Chapter 645

The small and medium-sized loan services provided by Renyi Security and Ren’an Investment were naturally not discovered by the National Security Investigation Bureau. What if they were discovered?

Small and medium loan services in Tyland are not illegal!

Even in Xia Guo, small and medium loan services are not illegal. Take Mr. Malaysia’s Huabei and Borrowed Shells as examples. These two small and medium loan services are almost integrated into the lives of most netizens. Is it illegal?

In view of Tyland’s special situation, Anliang switched its small and medium-sized loan service from online to offline. Anyway, Ren’an Investment Company has a large number of staff behind the scenes, making them suitable for offline services.

How about being a gangster one day?

Yunjing International Apartment.

After Liu Xinyi sent Anliang, she left directly. Her current perception of Anliang is very complicated, and she needs to slow down.

Anliang didn’t care about Liu Xinyi, he walked into the lobby.

Shu Jie, the entrance lobby manager, greeted, “Mr. An, welcome you home!”

Anliang nodded slightly, then walked into the elevator and chose the eighty-eighth floor.

Room 8806.

Anliang verified his fingerprint and opened the door. He has not told Chen Siyu that he has come to the Imperial City because he wants to give Chen Siyu a surprise.

But room 8806 is very quiet, and Chen Siyu is not in the living room.

Anliang walked to the bedroom. He found that the bedroom door was hidden, the curtains in the room were closed, the lights were turned off, and there was a figure on the bed. It seems that the big cat in the capital is taking a nap?

Anliang walked over with light feet and hands, he was ready to surprise Chen Siyu!

However, when Anliang cautiously pounced on the figure on the bed, he found the problem, because the person on the bed was Ning Ruoshuang, not Chen Siyu.

To make matters worse, Ning Ruoshuang opened his eyes!

Anliang’s current movements are very embarrassing. He threw himself on Ning Ruoshuang. He originally thought it was Chen Siyu, so he planned to wait for Chen Siyu to open his eyes and give Chen Siyu an affectionate kiss.

The result became Ning Ruoshuang…


Is something bad?

Ning Ruoshuang looked at Anliang, Anliang looked at Ning Ruoshuang, the two of them stared at each other!

This situation is simply a dilemma, right?


It seems that the other party’s attitude is not clear.

Take a step back?

Can’t bear it!

Ning Ruoshuang’s appearance is the highest among the girls that Anliang knows. The more important thing is that Ning Ruoshuang has a frosty temperament, which makes people want to melt her and see if her heart is hot?(Read more @

Anliang uses a brand-new interpersonal scanning system to view Ning Ruoshuang’s information.

Ning Ruoshuang:

Age: 20

Height: 172cm

Weight: 52kg

Face value: 98

Build: 92

Favor: 85

Pure essence: 100

Morality: 90

Good health: 92

Once Ning Ruoshuang’s special attribute was 96 points, now it is broken into three into more detailed information.

Is the morality exactly 90 points?


So need to take a gamble?

“You won’t get up yet?” Ning Ruoshuang’s cold voice came.

Hearing Ning Ruoshuang’s voice, instead of getting up, Anliang directly regarded Ning Ruoshuang as Chen Siyu and kissed him according to the original plan.

Ning Ruoshuang was stunned!

She opened her eyes wide, and she didn’t seem to believe that Anliang kissed her directly!

While waiting for her to react, Anliang had already broken through her defense.

Ning Ruoshuang has never been in love before, even holding hands, let alone kissing or something. She and Song Qian yelled to let Chen Siyu share Anliang or something. In fact, it was more of a mouthful. Envy of Chen Siyu.

Now it seems that it is really developing in the direction of the mouth, Ning Ruoshuang is worried again!

What if Chen Siyu finds out?

However, even Ning Ruoshuang did not find the biggest problem herself. Her first reaction when she was forced to kiss by Anliang was actually worried about being discovered by Chen Siyu, and nothing else!

For example, shouldn’t Anliang kiss her?

This question seems to be ignored by Ning Ruoshuang?

Anliang strongly kissed Ning Ruoshuang, and he finally confirmed one thing, this girl just seemed to feel cold.

Because he found Ning Ruoshuang awkwardly responding to him!

Just now, Anliang was ready to be slapped, but did he bet right?

In this round, Mr. Ann won again?

Anliang is clearly well-informed, he is no longer satisfied with the current situation.

Mr. An has super-evolved, and An Lushan is transformed into a state!

The Claws of Anlu Mountain are dispatched!

In the past, Anliang always said that Ning Ruoshuang is a red panda. I saw later that he was not. Now, I have personally checked it. It is not a red panda. It definitely meets the C-level standard.

Sure enough, the situation of some people is just invisible on the surface!

Faced with the aggression of Anlu Mountain’s Claw, Ning Ruoshuang did not resist, was she weak, helpless and pitiful?

Sure enough, there are some things that just make mistakes and make mistakes more easily!


Why repent?

How can scumbag men understand the helplessness of a good man like Liang?


After reaching the fourth place in the monthly pass, the humble boy dared to say that he wanted to drop a 1,000 monthly pass suddenly…

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