the situation in Xia Guo. By the way, there is no problem with this batch of goods, right?”

“Boss rest assured, there is absolutely no problem with this batch of goods. We have hidden this batch of goods at the border between Tyrande and Xia Guo, waiting for the buyer from Xia Guo to confirm the information, and then we will ship it here. In the past.” Wei Guai explained.

“No delivery for the time being, the situation on Xia Guo’s side is unstable.” Su Lacha responded, “By the way, the bastard Silifung went to the bar again?”

Si Lifeng is the chief financial officer of Haipu Organization. He has a bad habit. He likes going to bars very much and he likes the feeling of hugging left and right.

Weichai responded, “Yes.”

“This bastard!” Surraza responded, “You tell him, let him keep a low profile, don’t make trouble for me, Renyi and Ren’an are a bit strong recently.”

Weichai responded, “Boss, don’t worry, Wangxi went with him, and there are three younger brothers.”(Read more @

Wangxi is the head of security for the Haipu organization.

“It’s always good to be careful, I always feel that this bastard is going to cause us trouble.” Suratcha hummed.

In fact, Suratcha got it right!

Whether it is Silifung or Wangxi, it has now been controlled by Renyi Security Company and asked about the location of the warehouse in the old city. The personnel of Renyi Security Company have already touched the outside of the warehouse in the old city.

The combat team of Renyi Security Company is very well equipped, whether it is combat uniforms, firearms, or various tactical equipment, almost all of the United States is currently in service.

When the battle team of Renyi Security Company surrounded the warehouse in the old city, the smoke grenades were thrown in along with the shock bomb, and then the battle team of Renyi Security Company rushed in.

The battle team of Renyi Security Company is entirely an elite combat unit, while the white-faced men organized by Haipu are untrained and unorganized native chickens. The raid was very successful.

Both Surach and Wichai were captured alive!

Within two hours after Anliang gave the order, the highest level of the Haipu organization was almost completely wiped out, and the middle and low levels were being continuously tracked and intercepted.

If there is no accident, I am afraid that it is exactly as Anliang ordered. He hopes that there will be results today.

When Renyi Security Company and Ren’an Investment Company acted, Anliang left the State Guest House accompanied by Liu Xinyi.

“Where do you want to go?” Liu Xinyi asked 0 ……..

“Yunjing International Apartment.” Anliang responded, “By the way, did you block part of the road leading to the airport before?”

Liu Xinyi responded positively, “Well, we are trying to intercept Renwei Valarillo. He is the pioneer of Haipu Organization. If we catch him, we will have the opportunity to learn more about Haipu Organization.

“He is useless, we will definitely help you disintegrate the Haipu organization.” Anliang said calmly.

Liu Xinyi looked at Anliang with complicated eyes, “Are you sure you can do it?”

“Do you think Haipu Organization is very powerful?” Anliang replied casually, “The White Face Organization has no future in Tyrande. It is 2020, not 2000. Taking Ren’an Investment as an example, we rely on Tyrande to provide financial services. Service, with the help of Tyrande’s special situation, the entire Guman is our ranch, understand?”

“You have investigated me, and you should know what kind of power we hold in Guman. Under such circumstances, what do you think we can’t make money?” Anliang added.

According to Anliang’s suggestion, Renyi Security and Ren’an Investment have now seized 20% of Guman’s small and medium loan services, and are continuing to expand the market.

Guman has a population of 9 million and accounts for 44% of Tyland’s total economic output. In such a market, Renyi Security and Ren’an Investment are accelerating their occupation of the small and medium loan service market.

Once it occupies more than half of the market in the future, there may be billions of Xia Guoyuan-level profits every year!

White flour business?

How much white noodles do you have to sell to have so much money?

Anliang wants QN2 to protect this business, so that Renyi Security and Ren’an Investment can further expand the market and become the new overlord in this field! .

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