Chapter 655

It only took less than one minute from Anliang’s decision to purchase to the completion of the credit card, and then it took another five minutes to lay the stone. Just like Liu Xingbang’s bad luck, Anliang’s luck was also bad.

The rough jade stone, which was purchased for two million five minutes ago, is now a piece of rubble, worthless!

Kong Deyi said pretentiously, “Little brother, your luck is not so good!”

Anliang sneered in his heart, he has found the problem!

However, before Anliang went crazy, Liu Xingbang spoke first, “Boss, I don’t think this buddy has bad luck, but your luck.”

Kong Deyi frowned, “What do you mean?”

“What do I mean?” Liu Xingbang sneered, “I mean, you have two choices now.”

“First, return the consumption of my buddy and me intact, and pay compensation in accordance with the false one-for-three rule.” Liu Xingbang responded.

“Heh! The little jerk blackmail?” Kong Deyi sneered, “Do you know where this is?”

Liu Xingbang sneered, “It seems that you have chosen the second path. Okay, then follow the second path. You are suspected of consumer fraud 08, and the amount involved is extremely large. I have notified the patrol department, and you will be honest. Just wait!”

“Heh!” Kong Deyi still sneered, “You are so scared when you are a master? We, Pan Yuan, have Pan Yuan’s rules. I just said that we must leave our hands and be at your own risk.”

Some onlookers expressed their support.

“Yes, our Pan Yuan’s rules are like this!”

“This young man is really not authentic, don’t he admit it if he loses a stone bet?”

“Young man, listen to a word of advice, this kind of thing is a matter of luck, you are bad luck, you can’t blame anyone!”

Liu Xingbang responded calmly, “I remind you in advance that those who are still helping Boss Kong will be dealt with as an accomplice in the fraud case later. I spent a total of 30.9 million yuan, this buddy spent two. Millions, the total amount of fraud is as high as 5.09 million. According to my country’s legal standards, the amount of fraud exceeds 500,000, which belongs to the standard of’extraordinarily huge amount’.”

Liu Xingbang continued, “The standard for a particularly large amount of punishment is a fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years to life imprisonment, and a fine or confiscation of property.”

“According to the situation of Boss Kong defrauding 5.09 million, there is a high probability of life imprisonment and confiscation of property. The penalty standard for accomplices may be three to ten years imprisonment. If you do not want to be implicated, I suggest you leave now. .” Liu Xingbang said calmly.

There were originally people in the crowd supporting Boss Kong, but after Liu Xingbang finished speaking, he silently shut up and even left secretly.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with true or false, because they simply can’t afford to gamble!

What if it is true?

If you are really regarded as an accessory, what about a sentence of three to ten years?(Read more @

That’s not a loss!

Liu Xingbang watched some people who eat melon leave quietly. He looked at Kong Deyi again, “Boss Kong, you have already lost, understand?”

Kong Deyi’s face changed and he snorted coldly, “I don’t understand what you are talking about. I will report the case and contact the police immediately. You are suspected of extortion.”

“Please.” Liu Xingbang responded, “You jade rough stones, all of them are opened stones, and then used a 3D printer to repair fake things.”

“Although they are almost fake and real, the fake is fake. I have taken the corresponding video and left evidence. I will wait for the patrol to come. I hope you will have such a tough performance when facing the patrol. .” Liu Xingbang responded.

Anliang was watching a good show. Is this Zhang Liangji meeting the wall ladder?

Kong Deyi thought that Liu Xingbang was a fat sheep, but Liu Xingbang was the hunter. The goal was to do Kong Deyi in turn?

Kong Deyi’s face became very ugly, he had never thought about being seen through!

“Who are you?” Kong Deyi stared at Liu Xingbang.

“I said, my name is Liu Xingbang!” Liu Xingbang replied, “but the people of the rivers and lakes are called Guishou Six!”

“It turned out to be Six Lord Gui!” Kong Deyi sighed, “Liu Ye Gui, I surrender and beg for a way to survive.”

“Didn’t I give you a way to survive?” Liu Xingbang responded.

Kong Deyi cried and said, “Gui Liu Ye, how can I have so much money, I will return your money to you, you can pick one of the things in the store, and I beg Gui Liu Ye to raise your hand.”

“You are lacking in sincerity!” Liu Xingbang complained. “While begging me to make a living, give me a cover at the same time. What kind of garbage is in your store, can you not know?”

“Give you another opportunity to return our money and buy the jade we have opened at the same price. We have to sign a contract, understand?” Liu Xingbang stared at the other party.

Kong Deyi nodded helplessly, “Thank you Gui Liuye.”

Anliang interjected, “So I made a bet for the first time?”

This way of making money is okay!

It turns out that Brother Liang can really pick up the leaks!

Liu Xingbang smiled and said, “Congratulations, buddy for missing two million!”

“You are polite!” Anliang responded with a smile, “Dividing you in half?”

“Too polite!” Liu Xingbang refused, “My share is more, you divide me half, don’t I want to divide you half?”

“Interesting!” Anliang responded with a smile.

This Liu Xingbang is really interesting!

He makes the game by himself and helps Anliang make money by the way. If he doesn’t bring Anliang, it’s okay to blackmail Kong Deyi six million, right?

“Let’s get to know Liu Xingbang, who is nicknamed “Ghost Six”, is a professional faker, and specializes in dealing with scammers like porcelain!” Liu Xingbang re-introduced.

Does Anliang raise his eyebrows and specifically touch the abducted merchants in the porcelain pit?

This kind of talent may be drawn into the action against Bentian Motors!

When Anliang was considering bringing Liu Xingbang into the company, he received a call from Li Cunyuan.

“Hey, Brother Yuan!” Anliang said first, “How did you know that I came to the Imperial Capital?”

“Have you come to the imperial capital?” Li Cunyuan was taken aback.

“Uh!” Anliang asked back, “What’s the matter?”

“Brother Liang, it’s good if you are in the imperial capital. We have encountered something. If we don’t handle it well, we may be smashed!” Li Cunyuan explained.

“We are being shackled?” Anliang wondered, “What’s the situation?”


Update time: 13:30, August 5, 2020

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