Chapter 656

The small group gathered by Brother Liang was squeezed out of wool?

Is not it!

Brother Liang himself is a master of scalping wool. Whether he is scalping the wool with the help of the life winner system or through some business information, he is a master of scalping the wool by himself.

The result is now being stalked wool?

“It’s not clear on the phone for a while. Brother Liang, you’re also in the imperial capital anyway, let’s make an appointment?” Li Cunyuan asked.

Anliang joked, “The image of the three of you is completely gone. You decide the place first, and I will bring Chen Siyu over later.”

Li Cunyuan was unable to complain, and their three images were indeed completely shattered.

“Okay, let’s find a place first, and let’s talk about it after we are sure.” Li Cunyuan responded.

“Okay.” Anliang responded.

Waiting for Anliang to end the call, Tong Deyi, the boss of Tongbaozhai, asked politely, “Brother, what is your account number, I will refund you and purchase your jade.”

This kind of profiteer’s compensation was accepted by Anliang with peace of mind. He even thought about the use of the money. He planned to use the name of Tongbaozhai to donate all of the two million to the children’s welfare home in the Imperial City.

Brother Liang believes that boss Kong Deyi will be grateful if he knows it?

After all, after doing good deeds in the name of Tongbaozhai, after the Imperial Children’s Welfare Institute announced this donation, the relevant media will definitely report on the high meaning of Kong Deyi’s boss without special instructions!

I only hope that the future boss of Kong Deyi can withstand the pressure and continue to do such good deeds to contribute to the charity cause.

Think about this result, it seems pretty good?

After Kong Deyi’s boss paid compensation, Anliang took the initiative to get to know Liu Xingbang, “Dear buddy, add a WeChat 々 “?”

Liu Xingbang refused to respond, “Meeting together, we are uncertain. Friends, goodbye!”

“Everyone make friends?” Anliang invited again.

“Different circles don’t need to be strong.” Liu Xingbang said politely, “I think the buddies must be big shots, and the three teachers and the lower ranks are not on the stage. This time pulling the buddies is also the meaning of sharing the risk together, so there is no need to know? ”

This person is interesting!

“Do you guys have any interest in hitting another profiteer?” Anliang asked casually.

“Which one?” Liu Xingbang asked, “In the past five years, I have also discovered the Tongbaozhai family. After investigating for a little half a year, I finally figured out their family’s routines.”(Read more @

“If you guys still have a way to make a fortune, let’s make another vote!” Liu Xingbang became interested.

“Benzene car.” Anliang responded.

“Huh?” Liu Xingbang was taken aback for a moment.

“Let’s add a WeChat, and I’ll talk about it later.” Anliang said again.

“Okay!” Liu Xingbang agreed, “There is a way to get rich, buddy remember to say hello.”

“No problem.” After Anliang and Liu Xingbang added WeChat, Liu Xingbang hurriedly left.

Anliang returned to the three of Chen Siyu, Song Qian took the first step and teased, “An Daxian deserves to be An Daxian, so I can find out!”

“This is luck!” Anliang responded, and then looked at Chen Siyu, “Siyu, Brother Yuan just called me to make a string, are you going together?”

Chen Siyu laughed, “Brother Yuan, shouldn’t they ask you to go to the bar?”

“Hey, owe to clean up?” Anliang hummed.

Chen Siyu gave Anliang a charmingly white glance, “I have eaten a lot today, so I won’t go to the skewers, you go to the bar to play by yourself.”

“Huh?” Anliang looked at Chen Siyu mockingly, “What’s the matter today?”

“I’m not worried about the crooked melons and dates in the bar!” Chen Siyu said proudly.

Anliang laughed. This imperial cat did not make a mistake. The crooked melons and jujubes in the bar are too pure in nature. How could Brother Liang be tempted?

“Okay, you go back by yourself, brother Yuan and I will go to string together.” After Anliang responded, he called Li Cunyuan.

After waiting to answer, Anliang said first, “Brother Yuan, I’ve done it here, and I can leave at any time.”

“Okay, we have found a new place for skewers, right across from Yunjing International. Hey, Brother Liang, how are we to you?” Li Cunyuan smirked.

“`” Billow, what are you suggesting? Anliang complained.

These three beeps are suggesting that his life is too difficult?

“Send a location, I’ll come here right away.” Anliang hung up after finishing speaking.

“Siyu, I will go back with you.” Anliang explained that the place where the string is diagonally opposite the Yunjing International Apartment.

Chen Siyu replied, “Then we can sit down in the past.”

Song Qian said that she would go home first.

The four of them walked out of Pan Garden and put Song Qian in a taxi. Then Ning Ruoshuang followed Chen Siyu to the BMW M8C, Anliang still drove the Rolls Royce by himself.

This time, Anliang led the way. He drove past according to the positioning sent by Li Cunyuan, and Chen Siyu drove the BMW M8C behind.

Near ten o’clock, the three Anliang arrived at the position of Lu Chuan.

Li Cunyuan chose Lu (the king’s) Chuandi’er is a kebab shop.

Anliang saw Yunhaiyang’s second-hand Porsche Carrera on the side of the road. He stopped behind Yunhaiyang’s car by the way, and Chen Siyu also stopped and bowed.

Anliang walked into the shop with Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang, and saw Li Cunyuan three people, all three of them were accompanied by female companions, and all of them were acquaintances.

Hu Xiaoyu, Miao Xueyi, and Xia Shihan were all seen by Anliang.

So why do they crazily imply that Liang’s life is difficult?


PS: This book is updated with 10 chapters at a time. If there is a problem with the app, it is recommended to switch to the page to view.

The humble author recommends checking it in time and avoiding various modified versions.

Updated at 13:33, August 6, 2020.

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